Welcome to YouCAN UK!
We are a religious group for practicing young Catholic adults in the UK,  and stay in touch through a network of WhatsApp Groups. Our simple mission is to connect all young Catholic adults with one another. No one can practice their Faith on their own!
Within the YouCAN  “family” are;
for young Catholic adults between ages 18 and 35
for Catholics between ages 30 and 45 
YouCAN Regional Groups
YouCAN has Regional Groups in;
North West England
North East England
West Midlands
East Midlands
South West England and Wales
South East England
Southern England
Some of these groups have not long been established and are still growing and developing.
YouCAN Chat
Podcasts comprising conversations between young Catholics about their Faith and the life of the Church.
YouCAN Explore
In September 2023 YouCAN launched an online initiative to reach out to young people of no Faith and aims to introduce them to Catholic Christianity.

YouCAN aims to bring all young Catholics together by;

  • operating highly successful WhatsApp groups and regular updates to members via Announcements in our WhatsApp Community
  • maintaining informative Instagram and Facebook accounts with both pics and news
  • organising “Monastery Days” at Regional Spiritual Homes, Retreats and social events at various locations throughout the UK
  • organising Pilgrimages
  • forming partnerships with like minded organisations,  YouPARTNERS,  and working collaboratively with them
  • developing a network of Prayer for Young Catholic adults living in the UK through our WhatsApp Community and with our YouPRAYERPARTNERS
  • establishing, and maintaining, Regional young Catholic adult groups throughout the UK

YOUCAN prayer

GOD OUR FATHER, it is you who give joy to our youth. Enable us to encourage and strengthen one another so that we may both win salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ and, watching or sleeping, live always united to him. Through the same Christ Our Lord.

CF. I THESSALONIANS 5, 9-11; PSALM 43 (42), 4


YouCAN members respect the following guidelines in all that they do;
  • Love God and neighbour
  • We are brothers and sisters in Christ. We help each other get to heaven and grow in holiness
  • YouCAN is predominantly a social group. Discussions of any kind must be conducted in a spirit of humility, and respect that others may hold an equally valid, but different, view.
  • We stand for The One Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church and submit to The Supreme Pontiff, Pope Francis
  • Young Catholic adults in YouCAN come from many different backgrounds and cultures. We respect that others may hold different views, and celebrate Mass in a different way, to ourselves. We can learn from each other.
  • We pray for all members of YouCAN, YouPARTNERS, and all of our Clergy and Religious


YouCAN are actively seeking Partners, being Catholic organisations that already, or aspire to, work with young Catholic adults across the UK. By coming together we bring all of these young people together. We can also utilise our joint resources more effectively. YouPARTNERS are free to continue with their own work, whatever that may be, but have direct access to parts of YouCAN’s website and have agreed to publicise YouCAN.

Our YouPARTNERS (so far!);

Right click and ‘save file as’ to download logos.

Please download the YouCAN logos or templates for your event posters


Why not put YOUR Faith into action, and go out on Mission! YouCAN have created Mission opportunities with our YouPARTNERS, and also advertise opportunities with other organisations. Take a look, and be inspired!


YouCan welcomes the opportunity to advertise jobs suitable for young Catholic adults, and there is no charge! Please send jpegs only to 

Download pray with us poster.

God Calls, National Vocations Office for readings & prayers

Universalis, Office of Readings/Liturgy of the Hours