
Consultation on the Office for Students’ approach to monetary penalties

We were seeking views on our proposed approach to the use of our powers to impose monetary penalties on a higher education provider that breaches its conditions of registration with the Office for Students.

This consultation replaced the consultation ‘Consultation on the Office for Students’ approach to monetary penalties’ (OfS 2020.13) that was launched on 3 March 2020 and then paused because of the early impact of the coronavirus pandemic. That consultation has now been withdrawn and the very small number of responses that we received in March 2020, and which were submitted anonymously, will be destroyed.

The substance of the proposals set out in this consultation remained unchanged from those set out in the previous consultation (OfS 2020.13) with one exception; in this consultation we were not seeking views on our approach to the publication of information about sanctions, including monetary penalties. This is because we are consulting separately on our approach to publishing information about individual providers and other persons, more generally.

OfS 2020.63
15 December 2020
Published 15 December 2020
Last updated 08 March 2021
08 March 2021
Update to reflect the closed consultation
17 February 2021
The deadline to respond to the consultation has been extended to 5 March 2020.

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