Unitech facilities

Research Infrastructures

UNITECHs are core facilities to support university researchers' creativity; they provide the latest equipment so as to enhance international competitiveness and encourage participation in research programmes.

UNITECHs provide high-level multidisciplinary technical assistance and services, both inside and outside the University, to stimulate development and innovation in a context that favours the encounter of diverse research fields.

With a view to enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the University’s research, UNITECHs aim to rationalize the use of University resources (human, economic, logistic) that are given over to research, by grouping these into cutting-edge core facilities.

University of Milan UNITECH model is a best practice of centralised management of Core Facilities.

The 4EU+ Alliance has proposed the model in the R&I TRAIN4EU+ project (Transforming ReseArch & INnovation agendas and support in the Alliance) - a project funded by Horizon 2020 "Science with and for Society" call, in order to support research and innovation dimensions of University Alliances.

In WP3 (Sharing research infrastructure and developing research support resources) the topic of sharing research infrastructure and developing research support resources is addressed.

Achievements of WP3 are the following:

Structural and compositional characterization of substances and materials through spectroscopy and diffractometry.

High-performance processors for more than 2.000 cores and 2PB storage on a parallel file system, and an Infiniband communication network.

Transmitted and Fluorescence Optical Microscopy and Electron Microscopy.

Proteomic, lipidomic and metabolomic studies based on mass spectrometry.