A monthly digest for the LGBT sector
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A warm welcome to the November edition of our Newsletter!

Read on for news from the Sector, our Members and the Consortium Team.

Sector News

Trans Schools Guidance could be published by Christmas 

We have heard reports that the much-disputed Trans Schools Guidance could finally be published by Christmas, as part of a consultation around RSHE that promises to report by the end of the year.

The draft guidance was initially proposed to be released in the summer but there have been continuous deadline changes ever since, and disputes between Ministers as to the lawfulness of some of the guidance anticipated.

For Women Scotland loses appeal around the definition of sex

For Women Scotland have lost an appeal in the Court of Session over the legal definition of a woman.

The group had challenged a ruling that trans women with a GRC (Gender Recognition Certificate) can legally be defined as a woman.

Conversion Therapy Ban

The timeline around a trans-inclusive ban on conversion therapy practices is still unknown.

Tory party leader Rishi Sunak pledged to draft the bill in the King’s Speech (7th November) but heavy push back from anti-trans MPs has meant that many in the community are not hopeful that the ban will go ahead.

Consortium News

We wanted to welcome all of our new members who have joined Consortium this month!

To get the most out of your membership, why not book in a welcome meeting to find out about all of the
membership benefits and how to access support.

Please contact for more information


Trans Awareness Week - Online Showcase Event

For Trans Awareness Week we're running an Online Showcase event, an opportunity to highlight our trans and non-binary members and raise money for the incredibly important and vital work they do. Within the last few months, the trans and non-binary community have faced increased hostility and negativity from the UK Government which has contributed to a harmful rhetoric that seeks to deny their existence and their safety.
We would like to use our collective voice around this to bring about something that is meaningful and substantial for our trans and non-binary member organisations. Our goal for this showcase is to raise vital funds for trans and non-binary led organisations, and we would like to invite you to participate. Trans and non-binary led organisations need funding now more than ever and so we would like to invite you to participate in our online showcase with the hopes to raise these vital funds to support our specialist grant making work.
Alongside this showcase of the incredible work of our trans-led members, we’ll also be running a fundraising campaign to inspire support for our future grant-giving.
We’ll be promoting the showcase across our social media channels and through press releases to media outlets, celebrating your work and asking for donations towards the LGBT+ Futures fund so that we can grow our participative, intersectional grant-making.
Funds raised from this activity will be distributed through our grants programmes to directly support diverse, intersectional and grassroots groups.
The deadline that we’re asking content to be sent over by is Friday 10th November.
Participation could involve:
• Videos about the work your organisation does (this could be a piece to camera or informational video)
• Examples of resources your organisation has produced
• If your organisation focuses on arts and creativity then we’d love to receive writing, photography, art, etc which can be via a video or written format.
*We aren’t asking organisations to produce anything new specifically for this showcase (unless you wish to do so) but if you have existing work you would like us to promote, please let us know!

Please contact our Communications Officer to find out more:

Equity Fund Showcase

On Friday the 29th of September, we had a showcase event for the Equity Fund grantees at Rich Mix, London, with those unable to join in person tuning in remotely to watch our performances and films.

The day was packed with grantee stalls to browse, displays, basketball skills, weightlifting, and board games to try out. We had incredible performances from
Queer Stage Revolution and a cooking demo by the Black Boy Joy Club. A compilation of reels from grantees about their work and a series of short films from Last Frame Film Club's Queer Film Fest were also shown. Guests were able to join in with whatever they liked, with downtime and networking options too.

We were joined by grantees, Consortium trustees and staff, EF Community Panel Members/ Collaborators and other guests to spend the day reflecting on the incredible work that’s been done through the Equity Fund.

You can view our online showcase here

Member News

Here is a summary of news from our Members over the last month. 

Gendered Intelligences' GIANTS:
Celebrate Trans Joy Project - Trans Joy Week 2023

Last year, we ran our first ever ‘ Trans Joy Week’ - this was an online campaign in the week leading up to Trans Day of Remembrance. We wanted to flood Instagram with positivity and love for the trans community by inviting them, and their allies, to express their joy. We received an overwhelmingly positive response, and this year it is clearer than ever that the community needs this space to relax and celebrate ourselves.

We are pleased to announce that we will be running Trans Joy Week again this year!

From the 14th til the 19th of November, we are excited to celebrate our trans joy from the rooftops!

Keep an eye out for more details soon, we've got some exciting daily prompts to share plus more...!

BAXSAN then and now: Creating our legacy

We’re thrilled to return to the Whitechapel Gallery for a second edition of our BAXSAN takeover. This time to celebrate 5 joyous years of existence! We would love to invite you to an unforgettable evening as we celebrate the journey of community building, honouring the remarkable QTIPOC artists and thinkers who have not only inspired us, but also collaborated closely in shaping our story. 

The evening will include a programme that is brimming with exceptionally talented QTIPOC filmmakers, DJs, profound thinkers, nurturing healers and captivating performers. 

Here are some important details of the event:

Whitechapel Gallery Takeover: BAXSAN then and now: Creating our legacy

Thursday 9th November - 18:30
Whitechapel Gallery, 77-82 Whitechapel High St, London E1 7QX

We'll be announcing all of the artists we've collaborated with on our Instagram, so feel free to follow us for further updates

Help explore financial hardship among LGBTQ+ over-50s in London

Opening Doors is the only dedicated national charity connecting LGBTQ+ over-50s with activities, events, support and information. Currently their research team are researching financial hardship among older LGBTQ+ people in London.

The team have created a
survey to gather evidence, and to help bring about change. They need your help disseminating and publicising the survey, so that it reaches people from all sections of London’s LGBTQ+ community.

The survey is available in both paper and web-based form, and Opening Doors can also send volunteers over to social group meetings to complete paper surveys in person.
If you are able to help disseminate or publicise the survey, or you have any questions regarding the project, please contact Rhiannon Mendes at Opening Doors (

A Video Guide to Intersex Asylum Claims

We have put together a new video guide for Intersex people who are going through the asylum process in the UK.⁠ The video includes advice about writing your statement for your claim, preparing for the Home Office interview, talking about your medical history, and more.

The video features British Sign Language interpretation, and you can also watch it with subtitles of 11 different languages, available via the playlists.

It's good to share!

We love to hear from our Members about the great work they are doing and we can help get the word out by sharing it via our Newsletter and social media.

If you are a Member and you have a press release or announcement you'd like to share with us, then please get in touch by clicking on the button below.

Share Your News

Key Dates in November

Trans Awareness Month
All Month

Transgender Parent Day
5th November

Trustees Week
6th - 10th November

Intersex Day of Solidarity
8th November

12th November

Trans Awareness Week
13th - 19th November

Trans Joy Week (Gendered Intelligences' GIANTS)
13th - 19th November

Trans Day of Remembrance
20th November


Here are just a selection of the exciting opportunities currently available with our Members, but we don't have space to list them all here.

Please visit the Opportunities page on our website for full details of all the available vacancies.


Apply by:
16th November

Apply by:
17th November

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