Between Two Pandemics: Increasing Awareness of Gender-Based Violence during COVID and Beyond

Three- Day Online Seminar on Gender- based Violence

“Between Two Pandemics: Increasing Awareness of Gender-Based Violence during COVID and Beyond”

19/10, 20/10, 21/10

13.00-15.00 Greece, 10.00-12.00 Iceland, 12.00-14.00 Norway

Read more about the Seminar here 

Seminar materials

Seminar Day 1 “The UN‘s shadow pandemic”

Definitions of violence (Brynja Elísabeth Halldórsdóttir)

Seminar Day 2″Fragile settings: how policies affect Gender-based violence”

Policy impacts of COVID on GBV (Brynja Elísabeth Halldórsdóttir)

Seminar Day 3 “Local views of GBV and COVID-19: What is happening in your neighborhood?”

Conclusion (Brynja Elísabeth Halldórsdóttir)