CommunityPass is a partnership of the local community organizations.

From here you can register for an activity, see your account's current registrations or edit your account information.

Existing Users

Please Log In

Create an Account

CommunityPass is your resource for registering to recreation activities within the Township of Cranford. To begin, click the signup link above and fill in the appropriate information to create your family account. Once this is complete you will have access to many Recreation programs offered by the Township of Cranford Recreation Department. Please do not create a new account if you have an existing one. If you are unsure of your username or password, please contact either the Recreation office or the Pool Registration office and we'd happy to send you your information. Just click the link above to begin.

Create an Account

Please Note: If you already have a CommunityPass account from another organization or community, please use your existing username and password to log in and register for programs offered through this organization. You do not need to create a new account.