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CLI commands

Infracost has multiple commands, all of which support --help:

  • Basic commands:

  • The following commands work with the Infracost JSON output, which is generated via infracost diff --format json:

  • The following auxiliary commands are also helpful:

    • infracost configure: Display or change global configuration, including currency settings
    • infracost auth login: Get a free Infracost API key
    • infracost completion: Generate shell completion script

Repos and project

See this section for details about repos and projects, and how you can customize project names.


This command shows a breakdown of costs. It can also generate Infracost JSON output. You can point Infracost to either a Terraform directory, or plan JSON file, using the --path flag.

If your repo has multiple Terraform projects or workspaces, use an Infracost config file to define them; their results will be combined into the same breakdown output.

This is the default and recommended option. It does not require a Terraform plan so it's super-fast. Internally Infracost parses the Terraform HCL code directly thus no cloud credentials or Terraform secrets are required.

cd path/to/code

# Terraform variables can be set using --terraform-var-file or --terraform-var
infracost breakdown --path .


Usually no extra setup is needed for handling the following on your local development machines. For CI/CD, see the corresponding pages.

Option 2: Terraform plan JSON

If the above method does not work for your use-case, you can use Terraform to generate a plan JSON file (as shown below), and point Infracost to it using --path.

cd path/to/code

terraform init
terraform plan -out tfplan.binary
terraform show -json tfplan.binary > plan.json

infracost breakdown --path plan.json

CDK for Terraform

The CDK for Terraform is also supported as it can generate Terraform. Thus the same Terraform directory option can be used to get a cost breakdown:

cd path/to/code

cdktf synth

infracost breakdown --path cdktf.out/stacks/mystack/


This command shows a diff of monthly costs between current and planned state. You can point Infracost to either a Terraform directory, or plan JSON file, using the --path flag.

If your repo has multiple Terraform projects or workspaces, use an Infracost config file to define them; their results will be combined into the same diff output.

This is the default and recommended option. It does not require a Terraform plan so it's super-fast. Internally Infracost parses the Terraform HCL code directly thus no cloud credentials or Terraform secrets are required. To show cost estimate diff:

  1. Generate an Infracost JSON file as the baseline:
  2. cd path/to/code

    # Terraform variables can be set using --terraform-var-file or --terraform-var
    infracost breakdown --path . --format json --out-file infracost-base.json
  3. Edit your Terraform project:
  4. vim
  5. Generate a diff by comparing the latest code change with the baseline:
  6. infracost diff --path . --compare-to infracost-base.json

The same notes from breakdown apply to this method of running diff.

Compare Infracost runs

The infracost diff command can also be used to compare Infracost runs. Assuming you generated the files infracost-last-week.json and infracost-today.json using the infracost breakdown --path /code --format json command, you can compare them using:

infracost diff --path infracost-today.json --compare-to infracost-last-week.json

Option 2: Terraform plan JSON

If the above method does not work for your use-case, you can use Terraform to generate a plan JSON file (as shown below), and point Infracost to it using --path. With this option, Infracost parses the current and planned state from the plan JSON file, thus you do not need to run a infracost breakdown to create a baseline first.

cd path/to/code

terraform init
terraform plan -out tfplan.binary
terraform show -json tfplan.binary > plan.json

infracost diff --path plan.json

Combined output formats

The Infracost CLI can generate cost estimates in many formats: json, diff, table, github-comment, gitlab-comment, azure-repos-comment, bitbucket-comment and slack-message. To use them:

  1. Generate Infracost JSON output for each Terraform project and combine them into one file. This is the recommended way to store the snapshot of a cost estimate; it can be used by the CLI to generate other formats. The JSON format can also be used to setup cost policies.

    infracost breakdown --path dev --format json --out-file infracost-dev.json
    infracost breakdown --path prod --format json --out-file infracost-prod.json

    # Combine above Infracost JSON files, glob patterns need quotes
    infracost output --path "infracost-*.json" --format json --out-file infracost.json
  2. Use the infracost output command to generate different formats, for example:

    # Slack output
    infracost output --path infracost.json --format slack-message --out-file

    # Diff output
    infracost output --path infracost.json --format diff

Run infracost output --help to see other options, such as --fields and --show-skipped.


See this example JSON output. You can use jq to extract values, for example:

infracost breakdown --path /code --format json --out-file infracost-base.json
# Edit your Terraform project, e.g. vim
infracost diff --path . --compare-to infracost-base.json --format json --out-file infracost.json

# To see the total monthly cost increase of a project:
cat infracost.json | jq -r '.projects[0].diff.totalMonthlyCost'
# To see the sum of all projects:
cat infracost.json | jq -r '.diffTotalMonthlyCost'

Comment on pull requests

The Infracost CLI can post cost estimates to pull request or commits on GitHub, GitLab, Azure Repos and Bitbucket, which is useful in CI/CD pipelines.

