Playing the recording twice in listening tasks: How does it affect students’ scores, their use of listening strategies and test-taking strategies, and their anxiety?

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Original publication
Holzknecht, F. & Harding, L. (2023). Repeating the listening text: effects on listener performance, metacognitive strategy use, and anxiety. . TESOL Quarterly, 0(0), 0-0. doi:
This article is open access
Writer of summary
Holzknecht, F. & Harding, L.
Upload date
24 October 2023
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How to cite this summary

Holzknecht, F. & Harding, L. (2023). Playing the recording twice in listening tasks: How does it affect students’ scores, their use of listening strategies and test-taking strategies, and their anxiety?. OASIS Summary of Holzknecht, F. & Harding, L. (2023) in TESOL Quarterly.

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