The 'Diff Diaries

Y Dyddiaduron 'Diff

Best Bits

AdamVideo - Lara-Susan James.MOV

IMG_6503 - Lydia Barker.MP4

ECHO SCHOOL COVID-19 - Penelope Brown.docx

lockdown - Kacey-Ellen Pearson.docx

WIN_20200504_09_34_18_Pro - Lewis Cooper.mp4

Diff Diaries James - Sara Robinson.docx

Dominic-Jake Denton - Nod_ Rhannu fideo, collage lluniau neu gofnod dyddiadur o'ch profiad yn ‘aros adre’ gyda Y Dyddiaduron 'Diff'. CYMRAEG - Dominic-Jake Denton.pdf

IMG_0210 - Macy Draper.MOV

IMG_5729 - Lara-Susan James.MOV

WIN_20200506_14_05_42_Pro - Logan Greedy.mp4

What I have done in this time - Zazie Blake.mp4

WIN_20200504_09_46_01_Pro - Lewis Cooper.mp4

20200506 Emily Vlog - Emily Fulford.mp4

WhatsApp Video 2020-05-07 at 15.06.59 - Jessica Gardener.mp4

IMG_6593 - Lydia Barker.MOV

IMG_8546 - Alex Connolly.MOV

IMG_2795 - Gocha Jalagonia.MP4

IMG_2209 -

20200507_205613 - Joanne Hill.mp4

Diff Diaries - Isaac - Isaac Macdonald.docx

VID_20200512_114301 - Ellie Paton.mp4

Diff Diary 1 by Chloe - Chloe Hayes.pdf

DiffDiaries_IGAM - isla-grace martin.MOV

Diff diaries - Leo Huang

beths diary entry - Beth Wakeham.wmv

Gracies diff diary - Gracie Hargrave-Roberts

IMG_2486 - Rambo 11.MP4

IMG_6668 - Lydia Barker.MOV

InShot_20200521_155147215 - Ranae Murphy.mp4

Zach_ #DiffDiary - Zachary Extence.mp4

VID_20200522_161905 - Ellie Paton.mp4

IMG_5446 - Chloe Finch.MP4

VID_20200528_160943 - Gertrude Tsohuka.mp4

VID_20200525_192857 - Gertrude Tsohuka.mp4

english diary - Megan Rogers

Diff diaries - Leo Huang


Evie Carbis - 'Diff Diaries - Evie Carbis

DIARY - Joseph Lopez

diary - Classy_gamer.pdf

Boring day - Ameera Iqbal

Diff Diaries - Verity Russell.docx

Irfan's blog - Irfan Gwillim.docx

Lockdown - Tomos Evans.docx

Felix Groves - Fortnightly Tasks 8th-22nd June Consolidation lockdown diary - Felix Groves.docx

Diary - Jaydan Sullivan

Diff Diary - Alexander Howlett

'Diff Diaries - Montgomery Hood.pdf

Diff Diaries - Owen Jones.docx

Diff Diaries - Samuel Ghattas

IMG_6854 - Lydia Barker.MOV

Diff Diary - Doe-hyeon Kim

Lily Hicks - diff diaries - Lily Hicks

If you are struggling or need health and wellbeing support during this time you may want to contact the following agencies: Meic and Cardiff Family Advice and Support.

Os ydych yn cael trafferth neu os oes angen cymorth iechyd a lles arnoch yn ystod y cyfnod hwn, efallai y byddwch am gysylltu â'r asiantaethau canlynol: Meic a Cyngor a chymorth i Deuluoedd Caerdydd.

Meic is the helpline service for children and young people up to the age of 25 in Wales.

Meic yw’r gwasanaeth llinell gymorth i blant a phobl ifanc hyd at 25 oed yng Nghymru.

Cardiff Family Advice and Support is a fully funded service that can provide information, advice, support and assistance for young people under the age of 25 living in Cardiff.

Mae Cyngor a Chymorth i Deuluoedd Caerdydd yn wasanaeth a ariennir yn llawn sy'n gallu rhoi gwybodaeth, cyngor, cefnogaeth a chymorth i bobl ifanc dan 25 oed sy'n byw yng Nghaerdydd.