Example commands to post a pull request comment
# Generate Infracost JSON baseline
git checkout main
infracost breakdown --config-file infracost.yml --format json \
--out-file infracost-base.json

# Generate a diff by comparing the latest code change with the baseline
git checkout my-branch
infracost diff --config-file infracost.yml --format json \
--compare-to infracost-base.json --out-file infracost.json

# Post one comment with above Infracost JSON file
infracost comment github --path infracost.json ...

The following --behavior options are supported when posting cost estimate comments:

  • update (good default): Create a single comment and update it. The "quietest" option.
  • hide-and-new: Minimize previous comments and create a new one. Only supported by GitHub.
  • delete-and-new: Delete previous comments and create a new one.
  • new: Create a new cost estimate comment on every push.


Run infracost comment github --help to see the options.

GitHub Actions

infracost comment github --path=infracost.json \
--pull-request=$PR_NUMBER `# or --commit=$GITHUB_SHA` \
--github-token=$GITHUB_TOKEN \
  • --path: required, path to Infracost JSON files, glob patterns need quotes.
  • --repo: required, use the predefined $GITHUB_REPOSITORY environment variable.
  • --pull-request: required to post on a pull request, can be extracted from workflows's event and set as an environment variable: PR_NUMBER: ${{ github.event.number }}. Mutually exclusive with the --commit flag.
  • --commit: required to post on a pull request's commit, use $GITHUB_SHA. Mutually exclusive with --pull-request flag.
  • --github-token: required, use $GITHUB_TOKEN.
  • --github-api-url: optional (default ""), GitHub Enterprise users can set this to $GITHUB_API_URL in GitHub Actions. Also see --github-tls-cert-file, --github-tls-key-file and --github-tls-insecure-skip-verify.
  • --tag: optional, customize hidden markdown tag used to detect comments posted by Infracost.
  • --show-all-projects: optional, show all projects in the table of the comment output.

Azure Pipelines with GitHub

infracost comment github --path=infracost.json \
--github-token=$GITHUB_TOKEN \
  • --path: required, path to Infracost JSON files, glob patterns need quotes.
  • --repo: required, use the predefined $BUILD_REPOSITORY_NAME environment variable.
  • --pull-request: required to post on a pull request, $SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_PULLREQUESTNUMBER. Mutually exclusive with --commit flag.
  • --commit: required to post on a pull request's commit, use $BUILD_SOURCEVERSION. Mutually exclusive with --pull-request flag.
  • --github-token: required, use $GITHUB_TOKEN.
  • --github-api-url: optional (default ""), GitHub Enterprise users can set this to https://GITHUB_SERVER/api.
  • --tag: optional, customize hidden markdown tag used to detect comments posted by Infracost.
  • --show-all-projects: optional, show all projects in the table of the comment output.

Atlantis with GitHub

infracost comment github --path=infracost.json \
--pull-request=$PULL_NUM `# or --commit=$HEAD_COMMIT` \
--github-token=$GITHUB_TOKEN \
  • --path: required, path to Infracost JSON files, glob patterns need quotes.
  • --repo: required, use this $BASE_REPO_OWNER/$BASE_REPO_NAME combination of predefined environment variables.
  • --pull-request: required to post on a pull request, use $PULL_NUM. Mutually exclusive with --commit flag.
  • --commit: required to post on a pull request's commit, use $HEAD_COMMIT. Mutually exclusive with --pull-request flag.
  • --github-token: required, provide your GitHub token, for example, as an environment variable $GITHUB_TOKEN.
  • --github-api-url: optional (default ""), GitHub Enterprise users can set this to https://GITHUB_SERVER/api.
  • --tag: optional, customize hidden markdown tag used to detect comments posted by Infracost.
  • --show-all-projects: optional, show all projects in the table of the comment output.

CircleCI with GitHub

infracost comment github --path=infracost.json \
--pull-request=${CIRCLE_PULL_REQUEST##*/} `# or --commit=$CIRCLE_SHA1` \
--github-token=$GITHUB_TOKEN \
  • --path: required, path to Infracost JSON files, glob patterns need quotes.
  • --repo: required, use this $CIRCLE_PROJECT_USERNAME/$CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME combination of predefined environment variables.
  • --pull-request: required to post on a pull request, use ${CIRCLE_PULL_REQUEST##*/} to extract the pull request's number from its URL. Mutually exclusive with --commit flag.
  • --commit: required to post on a pull request's commit, use $CIRCLE_SHA1. Mutually exclusive with --pull-request flag.
  • --github-token: required, provide your GitHub token, for example, as an environment variable $GITHUB_TOKEN.
  • --github-api-url: optional (default ""), GitHub Enterprise users can set this to https://GITHUB_SERVER/api.
  • --tag: optional, customize hidden markdown tag used to detect comments posted by Infracost.
  • --show-all-projects: optional, show all projects in the table of the comment output.


