AFRY Management Consulting’s Post

In light of recent events, suppliers and users of heat now more than ever face a critical challenge: How, at what cost and in which timeframe can we decarbonise the heat/steam generation and reduce our dependency on fossil fuels?   AFRY has developed a framework to advise in the decarbonisation of heat generation assets which results in three key value adds: · Identification of feasible & cost-effective decarbonisation options for existing generation portfolio · Evaluation of the associated cost for heat generation · Roadmap for the transformation from current asset base to proposed decarbonised generation portfolio   The framework consists of a five step assessment and encompasses a technical, economical and strategical analysis. In the end, the devised decarbonisation measures, their associated costs and the implementation roadmap are clearly laid out. For further information or discussion, please contact Bülent Mutlu and Carlo Frevert.   #makingfuture #decarbonisation #cleanenergyfuture #energytransition

Steffen Schaefer

making the world more sustainable with digital technologies


proud to work in a company that is leading decarbonization! in example for the generation of heat

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