That’s a Wrap!

Thank you to all the creatives who put their hearts and souls into putting on a superb show, all the partners who support Pride in Trafford and all the staff who keep everything running smoothly behind the scenes.

Big love to you, our amazing audiences, who clapped, clicked, cheered and came along to show your support.

When we curated this year's festival, we wanted to spread a message of Queer hope, joy and positivity.

The world is becoming an increasingly polarised place and now, more than ever, events like Pride are needed to bring people together, break down barriers and promote love and understanding.

We'll never give up the fight to make our society a more tolerant place, and we'll be the voice for those who are silenced.

Keep loving, keep learning and keep asking people what their pronouns are, and using them. It really does save lives.

Until next year x