One Big Story is a Bible overview resource. The resource came about as a result of seeing the effectiveness of the Bible Alive programme in schools, and the impact when children are helped to understand the Bible as 'one big story', seeing how the individual stories connect. 

This programme is aimed at SU Groups for children in P5-P7, to take them through a Bible overview over the course of two years. 

Term 1 Resources


  • Introduction

  • Session 1: Beginnings
    The Bible tells us that everything started with God, and the Bible is one way we can find out about God and get to know him. This session covers a brief introduction to the Bible - who wrote it, when it was written and how it is structured.

  • Session 2: Creation
    God made the world and saw that it was good. Humans are a special part of God’s creation, individually designed and made in his image.

  • Session 3: Sin
    When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, his perfect creation was spoiled and their friendship with God was damaged. We all sin too but God still cares for us and has a plan to sort it out.

  • Session 4: Flood
    Sin is a big problem which God can’t just ignore - here he acts to deal with it, but he saves Noah and his family because of Noah’s faith. Today he still saves people who have faith in him.

  • Session 5: Promise
    God made a promise to Abraham that seemed amazing but impossible. Abraham had to wait a long time, but God kept his promise, showing that he is always faithful and that nothing is impossible with God.

  • Session 6: Faith
    Abraham showed faith by trusting God and obeying him even when he was asked to do something very hard that he didn’t understand. God is someone that we can trust and have faith that he has a good plan for us and he won’t let us down. 

  • Session 7: Encounter
    Jacob had cheated his brother and had to run away, but although he had done things that were wrong God still cared and Jacob was changed by his meeting with God. Like Jacob, we may not always realise he is there, but God promises to be with his people today too.

  • Session 8: Trouble
    Lots of things happened to Joseph which were difficult and seemed unfair, but God was still with him and helped him in these times. Like Joseph we have a choice about how we react when things are hard - we can ask God for help in these situations.

  • Session 9: Plan
    Even though Joseph’s brothers had meant to harm him, God had a plan and things turned out well in the end. God has a plan for our lives too - he can help us in the hard times and even bring good things out of them if we trust him.

  • Session 10: Immanuel
    We have talked a lot this term about God being with his people - Noah, Abraham, Jacob and Joseph. Jesus was called Immanuel (God with us) and Christians believe Jesus was God come to live on earth as a human being. Just like with Abraham, God made a promise to Mary which seemed impossible, but she had faith and trusted what God said.

  • Session 11: Party
    This session is slightly different from the others as it is an outline for an end of term party. There will be more time for games than usual, but there is also a pass the parcel game which will help to fill in the details of the Christmas story not covered in the previous session and help the children to continue to reflect on the significance of Christmas.

Click on each pack below to download the resources.

Please note, most of the sessions below are saved as zip files. A zip file just a folder of documents packaged together. Once you have downloaded a zip file, you need to unzip the folder before you can save and use the documents. If you're having trouble downloading or need more help with unzipping, please get in touch






Term 2 Resources


  • Session 12: I Am

    God revealed himself to Moses at the burning bush and called him to a daunting task. It was important that Moses understood who God was so that he could have confidence in the fact that God was with him.

  • Session 13: Challenge

    There are consequences for people who, like Pharaoh, continue to rebel against God. Just because God has told us to do something it doesn’t mean it will be easy. Sometimes, like Moses, we have to keep going, doing the right thing, even when it is really hard. 

  • Session 14: Rescuer

    God has amazing power to rescue, even in situations where it seems impossible. Like the Israelites,
    we can ask God for help when we need it.

  • Session 15: Provider

    Like Moses and the Israelites, we can trust God to provide all our needs. We should be thankful for the things we have, rather than complaining about things we want but don’t have.

  • Session 16: Ruler

    Now that God had rescued the Israelites from slavery and was leading them to their own land, he gave them instructions about how they should live as his people. He gave them these rules because he loved them and wanted them to live in the best way.

  • Session 17: Obedience

    Despite God’s faithfulness to the Israelites, they struggled to be faithful to him and obey him, building a golden calf to worship. We also struggle to obey God’s rules, and there are consequences to that, but God remains faithful.

  • Session 18: Trust

    12 spies explored the Promised Land and brought back their reports, but only two trusted God enough to believe that he would help them get into the land. It is important to God that his people trust him.

