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Police and Crime Plan 2021-2025

Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly is already one of the safest areas of the country, but violence remains one of the biggest challenges we face.

You can read the Police and Crime Plan for 2021-2025 here

You can read an Easy Read version of the plan here

My aim is to make it even safer, underpinned by the Chief Constable’s vision for a world class sustainable police force.

We already have many excellent examples of work with other agencies that help make the peninsula a low crime area, but we have more to do.

You tell me that you want to see more visible police officers in your community, you want to see more action to tackle drug offences and antisocial behaviour, and you want us to make our roads safer. I will prioritise our efforts on them, incorporating the professional judgement of the police and community safety partners, as well as ensuring we meet our national policing commitments.

In 2016, I first set out my vision for Safe, Resilient, Connected communities. This Police and Crime Plan continues that journey. It is focused on the principles of prevention, partnerships and influence in order to deliver the objectives that you have told me matter to you and your community.

In this Police and Crime Plan I set out the policing and crime objectives covering my current term of office that will drive how I hold the Chief Constable to account on your behalf. It has never been more important as we recover from the challenges of the pandemic and the long-term impacts on our community to place public safety, community confidence and regeneration at the heart of our plans to protect our communities’ future.

At the time of writing this there is a Government review of police and crime commissioners under way.

The result may give us more powers and responsibilities across the criminal justice system.

I await the results and will use this plan to inform any response to it so that my efforts are focused on what matters to you.

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the emergency services and those working across the criminal justice system for all they do to keep people safe, and to the public for their continued support for community safety.

Alison Hernandez
Police and Crime Commissioner

Equality impact assessment for Police and Crime Plan