Re: Multiple Issues with SD-Fabric Installation

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Chan, Charles

Aug 18, 2022, 5:40:19 AM8/18/22
to David Lake, Cascone, Carmelo,

Hi David,

Please see my comments below.



Charles Chan, PhD (he/him)

Cloud Software Development Engineer

Software Product Incubation | Network and Edge Group

Intel Corporation  |


From: David Lake <>
Date: Wednesday, August 17, 2022 at 04:37
To: Cascone, Carmelo <>, Chan, Charles <>
Cc: <>
Subject: Multiple Issues with SD-Fabric Installation



Please excuse the direct contact.  I’ve tried to contact the SD-Fabric development and support team but I’ve had no replies to the issues I’ve raised.


I am attempting to build a very simple SD-Fabric installation but hitting multiple issues and am at the stage where I require direct assistance.  There simply is not enough detail or clarity in the currently available documentation to troubleshoot.


1)      Pfcp-agent is failing to start.  I see this error in the log:


root@cp-node:/home/admin5g# kubectl logs -n sdfabric sdfabric-pfcp-agent-0

time="2022-08-17T11:15:53Z" level=info msg="{Mode: AccessIface:{IfName:} CoreIface:{IfName:} CPIface:{Peers:[] UseFQDN:false NodeID:pfcp-agent HTTPPort:8080 Dnn:internet EnableUeIPAlloc:false UEIPPool:} P4rtcIface:{SliceID:0 AccessIP: P4rtcServer:sdfabric-onos-classic-hs P4rtcPort:51001 QFIToTC:map[] DefaultTC:3} EnableP4rt:true EnableFlowMeasure:false SimInfo:{MaxSessions:0 StartUEIP:<nil> StartENBIP:<nil> StartAUPFIP:<nil> N6AppIP:<nil> N9AppIP:<nil> StartN3TEID: StartN9TEID:} ConnTimeout:0 ReadTimeout:15 EnableNotifyBess:false EnableEndMarker:false NotifySockAddr: EndMarkerSockAddr: LogLevel:info QciQosConfig:[] SliceMeterConfig:{N6RateBps:0 N6BurstBytes:0 N3RateBps:0 N3BurstBytes:0} MaxReqRetries:5 RespTimeout:2s EnableHBTimer:false HeartBeatInterval:}" func=main.main file="/pfcpiface/cmd/pfcpiface/main.go:37"

time="2022-08-17T11:15:53Z" level=fatal msg="Unable to resolve hostname pfcp-agent lookup pfcp-agent on no such host" file="/pfcpiface/pfcpiface/upf.go:109"


                (This error also occurs if I enable pfcp-agent in the dev-values.yaml file which you have provided in the 1.2.1-dev release).


[Charles] Did you have pfcp-agent started in the same K8s namespace as ONOS? Can you share the dump of kubectl pods and services?


2)      I see an error in the sdfabric-onos-classic-0 log:


2022-08-16 09:44:45,431 INFO  [PiPipeconfManager] New pipeconf registered: org.stratumproject.fabric-int.bmv2 (fingerprint=5e:ab:5c:73:80:ab:1c:5d)

2022-08-16 09:44:45,432 INFO  [PiPipeconfManager] New pipeconf registered: org.stratumproject.fabric-int.mavericks_sde_9_7_0 (fingerprint=a5:57:71:11:11:5b:61:46)

2022-08-16 09:44:45,432 INFO  [PiPipeconfManager] New pipeconf registered: org.stratumproject.fabric-int.montara_sde_9_7_0 (fingerprint=a5:57:71:11:11:5b:61:46)

2022-08-16 09:44:45,433 INFO  [PiPipeconfManager] New pipeconf registered: org.stratumproject.fabric-upf-int.bmv2 (fingerprint=1f:73:8f:88:e2:e2:fc:1d)

