Published February 20, 2023 | Version v1
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FASTCAT-Edge: build your own smart camera trap


FASTCAT (Flexible AI SysTem for CAmera Traps)-Edge allows you to assemble an AI camera trap that:

(1) Automatically filters out most unwanted pictures and video streams, keeping images of animals. This saves you time as you don’t have to delete empty recordings or photos.

(2) The camera trap uses bespoke Artificial Intelligence (AI) to automatically identify whether a scene contains an animal or a human, ie, this allows you to only keep animal scenes.

(3) Eventually, this service will connect with biodiversity citizen observatories. So, if you are a citizen scientist who uses a camera trap, you will be able to easily upload the picture to some platforms such as iSpot, Artportalen or Natusfera.

More information:

FASTCAT-Edge has been developed by DynAikon in the Cos4Cloud framework. 

Infographic's designer: Lucas Wainer. 


FASTCAT-Edge_Cos4Cloud infographic.pdf

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COS4CLOUD – Co-designed Citizen Observatories Services for the EOS-Cloud 863463
European Commission