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Definition: A review of Strathclyde’s emission targets –
Outline Strategies to reduce carbon emissions



Analyse the current system and pinpoint any weaknesses

Identify strategies that will ultimately reduce carbon emissions.

Assess the technical and financial aspects of possible strategies

Forecast a possible timeline for the next decade

Project future carbon emissions.


Key performance Indicators


    Carbon Emissions   Energy Consumption  Economic Performance  Timeframe of implementation


Project Overview


Strathclyde has ambitious carbon reduction targets to reach by 2030. This project will look to analyse the current state of the campus and produce detailed strategies that will help Strathclyde in meeting their 2030 targets and beyond. The first strategy involves the optimisation of the current energy system installed in the university’s energy centre. This will be achieved with the aid of thermal energy storage. Strategy two concerns the generation of renewable power via the expansion of the existing photovoltaic network. The third strategy is to reduce the heating demand of the university by implementing retrofitting measures. The final strategy concerns a potential carbon friendly heat source to offset the current reliance on natural gas. This strategy is a waste heat recovery system using Tennent’s Brewery as a case study.

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Assess the Campus and Targets 
Gain a better understanding of the issue at hand by identifying the spatial boundaries of the campus, assessing the current energy system, looking at the universities targets and pinpointing areas of weakness.
Project Scoping
With a deeper appreciation of the campus and its progress, carry out research to find methods of helping the campus reach their targets and ultimately
scope in and out strategies to give the project direction and focus.
Technical Assessment 
Having identified strategies, perform technical work to understand how strategies perform in relation to KPIs and if they are viable and worthwhile.
Develop Results 
Gather and further analyse results of all strategies to relate back to the University’s emission targets. Determine how the strategies connect to or complement each other. 
Develop a timeline for the University going forward and discuss the feasibility of the strategies and a timeframe of implementation. Determine a final outcome and scenario. 
About Us

We are a group of students attending the MSc Sustainable Engineering: Renewable Energy Systems and the Environment

at the University of Strathclyde.

We have defined a project tackling a real world problem whilst developing our knowledge and skillsets. We have adopted appropriate project management and communication methods.  

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