2022-08-16 09:44:45,433 INFO  [PiPipeconfManager] New pipeconf registered: org.stratumproject.fabric-upf-int.mavericks_sde_9_7_0 (fingerprint=69:b1:92:e5:41:01:c3:


2022-08-16 09:44:45,433 INFO  [PiPipeconfManager] New pipeconf registered: org.stratumproject.fabric-upf-int.montara_sde_9_7_0 (fingerprint=69:b1:92:e5:41:01:c3:52


2022-08-16 09:44:45,433 INFO  [PiPipeconfManager] New pipeconf registered: org.stratumproject.fabric-upf.bmv2 (fingerprint=31:54:23:60:b7:db:ae:c8)

2022-08-16 09:44:45,434 INFO  [PiPipeconfManager] New pipeconf registered: org.stratumproject.fabric-upf.mavericks_sde_9_7_0 (fingerprint=fa:34:cb:eb:cc:19:81:fe)

2022-08-16 09:44:45,434 INFO  [PiPipeconfManager] New pipeconf registered: org.stratumproject.fabric-upf.montara_sde_9_7_0 (fingerprint=fa:34:cb:eb:cc:19:81:fe)

2022-08-16 09:44:45,434 INFO  [PiPipeconfManager] New pipeconf registered: org.stratumproject.fabric.bmv2 (fingerprint=48:79:3a:45:d3:fe:d7:6d)

2022-08-16 09:44:45,434 INFO  [PiPipeconfManager] New pipeconf registered: org.stratumproject.fabric.mavericks_sde_9_7_0 (fingerprint=c5:34:c6:e8:b7:06:80:a5)

2022-08-16 09:44:45,435 INFO  [PiPipeconfManager] New pipeconf registered: org.stratumproject.fabric.montara_sde_9_7_0 (fingerprint=c5:34:c6:e8:b7:06:80:a5)

2022-08-16 09:44:45,435 INFO  [PipeconfLoader] Started

2022-08-16 09:44:45,445 INFO  [IntManager] Started

2022-08-16 09:44:45,497 INFO  [SlicingManager] Processing slice event MapEvent{name=fabric-tna-slice, type=INSERT, key=SliceStoreKey{sliceId=0, trafficClass=BEST_E

FFORT}, newValue=Versioned{value=TrafficClassDescription{tc=BEST_EFFORT, qid=0, maxRateBps=UNLIMITED, gminRateBps=0, isSystemTc=false}, version=1129, creationTime=

2022-08-16T09:44:45.494Z}, oldValue=null}

2022-08-16 09:44:45,498 INFO  [SlicingManager] Processing Default TC event MapEvent{name=fabric-tna-default-tc, type=INSERT, key=0, newValue=Versioned{value=BEST_E

FFORT, version=1130, creationTime=2022-08-16T09:44:45.496Z}, oldValue=null}

2022-08-16 09:44:45,498 INFO  [SlicingManager] Started

2022-08-16 09:44:45,501 INFO  [NetcfgSlicingProvider] Started

2022-08-16 09:44:45,526 INFO  [StatisticManager] Started

2022-08-16 09:44:45,551 INFO  [HighlightManager] Started

2022-08-16 09:44:45,552 INFO  [ApiDocManager] Fabric-tna REST API registered at /onos/fabrictna

2022-08-16 09:44:45,553 INFO  [FeaturesServiceImpl] Done.

2022-08-16 09:44:45,554 INFO  [ApplicationManager] Application org.stratumproject.fabric-tna has been activated

