Changes to the registration system and process

The UNFCCC secretariat has introduced updates to the registration of UNFCCC conference participants, with the aim to increase the transparency of participation in the UNFCCC process.


  1. The List of Participants (LoP) that is made public traditionally only contained delegations of Parties and observer organizations. From COP 28 onwards, the LoP will contain all badge types, including Party Overflow, United Nations Overflow, Host Country Guest, Global Climate Action, Press, Courtesy and Temporary Pass badges.
  2. From COP 28 onwards, the National Focal Points (NFPs) and Designated Contact Points (DCPs) seeking to register delegates will be asked to enter the affiliation and relationship that the nominee holds to the respective nominating entities. The changes have been introduced as part of the registration process which is facilitated through the Online Registration System (ORS).
  3. The LoP will incorporate the information provided during registration, including the newly introduced fields for relationship and affiliation to nominating entities.
  4. Media representatives will continue to follow the online accreditation process. From COP28, media representatives will be included in the LoP.


The secretariat is responsible to deliver the political process to address climate change in accordance with the objectives of the Convention. Engagement of all key stakeholders in this process is vital.

In recent years, the number of participants has been steadily increasing and the purpose of participation has diversified, with many activities going on in parallel with the core negotiation meetings. Both the sessions of the subsidiary bodies in May/June and the COPs have become large, yet there has not been full transparency in terms of who is participating in these climate change conferences.

The changes that are being introduced are part of the secretariat’s overall efforts to increase the transparency of participation in the UN Climate Change process.

​​​​​​It applies to all participants who are nominated to attend UNFCCC conferences, specifically SBs and COPs.

​​​​​The following information will be published for each registered delegate under their respective nominator:



Given/First name

Family/Last name

Functional Title


Home Organization/Affiliation

Relationship to nominator:


  1. Paid relationship/contract with the nominating entity
  2. Paid relationship/contract with an affiliate/member of the nominating entity
  3. Unpaid advisory capacity
  4. Partner/sponsorship of the nominating entity
  5. Guest of the nominating entity
  6. Other
  7. Choose not to disclose


Participants can opt out from answering the question on relationship for each nominated delegate, however, the choice not to disclose this information will be included in the LoP document and will read “Declined to disclose”.
