Current job opportunities

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At Talent Beyond Boundaries, our mission is to connect skilled refugees with companies seeking their valuable expertise. We don't directly hire for Talent Beyond Boundaries; instead, we serve as a bridge, placing job opportunities from companies on our platform. These openings are specifically provided by companies, allowing refugees to apply and showcase their skills, paving the way for a brighter future filled with meaningful and sustainable employment opportunities.

We are actively recruiting for …

  • Nurses and Nurse Assistants

    Jobs include nurses and nurse assistants to work in hospitals and other healthcare facilities in Canada and the UK.

  • Technology Professionals

    Jobs include IT professionals, computer engineers, software engineers, cybersecurity professionals, etc.

  • Skilled Trades Professionals

    Jobs include wall painters, carpenters, welders, upholsters, tailors, butchers, and construction workers.

  • Accounting and Finance

    Jobs include accountants, finance professionals, internal and external auditors, and business managers.

  • Catering and Hospitality

    Jobs include cooks, chefs, cleaners, hotel receptionists, waiters, hotel managers, and others in this sector.

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