NHS staff walk over three miles a day on average

healthcare workers

Health service staff walk around 3.6 miles a day, suggests research by a specialist footwear company.

The project was carried out last year by the Bristol-based firm Toffeln as part of Fit for 15, a three-month health campaign for NHS staff at 15 trusts around the country.

The Toffeln challenge included each participant wearing a pedometer and logging his or her steps over a one week period, from July to November 2015.

Based on a total of 87 NHS staff participants, the data indicated that on average each worker takes 7,167 steps per day, equating to 3.6 miles.

Taking into account that there are 1.6 million NHS employees in the UK, this totals an average of nearly six million miles walked, noted the company.

The furthest distance recorded by a single NHS employee during one day’s work was 11 miles.

Bradley Leflaive, a director at Toffeln, which supplies ergonomically-designed shoes for the NHS, said “Even we were surprised by the figures when we started to analyse the data we collected.”


  1. I fastened a Fitbit to my foot on a 12 hour shift 14000 steps. I think 2000 is around one mile !! So approximately 7miles !

  2. I’m a ward nurse, I regularly clock up 10k steps, up to 14k a shift if I’m back and forwards to theatres a lot.

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