Idea in Brief

The Problem
Companies know that emotions drive customer behavior, but most have little idea how to connect in ways that motivate the desired behaviors. The process is more guesswork than science.

The Solution
The authors have created a lexicon of “emotional motivators” and, using big data analytics, have linked them to specific profitable behaviors.

The Opportunity
By identifying the most powerful emotional motivators for a given customer segment, companies can design marketing and other strategies to leverage those motivators, giving them a new source of competitive advantage and growth.

When companies connect with customers’ emotions, the payoff can be huge. Consider these examples: After a major bank introduced a credit card for Millennials that was designed to inspire emotional connection, use among the segment increased by 70% and new account growth rose by 40%. Within a year of launching products and messaging to maximize emotional connection, a leading household cleaner turned market share losses into double-digit growth. And when a nationwide apparel retailer reoriented its merchandising and customer experience to its most emotionally connected customer segments, same-store sales growth accelerated more than threefold.

A version of this article appeared in the November 2015 issue (pp.66–74, 76) of Harvard Business Review.