Higher Education: Inclusion, Equity and Social Justice

Higher Education: Inclusion, Equity and Social Justice

Higher Education: Inclusion, Equity and Social Justice

By FLIE (Fusion Learning Innovation & Excellence) @BU

Date and time

Wed, 9 Mar 2022 04:00 - 05:00 PST



About this event

Part of the FLIE Education Enhancement Workshops series.

Pouring over the BAME retention and progression statistics alongside the BU Inclusivity Checklist (2021) we are tasked with “Identifying one or more actions that would make a real difference to student experience and attainment.” This session will turn the spotlight on practices that are inclusive and socially just because they empower students.

On a previous workshop on the same topic:

Equity Compass is a tool developed by academics and education practitioners to support users to map out change individually and collectively towards more equitable and socially just education practice. This workshop will review some of the practical ways in which the Equity Compass can be useful for adapting/designing how we work with learners.


Dr Uma Patel

Dr Gelareh Roushan-Easton

Organised by

FLIE provides targeted staff development for academic teams through online materials, masterclasses and bespoke sessions towards consistently excellent pedagogic practice.

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