2022-08-16 09:44:52,580 ERROR [Tools] No such component

2022-08-16 09:44:57,600 ERROR [Tools] No such component

2022-08-16 09:45:02,610 ERROR [Tools] No such component

2022-08-16 09:45:07,620 ERROR [Tools] No such component

2022-08-16 09:45:12,632 ERROR [Tools] No such component

2022-08-16 09:45:17,641 ERROR [Tools] No such component

2022-08-16 09:45:22,651 ERROR [Tools] No such component

2022-08-16 09:45:27,660 ERROR [Tools] No such component

2022-08-16 09:45:32,670 ERROR [Tools] No such component

2022-08-16 09:45:37,679 ERROR [Tools] No such component

2022-08-16 09:45:42,689 ERROR [Tools] No such component

2022-08-16 09:45:47,699 ERROR [Tools] No such component

2022-08-16 09:45:52,708 ERROR [Tools] No such component

2022-08-16 09:45:57,718 ERROR [Tools] No such component

2022-08-16 09:46:02,727 ERROR [Tools] No such component

2022-08-16 09:46:07,739 ERROR [Tools] No such component

2022-08-16 09:46:12,749 ERROR [Tools] No such component

2022-08-16 09:46:17,758 ERROR [Tools] No such component

This message repeats every 5 seconds.


[Charles] I haven’t seen this before. Can you attach the full ONOS log from the very beginning?



3)      There is no attempt to load the Stratum image on the switch containers.  I’ve checked that the Kubernetes taints are correct and the hosts are reachable but the Helm deployment appears not to reach this point.  I have no idea why.


[Charles] Do you see a Stratum daemonset being deployed on K8s? Can you share the output of kubectl describe of that daemonset? Typically it will tell you why a pod can’t be scheduled at the bottom.



I’d be grateful if you could assign a resource to work with me to resolve these issues so that I may achieve a working UP4 + PFCP system with the EdgeCore switches.


[Charles] Unfortunately we can’t offer dedicated engineering resource to support open-source project at this moment. We will try to answer questions from the community at our best.


Thank you in advance


David Lake

+44 7711 736784




5G & 6G Innovation Centres

Institute for Communication Systems (ICS)
University of Surrey


David Lake

Aug 18, 2022, 6:40:39 AM8/18/22
to Chan, Charles, Cascone, Carmelo,



Thanks for the response.



  1. [Charles] Did you have pfcp-agent started in the same K8s namespace as ONOS? Can you share the dump of kubectl pods and services?


root@cp-node:/home/admin5g# kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

NAMESPACE     NAME                                                        READY   STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE

default       busybox                                                     1/1     Running            65         2d17h

default       dnsutils                                                    1/1     Running            23         23h

kube-system   coredns-66bff467f8-9lw58                                    1/1     Running            0          47d

kube-system   coredns-66bff467f8-qv7vd                                    1/1     Running            1          47d

kube-system   etcd-cp-node                                                1/1     Running            2          47d

kube-system   kube-apiserver-cp-node                                      1/1     Running            2          47d

kube-system   kube-controller-manager-cp-node                             1/1     Running            1          47d

kube-system   kube-flannel-ds-fkfcc                                       1/1     Running            0          47d

kube-system   kube-flannel-ds-w8txw                                       1/1     Running            3          47d

kube-system   kube-flannel-ds-z4qh6                                       1/1     Running            0          45d

kube-system   kube-flannel-ds-zhwxz                                       1/1     Running            3          47d

kube-system   kube-proxy-cp56k                                            1/1     Running            0          47d

kube-system   kube-proxy-fhwg8                                            1/1     Running            3          47d

kube-system   kube-proxy-hwnd5                                            1/1     Running            0          45d

kube-system   kube-proxy-ts6fp                                            1/1     Running            1          47d

kube-system   kube-scheduler-cp-node                                      1/1     Running            1          47d

sdfabric      sdfabric-atomix-0                                           1/1     Running            0          2d

sdfabric      sdfabric-onos-classic-0                                     1/1     Running            0          2d

sdfabric      sdfabric-onos-classic-onos-config-loader-59d64bd8dc-wq48d   1/1     Running            0          2d

sdfabric      sdfabric-pfcp-agent-0                                       0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   567        2d



root@cp-node:/home/admin5g# kubectl -n sdfabric get services

NAME                       TYPE        CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                                AGE

sdfabric-atomix-api        ClusterIP   <none>        5678/TCP                               2d

sdfabric-atomix-hs         ClusterIP   None           <none>        5679/TCP                               2d

sdfabric-onos-classic-hs   ClusterIP   None           <none>        51001/TCP,9876/TCP,8101/TCP,8181/TCP   2d

sdfabric-pfcp-agent        ClusterIP   <none>        8805/UDP                               2d

sdfabric-pfcp-agent-rest   ClusterIP   <none>        8080/TCP                               2d




