New Guidance on NORM

HERCA has just published a new guidance on the application of exemption and clearance concepts in the regulation of naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM), which was developed by the Working Party on NORM (WP NORM) according to the Working Group’s on natural radiation sources (WG NAT) Action plan 2018-2021.

This HERCA document seeks to help national authorities achieve a more effective implementation of the EU BSSD provisions on NORM, as well as to explore the prospects of international harmonization, by examining national approaches to the use of exemption and clearance in the regulation of NORM. The document addresses a number of aspects including the application of general and specific exemption and clearance levels, the control of liquid discharges, the establishment of dose criteria and the scenarios considered in dose assessments, the provisions on recovery, reuse and recycling of NORM, and the options available for disposal of NORM waste.



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