Guest Information


Congratulations on being an upcoming guest on TNT Radio, we’re looking forward to your appearance.

We just need to highlight some important points below before your interview can take place.


Prior to your on-air appearance as a guest, we require you to please have the following in-place so you look and sound your very best:

check PLEASE NOTE: This is a LIVE Radio & Vision Broadcast (audio and video) • Check all your equipment • Zoom should be installed on your computer/tablet with audio and video enabled • Check Zoom settings for both • A computer is required for video • If you must use a phone, your image will appear on screen interchanged with a phone symbol.

check A good headphone set (headphones may plug into your microphone – no Bluetooth).

check A broadcast quality microphone (if possible).

check A strong and reliable internet connection is essential to prevent dropouts or disconnections.

check Please do not use new or untested equipment as this can cause unwanted technical problems.

check Please find a quiet area for your interview to minimize noise and distractions.

check Please turn off notifications on your mobile device during your interview.

check Please use a well-lit room with no window behind you (no silhouette).

check No green screen - a normal room background will suffice.

check TNT Vision staff will assist you with framing before your interview, but please ensure your eye line is at the top of your computer screen.

check Neat Casual dress preferred.

Should you have any queries, please contact your Host or Producer well in advance of your scheduled interview.



So we can prepare and pre-promote your interview, please email the below items to your Producer as soon as possible:

check Your email address.

check Your cell/mobile phone number.

check Your Skype name/ID (if you have one).

check Your Location (a region will suffice if you do not wish to disclose city or town).

check A short bio (2-3 paragraphs).

check A high-resolution headshot photo or link to a photo for our social media promotion (landscape 1920px x 1080px/centered).

check Please check the speed of your internet at this website ( and provide the results of your download and upload speeds to the Host or Producer ASAP. If you do not have a fast or reliable internet connection, you MUST advise the Host or Producer, so an alternative can be found for connecting you (e.g. telephone).

check We may be promoting your upcoming interview via our social media channels, and we would highly encourage you to do the same to your existing followers. Below we have provided you with ready-made graphics that you can use to get the word out prior to your interview and also after in case your followers missed it LIVE.

PLEASE NOTE: Your contact details will be kept confidential and will only be used by the Studio Panel Producer to connect you to the Host for your interview.


IMPORTANT: TNT Radio is a LIVE 24/7 broadcasting channel where every show needs to run on-time. We would greatly appreciate if you can please connect on-time and be ready to commence your interview.

check Please be on standby at least 20 minutes before going to air. You will receive a Zoom invitation link via email from ([email protected]).

check You will be admitted to a Green Room and receive instructions for vision and sound.

check After you're connected via Zoom, the Studio Panel Producer will continue to communicate with you prior to going to air. During the news break at the top of the hour, the Host will be advised you're ready. The Studio Panel Producer will advise you when you're about to commence the interview.

check When you're LIVE on-air, please remember that everything you say will be heard by listeners, so please avoid statements such as “I can’t hear you” or “can you hear me”. The Studio Panel Producer will work with you to sort out any technical issues. If you need to cough or clear your throat at anytime, please turn your head away from the microphone.

check Minimise movement as it will affect your framing and please always remain in the center of your camera frame.

check Keep Checking your Zoom Chat for advice from the Panel Producer.

check Should you need to contact the TNT Radio Studio for any reason during your interview, the details are: (Email: [email protected]) (Skype Name: live:.cid.499621c24af9f012) (Phone: +61 (0)7 5638 2203).


Your interview (audio and video) will be available as a REPLAY in our EPISODES section on the TNT Radio website within approx 24 hours.

All interviews are also uploaded to our host podcast platform PODBEAN which then gets distributed to other platforms (i.e. Apple, Google, Spotify, Amazon, Alexa and iHeart etc).

You will be emailed a copy of your interview link. You’re welcome to share the link to your interview in the event your followers missed it.


We have created a variety of ready-made graphics that we encourage you to use to promote your interview on social media and via email – BEFORE and AFTER it takes place on TNT Radio.


TIP: Don’t promote your interview too early, people easily forget, we find 12-24 hours before the scheduled interview works best, and be sure to link to TNT Radio @tntradiolive so they can easily tune in.


In case your followers missed your interview LIVE on TNT Radio, as soon as we email you your interview link, simply share it on social media and even via email along with one of our ready-made graphics below.
