
Taking Care of the Environment

How we’re dealing with the risks posed by climate change, pressure on water supplies, switching to greener energy and improving biodiversity.

Mitigating Climate Change

The steps we are taking to reduce our carbon emissions and prepare for the challenges and risks posed by climate change.

25% - reduced Scope 1 and 2 net operational emissions from a 2019/20 baseline.

3.9% decrease year on year in carbon dioxide equivalent emissions intensity during 2021 to 2022

85% of the energy we use comes from renewable sources

We've pledged to reach operational net zero carbon emissions by 2030

Ensuring a sustainable water cycle

How we make sure that a sufficient, resilient water supply is available to our customers today, and in the future.

25 years of water - Supply and demand forecasted, keeping customers connected

10k free home water efficiency checks will be carried out each year until 2025

15% leakage reduction target between 2020 and 2025, saving billions of litres.

Install 325k water meters by 2025

Making the most of our resources

Our journey towards zero waste, generating power from biosolids, reducing plastic and cutting waste sent to landfill through innovation and changing consumer behaviour.

145k tonnes (99%) of biosolids recycled to agricultural land.

Industry will remove equivalent of 4 billion plastic bottles from our businesses

Enhancing our natural environment

As a major land owner, our activities can have a substantial impact on the habitats in our region. We have a significant role to play in protecting and creating a more sustainable environment.

Working with partners to plant 1.3 million trees in our region by 2030

304 hectares remaining to enhance the biodiversity of 5,000 hectares of land by 2027.

1,600km more than our goal of improving 2,100km of waterways by 2025

Environmental standards and assurance

We’re constantly improving our environmental standards and business processes, so we can continue to drive progress across the business and reach our green goals.

43% of our waste water treatment sites are covered by the ISO 14001 Environmental Management framework

Benchmarking against the best in the industry