Run infracost comment gitlab --help to see the options.

GitLab CI

infracost comment gitlab --path=infracost.json \
--merge-request=$CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID `# or --commit=$CI_COMMIT_SHA` \
--gitlab-token=$GITLAB_TOKEN \
  • --path: required, path to Infracost JSON files, glob patterns need quotes.
  • --repo: required, use the predefined $CI_PROJECT_PATH environment variable.
  • --merge-request: required to post on a merge request, use $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID. Mutually exclusive with --commit flag.
  • --commit: required to post on a merge request's commit, use $CI_COMMIT_SHA. Mutually exclusive with --merge-request flag.
  • --gitlab-token: required, use $GITLAB_TOKEN.
  • --gitlab-server-url: optional, URL for GitLab Enterprise users (default ""). In GitLab CI you can set this to $CI_SERVER_URL.
  • --tag: optional, customize hidden markdown tag used to detect comments posted by Infracost.
  • --show-all-projects: optional, show all projects in the table of the comment output.

Atlantis with GitLab

infracost comment gitlab --path=infracost.json \
--merge-request=$PULL_NUM `# or --commit=$HEAD_COMMIT` \
--gitlab-token=$GITLAB_TOKEN \
  • --path: required, path to Infracost JSON files, glob patterns need quotes.
  • --repo: required, use this $BASE_REPO_OWNER/$BASE_REPO_NAME combination of predefined environment variables.
  • --merge-request: required to post on a merge request, use $PULL_NUM. Mutually exclusive with --commit flag.
  • --commit: required to post on a merge request's commit, use $HEAD_COMMIT. Mutually exclusive with --merge-request flag.
  • --gitlab-token: required, provide your GitLab token as an environment variable, for example as $GITLAB_TOKEN.
  • --gitlab-server-url: optional, URL for GitLab Enterprise users (default "").
  • --tag: optional, customize hidden markdown tag used to detect comments posted by Infracost.
  • --show-all-projects: optional, show all projects in the table of the comment output.

Azure Repos

Run infracost comment azure-repos --help to see the options. You might find the following common examples helpful.

Azure Pipelines with Azure Repos

infracost comment azure-repos --path=infracost.json \
--azure-access-token=$SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN \
  • --path: required, path to Infracost JSON files, glob patterns need quotes.
  • --repo-url: required, use $BUILD_REPOSITORY_URI predefined environment variable.
  • --pull-request: required to post on a pull request, $SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_PULLREQUESTID.
  • --azure-access-token: required, use $SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN.
  • --tag: optional, customize hidden markdown tag used to detect comments posted by Infracost.
  • --show-all-projects: optional, show all projects in the table of the comment output.

Atlantis with Azure Repos

infracost comment azure-repos --path=infracost.json \
--repo-url=$AZURE_REPO_URL \
--pull-request=$PULL_NUM \
--azure-access-token=$AZURE_ACCESS_TOKEN \
  • --path: required, path to Infracost JSON files, glob patterns need quotes.
  • --repo-url: required, provide your repo's URL as an environment variable, for example as $AZURE_REPO_URL.
  • --pull-request: required to post on a pull request, use $PULL_NUM.
  • --azure-access-token: required, provide your Azure DevOps access token, for example, as an environment variable $AZURE_ACCESS_TOKEN.
  • --tag: optional, customize hidden markdown tag used to detect comments posted by Infracost.
  • --show-all-projects: optional, show all projects in the table of the comment output.


Run infracost comment bitbucket --help to see the options.

Bitbucket Pipelines

infracost comment bitbucket --path=infracost.json \
--pull-request=$BITBUCKET_PR_ID `# or --commit=$BITBUCKET_COMMIT` \
--bitbucket-token=$BITBUCKET_TOKEN \
  • --path: required, path to Infracost JSON files, glob patterns need quotes.
  • --repo: required, use this $BITBUCKET_WORKSPACE/$BITBUCKET_REPO_SLUG combination of predefined environment variables.
  • --pull-request: required to post on a pull request, use $BITBUCKET_PR_ID. Mutually exclusive with --commit flag.
  • --commit: required to post on a pull request's commit, use $BITBUCKET_COMMIT. Mutually exclusive with --pull-request flag, available only for Bitbucket Cloud.
  • --bitbucket-token: required. For Bitbucket Cloud provide username:$BITBUCKET_TOKEN, where the token can be a user or App password. For Bitbucket Server provide only an HTTP access token.
  • --bitbucket-server-url: optional, URL for Bitbucket Server/Data Center users (default "").
  • --exclude-cli-output: optional, exclude CLI output so comment has just the summary table.
  • --tag: optional, customize hidden markdown tag used to detect comments posted by Infracost.
  • --show-all-projects: optional, show all projects in the table of the comment output.