  • Session 19: Passover

    When God rescued the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, they were saved by sacrificing a lamb and putting its blood around their doorframe. When Jesus’ body was broken and his blood was shed, he became the perfect sacrifice so that people can be saved from sin by trusting in him.

  • Session 20: Easter

    Jesus was arrested and crucified, but his death on the cross was not the end of the story. He rose to life, and he promises forgiveness and eternal life for those who trust in him.

If you need an extra session this term, you may want to include Session 21 from term 3 between Sessions 18 and 19.

Click on each pack below to download the resources.

Please note, most of the sessions below are saved as zip files. A zip file just a folder of documents packaged together. Once you have downloaded a zip file, you need to unzip the folder before you can save and use the documents. If you're having trouble downloading or need more help with unzipping, please get in touch

 Session 12  Session 13  Session 14  session 15  

Session 16  Session 17  Session 18  Session 19  

Session 20  

Term 3 Resources


  • Session 21: Jericho

    The Israelites were only able to conquer Jericho by trusting in God. It seemed like an impossible task, but by following his instructions they were able to succeed.

  • Session 22: Weakness

    God gives us strength in our weakness. If we depend on him when we are weak, that is when we can see his strength working through us.

  • Session 23: Strength

    The Israelitet seemed like an impossible task, but by following his instructions they were able to succeed.

  • Session 24: Listening

    God speaks - he spoke to Samuel and he speaks to us today. As we get to know him, we can learn to listen and to hear his voice.

  • Session 25: Heart

    God chose David as king because he knew what was in his heart. God knows what we are really like inside and that is what matters to him more than how we look on the surface.

  • Session 26: Giants

    God is powerful. He provided a champion for the Israelites in David, and he provides a champion for us in Jesus.

  • Session 27: Wisdom

    Wisdom comes from God. He gave Solomon the wisdom to rule well as king, and he gives us wisdom as we get to know him through the Bible.

Click on each pack below to download the resources.

Please note, most of the sessions below are saved as zip files. A zip file just a folder of documents packaged together. Once you have downloaded a zip file, you need to unzip the folder before you can save and use the documents. If you're having trouble downloading or need more help with unzipping, please get in touch


Session 21      


Term 4 Resources


  • Session 28: King
    God created the world, but people rejected his rule, and this led to many problems throughout the Old Testament and continuing for us now. From the very beginning, God had a plan to provide a solution by sending Jesus

  • Session 29: Separation
    Disobeying God caused separation for the people as the kingdom split and they were exiled from their land. It also causes separation for us in our relationships with others and with God, but God provides hope of a way for things to be restored.

  • Session 30: Faithful
    Daniel and his friends were taken far from home to a place where everything was different, except one thing. God is always the same, and knowing his faithfulness to them helped them to be faithful too.

  • Session 31: Protection
    Daniel had a difficult choice: to obey the king, or to stay true to God and risk being thrown into the lions’ den. He chose to obey God, and experienced God’s power and protection.

  • Session 32: Rebuilding
    Nehemiah was upset that Jerusalem lay in ruins and he wanted to change that. His first response was to pray, but he also worked hard, and, despite some challenges, God helped him to succeed.

  • Session 33: Waiting
    Although the Israelites had returned to their land and rebuilt the walls, it hadn’t fixed the problem of sin. This was something they couldn’t fix themselves; it was something only God could fix. The people had to wait a long time, but they had promises and prophecies to encourage them.

  • Session 34: Messiah
    Jesus was born, but he was no ordinary baby. He was the promised Messiah. The people’s wait was finally over.

  • Session 35: Baptism
    People were baptised as a response to God – to say that they were putting their old, sinful way of life to death and being raised to new life following God. Jesus was also baptised and he was marked out as the Lamb of God and the Son of God. Jesus is the one who can deal with our sin and give us new life.

  • Session 36: Temptation
    The devil tempted Jesus to do wrong, but he resisted by referring to the Scriptures. We all face temptation too, but knowing what the Bible says can help us too, and we can also pray and ask for God’s help.

  • Session 37: Follow
    Jesus called people to follow him and be his disciples. They were ordinary, imperfect people, but he called them to spend time with him, learn from him, and take part in his work. He still calls people to follow him today.