  1. I haven’t seen this before. Can you attach the full ONOS log from the very beginning?


This error seems to coincide with the attempt to load the necfg:


root@cp-node:/home/admin5g# kubectl logs sdfabric-onos-classic-onos-config-loader-59d64bd8dc-wq48d -n sdfabric


Timestamp is

Tue Aug 16 09:43:50 UTC 2022


Waiting for ONOS Cluster to be ready


Timestamp is

Tue Aug 16 09:44:01 UTC 2022


Waiting for ONOS Cluster to be ready


Timestamp is

Tue Aug 16 09:44:11 UTC 2022


Waiting for ONOS Cluster to be ready


Timestamp is

Tue Aug 16 09:44:21 UTC 2022


Waiting for ONOS Cluster to be ready


Timestamp is

Tue Aug 16 09:44:31 UTC 2022


Waiting for ONOS Cluster to be ready


Timestamp is

Tue Aug 16 09:44:42 UTC 2022


Waiting for ONOS Cluster to be ready


Timestamp is

Tue Aug 16 09:44:52 UTC 2022


Waiting for ONOS Cluster to be ready


Loading netcfg into ONOS


cat: can't open '/opt/configs/netcfg.json': No such file or directory

sed: can't read /opt/configs/netcfg.json: No such file or directory

Update is unnecessary since the netcfg on the ONOS cluster is up to date


Loading component configs into ONOS



Check that component netcfg is active


curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404

Waiting for netcfg to be active

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404

Waiting for netcfg to be active

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404

Waiting for netcfg to be active

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404

Waiting for netcfg to be active

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404

Waiting for netcfg to be active

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404

Waiting for netcfg to be active

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404

Waiting for netcfg to be active

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404

Waiting for netcfg to be active

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404

Waiting for netcfg to be active

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404

Waiting for netcfg to be active

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404

Waiting for netcfg to be active

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404

Waiting for netcfg to be active

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404

Waiting for netcfg to be active

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404

Waiting for netcfg to be active

Waiting for netcfg to be active

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404

Waiting for netcfg to be active

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404

Waiting for netcfg to be active

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404

Waiting for netcfg to be active

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404

Waiting for netcfg to be active

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404

Waiting for netcfg to be active

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404

Waiting for netcfg to be active

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404

Waiting for netcfg to be active

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404

Waiting for netcfg to be active

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404

Waiting for netcfg to be active

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404

Waiting for netcfg to be active

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404

Waiting for netcfg to be active

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404

Waiting for netcfg to be active

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404

Waiting for netcfg to be active

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404

Waiting for netcfg to be active

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404

Waiting for netcfg to be active

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404

Waiting for netcfg to be active

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404

Waiting for netcfg to be active

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404

Waiting for netcfg to be active

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404

Waiting for netcfg to be active

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404

Waiting for netcfg to be active

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404

Waiting for netcfg to be active







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     ____  _  ______  ____    

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karaf@root > log                                                                                                                                           10:07:53

karaf@root log> display                                                                                                                                    10:07:59

10:06:14.502 INFO [ApplicationManager] Application org.onosproject.protocols.gnmi has been activated

10:06:14.505 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Adding features: onos-providers-general/[2.5.8.SNAPSHOT,2.5.8.SNAPSHOT]

10:06:14.521 INFO [BgpSessionManager] BgpSessionManager started

10:06:14.596 INFO [FpmManager] clearRoutes is true

10:06:14.596 INFO [FpmManager] PD pushing is disabled.