CircleCI with Bitbucket

infracost comment bitbucket --path infracost.json \
--pull-request=${CIRCLE_PULL_REQUEST##*/} `# or --commit=$CIRCLE_SHA1` \
--bitbucket-token=$BITBUCKET_TOKEN \
  • --path: required, path to Infracost JSON files, glob patterns need quotes.
  • --repo: required, use this $CIRCLE_PROJECT_USERNAME/$CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME combination of predefined environment variables.
  • --pull-request: required to post on a pull request, use ${CIRCLE_PULL_REQUEST##*/} to extract the pull request's number from its URL. Mutually exclusive with --commit flag.
  • --commit: required to post on a pull request's commit, use $CIRCLE_SHA1. Mutually exclusive with --pull-request flag, available only for Bitbucket Cloud.
  • --bitbucket-token: required. For Bitbucket Cloud provide username:$BITBUCKET_TOKEN, where the token can be a user or App password. For Bitbucket Server provide only an HTTP access token.
  • --bitbucket-server-url: optional, URL for Bitbucket Server/Data Center users (default "").
  • --exclude-cli-output: optional, exclude CLI output so comment has just the summary table.
  • --tag: optional, customize hidden markdown tag used to detect comments posted by Infracost.
  • --show-all-projects: optional, show all projects in the table of the comment output.

Atlantis with Bitbucket

infracost comment bitbucket --path=infracost.json \
--pull-request=$PULL_NUM `# or --commit=$HEAD_COMMIT` \
--bitbucket-token=$BITBUCKET_TOKEN \
  • --path: required, path to Infracost JSON files, glob patterns need quotes.
  • --repo: required, use this $BASE_REPO_OWNER/$BASE_REPO_NAME combination of predefined environment variables.
  • --pull-request: required to post on a pull request, use $PULL_NUM. Mutually exclusive with --commit flag.
  • --commit: required to post on a pull request's commit, use $HEAD_COMMIT. Mutually exclusive with --pull-request flag, available only for Bitbucket Cloud.
  • --bitbucket-token: required. For Bitbucket Cloud provide username:$BITBUCKET_TOKEN, where the token can be a user or App password. For Bitbucket Server provide only an HTTP access token.
  • --bitbucket-server-url: optional, URL for Bitbucket Server/Data Center users (default "").
  • --exclude-cli-output: optional, exclude CLI output so comment has just the summary table.
  • --tag: optional, customize hidden markdown tag used to detect comments posted by Infracost.
  • --show-all-projects: optional, show all projects in the table of the comment output.

Upload runs

When you use the infracost comment command, Infracost automatically detects pull request and commit metadata from various CI/CD systems. The metadata is stored in the Infracost JSON output as it is useful to show you what repo, pull request or commit was used to generate the cost estimate.

The metadata is also needed by Infracost Cloud's dashboard to show you pull request costs over time. If you do not use infracost comment, you can still define this metadata as follows and use Infracost Cloud as normal:

  1. Set the required environment variables before you run infracost breakdown and diff.

  2. If you have multiple Terraform projects in your repo, use a config file to combine them into one Infracost JSON file.

  3. In your CI/CD system, run infracost upload --path infracost.json. This uploads the Infracost JSON file to Infracost Cloud and associates it with the organization from your INFRACOST_API_KEY. This command uploads the data regardless of your Org Settings.

    Example commands:

    # Generate Infracost JSON baseline
    git checkout main
    infracost breakdown --config-file infracost.yml --format json \
    --out-file infracost-base.json

    # Generate a diff by comparing the latest code change with the baseline
    git checkout my-branch
    infracost diff --config-file infracost.yml --format json \
    --compare-to infracost-base.json --out-file infracost.json

    # Instead of using `infracost comment`, just upload the file to Infracost Cloud
    infracost upload --path infracost.json

If you defined pull request metadata, you should see the cost estimate in your Infracost Cloud dashboard. If you did not define pull request metadata and only defined commit metadata, you should see the cost estimate in the Repos > All estimates page.