
Online support for Stormzy

Grime artist Stormzy receives support from followers after tweeting that he stammers.

Grime artist Stormzy has received over 100,000 likes for a post he made on Twitter, telling his followers that he stammers.

"Yes I stutter and sometimes struggle to get my sentences off," he tweeted. "My brain moves fast and I wanna make sure I'm saying the right thing so sometimes I verbally trip over myself."

Stormzy's tweet

The tweet has been met with widespread support from his 1.4million followers, who have praised him for talking about stammering. @RyanNile tweeted in reply: "Bro look at the comments in this, there are so many of us that experience the same."

So far, Stormzy's tweet has received 106k likes and 13.6k retweets.

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Picture courtesy of Frank Schwichtenberg - Own work. (This file was uploaded with Commonist., CC BY-SA 4.0,

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