Frequently Asked Questions on Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting – Catalogue

Despite abundant rainfall occurring in two seasons per year in most of Uganda, and over 70% of houses with hard roof surface across the country, the adoption of rooftop rainwater harvesting (RRWH) technology is very low. Very few houses have provisions for channelling and storing rainwater for future use. This is owing to limited awareness, information gaps about the tech-nology, cost, and lack of incentives. To address some of these limitations, several initiatives towards accelerat-ing the diffusion of RRWH in Uganda were carried out in the past year, including, the formation of a strategic multi-stakeholder Alliance, awareness creation sessions at sub-national levels, an FAQ catalogue, and consul-tations to highlight opportunities for building regula-tions, a market brief on RRWH in Uganda, among oth-ers. In this report, the focus is on the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on RRWH by potential consumers.

All of these are outputs of the Technology, Markets and Investment for Low-Carbon and Climate resilient Development (TEMARIN) project, that is carried out in two African countries, namely Kenya and Uganda. The project is funded by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and is implemented by the UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre. It aims to support countries in accel-erating the transfer, diffusion, a nd u ptake o f s pecific climate technologies. The project focus is on strength-ening domestic markets for climate technologies, removing bottlenecks for domestic firms operating in these markets and increasing cooperation among pri-vate, public, and international actors to build global and national partnerships for upscaling implementation.

This FAQ catalogue updates and supplements the Handbook on Rainwater Harvesting Storage Options developed in 2013 by the Ministry of Water and Environment in Uganda (MWE, 2013), and contributes to the project’s aim through directly addressing in a relatively simple, easy-to-read, and less technical form the most frequently asked questions by the consumers/users on RRWH.

Read more about the TEMARIN project

Published year:2022
Content type:Catalogue
Publisher:Produced by STEPUP and supported by UNEP-CCC
No. of pages:16