Get the help you need

You have been working hard in crucial roles through what has been one of the most challenging times in living memory. We know that it’s often been hard to take that time for yourself when it feels like there are so many people relying on you. Getting support with your own wellbeing doesn’t have to be a challenge – we’re here to help you to find the next steps forward, whatever issues you’re dealing with.

How we can help

Our service is completely confidential. We can help with a range of issues, whether they’re related to the pandemic or not. We can support you with managing stress and emotional wellbeing, financial worries, domestic violence and relationship issues or any other concerns you’re facing with your wellbeing. Whether you need specific advice or you’re just finding everything ‘a bit much’, support is just a phone call or email away. 
We are an inclusive service and open to anyone working in healthcare, social care or the police in Devon and Plymouth. We recognise that everyone working in these settings has been dealing with the impact of the pandemic in their work and personal lives. It’s now more important than ever to look after your own wellbeing, so get in touch today to see how we can help you. 

What happens next?

You will be offered a 1:1 telephone or video call for a wellbeing assessment appointment lasting for around 45 minutes. You will speak with a qualified and understanding NHS clinician who will compassionately listen to you about how you are feeling, and together you’ll develop a Colleague Wellbeing Plan with your next steps. 

Your plan may include referring and signposting you to a wide range of services available to you across Devon, including services provided by your own employer; the NHS and other statutory services. The Devon Wellbeing Hub is designed to be a single place where someone concerned about their wellbeing can come, unpick their needs and be supported to get to the right services quickly.

Find out more about what to expect in a wellbeing assessment in this article.

Virtual Workshops

We also offer virtual workshops free for individuals working in healthcare, social care and the police across Devon. We have lots of sessions on offer, inluding 'Managing Imposter Syndrome', 'Asserting Healthy Boundaries' and 'Introducing Mindfulness'. To sign up, please visit our Eventbrite page

Getting in touch is simple, just email us at, or give us a call on 0300 303 5455. You can also get in touch by filling in our referral form.

For urgent mental health support 24/7, please contact the First Response Service via NHS 111 (select the mental health option).