10:06:14.626 INFO [FpmManager] Started

10:06:14.634 INFO [ObjectiveTracker] Started

10:06:14.637 INFO [PathManager] Started

10:06:14.644 INFO [NetworkConfigHostProvider] Started

10:06:14.649 INFO [NeighbourResolutionManager] IPv6 neighbor discovery is disabled

10:06:14.649 INFO [NeighbourResolutionManager] Address resolution protocol is enabled

10:06:14.650 INFO [NeighbourResolutionManager] Configured. Request intercepts is enabled

10:06:14.732 INFO [LldpLinkProvider] Settings: enabled=true, useBDDP=true, probeRate=3000, staleLinkAge=10000, maxLLDPage=1000, useStaleLinkAge=true

10:06:14.732 INFO [LldpLinkProvider] Started

10:06:14.744 INFO [Dhcp4HandlerImpl] Learning routes from DHCP leasequery is disabled

10:06:14.751 INFO [Dhcp6HandlerImpl] Learning routes from DHCP leasequery is disabled

10:06:14.763 INFO [DhcpRelayManager] Address resolution protocol is enabled

10:06:14.765 INFO [DhcpRelayManager] DhcpRelay poll interval new 86400 old 86400

10:06:14.765 INFO [DhcpRelayManager] DhcpRelay FPM is disabled

10:06:14.769 INFO [DhcpRelayManager] DHCP-RELAY Started

10:06:14.780 INFO [IntentManager] Started

10:06:14.789 INFO [IntentCleanup] Started

10:06:14.800 INFO [IntentConfigurableRegistrator] Started

10:06:14.812 INFO [ProtectedTransportIntentCompiler] started

10:06:14.838 INFO [UiSharedTopologyModel] Started

10:06:14.839 INFO [LionUtils] System Default Locale: [en_US]

10:06:14.840 INFO [LionUtils] Language: [en], Country: [US]

10:06:14.840 INFO [LionUtils] Setting runtime locale to: [en_US]

10:06:14.846 INFO [BundleStitcher] Generated LION bundle: LionBundle{id=core.fw.Mast, #items=7}

10:06:14.850 INFO [BundleStitcher] Generated LION bundle: LionBundle{id=core.fw.Nav, #items=15}

10:06:14.851 INFO [BundleStitcher] Generated LION bundle: LionBundle{id=core.fw.QuickHelp, #items=5}

10:06:14.852 INFO [BundleStitcher] Generated LION bundle: LionBundle{id=core.view.App, #items=32}

10:06:14.853 INFO [BundleStitcher] Generated LION bundle: LionBundle{id=core.view.Cluster, #items=23}

10:06:14.855 INFO [BundleStitcher] Generated LION bundle: LionBundle{id=core.view.Topo, #items=160}

10:06:14.856 INFO [BundleStitcher] Generated LION bundle: LionBundle{id=core.view.Flow, #items=25}

10:06:14.887 INFO [UiExtensionManager] Started

10:06:14.893 INFO [GroupManager] Configured. PurgeOnDisconnection is disabled

10:06:14.894 INFO [HostManager] Configured. monitorHosts disabled

10:06:14.894 INFO [HostManager] Configured. probeRate 30000

10:06:14.895 INFO [HostManager] Removal of duplicate ip address is disabled

10:06:14.895 INFO [HostManager] Configured. greedyLearningIpv6 disabled

10:06:14.895 INFO [HostManager] Configured. hostMoveTrackerEnabled disabled

10:06:14.898 INFO [DefaultTopology] Setting new default maximum paths count to -1

10:06:14.898 INFO [DistributedTopologyStore] Settings: linkWeightFunction=hopCount

10:06:14.901 INFO [DistributedStatisticStore] Setting: messageHandlerThreadPoolSize=4

