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LeadIT Summit 2021

The LeadIT Summit 2021, hosted by LeadIT in the Blue Zone at COP26, is a major moment for leading public and private actors to forge plans, policies and commitments that align heavy industry with the goals of the Paris Agreement.

The Summit will set the industry transition agenda for 2022 by delivering a Summit Statement that sets out collective commitments by LeadIT and identifies priorities to accelerate the industry transition in 2022. During the Summit, participants will share know-how and best practices in deep reductions in greenhouse gas emissions in heavy industries.

The purpose of the event is to demonstrate how different industry transition initiatives contribute to reinforcing each other and raising ambition in the public and private sectors. The theme of this year’s Summit is implementation and the Summit Statement will focus on critical policies and technologies needed for development in 2022.

This an invite-only event.

Practical information


09 November 2021

- 09 November 2021


10:00 AM

- 12:00 PM


COP26 Blue Zone, 10:00–12:00 GMT.