  • Session 38: Healer
    One of the ways Jesus demonstrated God’s love and power was by healing people. This also fulfilled the prophecy from Isaiah about God’s chosen rescuer. Jesus cares about sick and struggling people today and wants to help them and make them whole. We don’t always see them healed, but we can find hope in God’s promise of complete restoration for his people, and freedom from pain and sickness.

  • Session 39: Christmas
    This session is slightly different from the others as it is an outline for an end of term party. There will be more time for games than usual, but there is an outline for a short talk helping the children to reflect on the significance of Christmas.


Click on each pack below to download the resources.

Please note, most of the sessions below are saved as zip files. A zip file just a folder of documents packaged together. Once you have downloaded a zip file, you need to unzip the folder before you can save and use the documents. If you're having trouble downloading or need more help with unzipping, please get in touch





TERM 5 Resources


  • Session 40: Power

    Jesus showed who he was, and demonstrated his amazing power, by calming the storm when the disciples were afraid. He has power to save us too, even when life is scary.

  • Session 41: Needs

    Jesus met the obvious need of the paralysed man by enabling him to walk, but he also met his deeper need of forgiveness. We can ask God to help with the things we need too, but we all have the same ultimate need to receive his forgiveness.

  • Session 42: Impossible 

    Jairus’ situation seemed impossible as his daughter died before Jesus was able to heal her, but Jesus showed that his power was even greater, and that he can do the impossible, when he raised her from the dead.

  • Session 43: Teacher

    Jesus used a parable about two builders to teach his followers about the importance of listening to him and acting on his words.

  • Session 44: Growing

    Jesus used a parable about seeds growing on different types of ground to teach his followers about different responses people have (consciously or subconsciously) to hearing his words.

  • Session 45: Worship

    Jesus entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday and the people worshipped him and welcomed him as King. Christians today also worship Jesus because of who he is.

  • Session 46: Sacrifice

    Jesus shared the Last Supper with his friends and spoke of his body being broken and his blood being poured out for them. Then he was arrested. None of this happened by accident – it was all part of God’s rescue plan.

  • Session 47: Fulfilment

    Jesus was crucified, and he died. This was what God had sent him to do. His death took the penalty for sin and provided the way for people to know God.

  • Session 48: Resurrection

    Jesus’ death was not the end. On the third day he rose to life, and he promises eternal life for those who trust in him.

  • Session 49: Commission

    Jesus commissioned his disciples to continue his work by making more disciples. Then he ascended to heaven but promised that he would still be with his followers by sending the Holy Spirit.


Click on each pack below to download the resources.

Please note, most of the sessions below are saved as zip files. A zip file is just a folder of documents packaged together. Once you have downloaded a zip file, you need to unzip the folder before you can save and use the documents. If you're having trouble downloading or need more help with unzipping, please get in touch



TERM 6 Resources


  • Session 50: Pentecost

    The Holy Spirit came to the disciples and filled them with power and boldness to tell others about Jesus.

  • Session 51: Persecution

    As Jesusdisciples spread the word about his death and resurrection, they faced opposition and persecution, but they prayed for courage and continued to tell others about Jesus.

  • Session 52: Transformation  

    Saul was determined to stop the message about Jesus from spreading, but then he encountered Jesus for himself on the road to Damascus and he was completely transformed. Coming to know Jesus still changes peoples lives today.

  • Session 53: Good News

    Peter had a vision from God and went to see Cornelius. He realised that the Good News of Jesus was not only for the Jews, but for all people everywhere.

  • Session 54: Witnesses

    Paul and Barnabas travelled round different places sharing the Good News about Jesus. There were lots of different responses to this many people listened and believed, but others opposed them and tried to stop the message from spreading.

  • Session 55: Forever

    God gave John a vision showing him how the story will end and that there will be a new beginning: Gods people will be with him forever and there will be no more death, sadness or pain.


Click on each pack below to download the resources.

Please note, most of the sessions below are saved as zip files. A zip file is just a folder of documents packaged together. Once you have downloaded a zip file, you need to unzip the folder before you can save and use the documents. If you're having trouble downloading or need more help with unzipping, please get in touch