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Loneliness Awareness Week

Created and hosted by Marmalade Trust, our annual campaign raises awareness of loneliness across the UK (and beyond!) and gets people talking about it. 

Join us from 10 - 16 June!

Loneliness Awareness Week raises awareness of loneliness and empowers everyone to make connections across the UK and worldwide.

Head to our dedicated Loneliness Awareness Week website to learn more. 


Our three step approach

Loneliness can often feel overwhelming and something out of our control, so it can be useful to have a starting point. To help you and others to feel less lonely we have framed it into three parts.

Let's talk loneliness.

Loneliness Awareness Week is a week dedicated to raising awareness of loneliness. It's all about creating supportive communities by having open, honest conversations. Loneliness is a natural human emotion - we are hardwired to need social connections. By talking about it, we can support ourselves and others. 

The campaign centres on a powerful message which resonates with many. We've trended on Twitter, reached 271.5 million people in one week with the campaign, and each year we've seen tens of thousands of organisations, charities and individuals get involved, including the Royal Family, the Prime Minister, Major of London, NHS trusts, and all Government departments.

Loneliness Awareness Week 2024

Loneliness Awareness Week 2024 will be held from 10 to 16 June. This year's theme, Random Acts of Connection, encourages everyone to increase those simple, everyday moments of connection which help us feel happier and less lonely. Get involved by hosting or joining an event on the Connection Map, learning about loneliness or making your own #RandomActsOfConnection!


Find out more → 

Why is raising awareness so important? 

Whilst we’re seeing an increase in discussion on the subject, stigma remains and there are some key misconceptions that still need to be challenged. Ask anyone to picture a lonely person and most will imagine an older person living on their own.  As such, we often rebuke and dismiss feelings of loneliness because ‘that doesn’t apply to me’.


By identifying and acknowledging all the times that we have personally felt and experienced loneliness, we can start to change our viewpoint, accept it and understand how to take action to manage the feeling (and our social connections) in the future. 

Stay up to date about Loneliness Awareness Week

We'd love to keep you in the loop with our plans for Loneliness Awareness Week 2024. Sign up below for occasional email updates. 


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Read about loneliness...

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Frequently asked questions

We get to the bottom of the most common queries about loneliness.


How to talk about loneliness

Here's how we can all tackle the stigma surrounding loneliness.


The physical effects of loneliness

Did you know - loneliness can affect your health? Here's how and what to do about it.

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