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New guidance for disabled students applying for postgraduate study

11 Mar 2021 | Advance HE The Disabled Students' Commission has new guidance available for disabled applicants considering to study at postgraduate level.

A guide designed to help disabled students apply for a postgraduate course in the UK has been published by the Disabled Students’ Commission, the independent and strategic group funded by the Office for Students.

Considerations for applicants to postgraduate study, sets out guidance for disabled postgraduate students on deciding where to study and helping to pre-empt any barriers they may encounter, ensuring reasonable adjustments are made at the outset.

The guidance also aims to help disabled postgraduate students to access information about learning and assessment on the course, careers and employment advice and mental health and wellbeing, as well as how to deal with any complaints arising during postgraduate study.

“Choosing where to embark on postgraduate study is an important decision on a student’s journey through higher education and it is crucial that disabled students have all the information they need in order to make the choice that is right for them.
In the current pandemic, the challenges faced by disabled students are even more pronounced and there are many factors that must be considered in terms of the support a disabled student might need.

“This guide from the Disabled Students’ Commission will help disabled students to ask the right questions of their prospective or selected higher education provider, so that they have the best possible experience during their postgraduate study.”

Chair of the Disabled Students’ Commission and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Wolverhampton, Geoff Layer

Advance HE has responsibility for providing secretariat support, as well as overseeing the management, coordination and dissemination of research and other DSC outcomes.

Download Considerations for applicants to postgraduate study


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