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Festivals - Events - Workshops

bringing contemporary music and arts to the widest possible audience


Saturday August 3rd & Sunday August 4th

Eye Music Trust presents Colourscape with Music performances
in Stewart Park nr the Captain Cook Museum

Come into the intense COLOUR AND LIGHT of Colourscape and experience music created on unusual instruments. Wander through extraordinary views of radiant colour and discover musicians and dancers.

Creative musicians lead the public on a unique journey of the senses with unusual instruments including Hurdy-Gurdy, amplified cycle-wheel, slate xylophones, Tibetan Singing Bowls and more....

Saturday August 3rd: Stevie Wishart (Hurdy-Gurdy) and Michael Ormiston (Far Eastern instruments and didgeridoo) create amazing new sounds on ancient instruments

Sunday August 4th: Sylvia Hallett (accordian and amplified cycle-wheel) plus dancers

LOCATION: Captain Cook Museum, Stewart Park, TS7 8AT

TIMES: 11am to 4pm (music plays 11.30-3.30)

TO BOOK TICKETS details TBA later