10:06:14.902 INFO [CoreManager] Settings: sharedThreadPoolSize=30, maxEventTimeLimit=2000, sharedThreadPerformanceCheck=false

10:06:14.937 INFO [DistributedMeterStore] Started

10:06:14.943 INFO [MeterManager] Configured. PurgeOnDisconnection is disabled

10:06:14.944 INFO [MeterManager] UserDefinedIndex is disabled

10:06:14.946 INFO [MeterManager] Started

10:06:15.091 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Changes to perform:

10:06:15.092 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   Region: root

10:06:15.092 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]     Bundles to install:

10:06:15.092 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]       mvn:org.onosproject/onos-providers-general-device/2.5.8-SNAPSHOT

10:06:15.093 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Installing bundles:

10:06:15.093 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   mvn:org.onosproject/onos-providers-general-device/2.5.8-SNAPSHOT

10:06:15.112 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Starting bundles:

10:06:15.112 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   org.onosproject.onos-providers-general-device/2.5.8.SNAPSHOT

10:06:15.129 INFO [StatsPoller] Started

10:06:15.129 INFO [GeneralDeviceProvider] Configured. checkupInterval is configured to 10 seconds

10:06:15.129 INFO [GeneralDeviceProvider] Configured. statsPollInterval is configured to 10 seconds

10:06:15.129 INFO [GeneralDeviceProvider] Started

10:06:15.129 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Done.

10:06:15.130 INFO [ApplicationManager] Application org.onosproject.generaldeviceprovider has been activated

10:06:15.134 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Adding features: onos-protocols-gnoi/[2.5.8.SNAPSHOT,2.5.8.SNAPSHOT]

10:06:15.378 INFO [Dhcp4HandlerImpl] Learning routes from DHCP leasequery is disabled

10:06:15.380 INFO [IntentCleanup] Settings: enabled=true, period=5, retryThreshold=5

10:06:15.381 INFO [DhcpRelayManager] Address resolution protocol is enabled

10:06:15.383 INFO [DhcpRelayManager] DhcpRelay poll interval new 86400 old 86400

10:06:15.384 INFO [DhcpRelayManager] DhcpRelay FPM is disabled

10:06:15.388 INFO [GeneralDeviceProvider] Configured. checkupInterval is configured to 10 seconds

10:06:15.388 INFO [GeneralDeviceProvider] Configured. statsPollInterval is configured to 10 seconds

10:06:15.390 INFO [NeighbourResolutionManager] IPv6 neighbor discovery is disabled

10:06:15.390 INFO [NeighbourResolutionManager] Address resolution protocol is enabled

10:06:15.390 INFO [NeighbourResolutionManager] Configured. Request intercepts is enabled

10:06:15.400 INFO [Dhcp6HandlerImpl] Learning routes from DHCP leasequery is disabled

10:06:15.402 INFO [UiExtensionManager] Settings: trafficRefresh=5000

10:06:15.404 INFO [FpmManager] clearRoutes is true

10:06:15.405 INFO [FpmManager] PD pushing is disabled.

10:06:15.406 INFO [LldpLinkProvider] Settings: enabled=true, useBDDP=true, probeRate=3000, staleLinkAge=10000, maxLLDPage=1000, useStaleLinkAge=true

10:06:15.407 INFO [MeterManager] Configured. PurgeOnDisconnection is disabled

10:06:15.409 INFO [MeterManager] UserDefinedIndex is disabled

10:06:15.412 INFO [GnmiControllerImpl] Configured. readPortId is configured to false

10:06:15.451 INFO [AtomixClusterStore] Updated node onos-0 state to READY

10:06:15.454 INFO [FpmManager] Receives ClusterEvent INSTANCE_READY for onos-0

10:06:15.462 INFO [FpmManager] 0 FPM routes have been updated to route store

10:06:15.621 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Changes to perform:

10:06:15.621 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   Region: root

10:06:15.621 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]     Bundles to install:

10:06:15.622 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]       mvn:org.onosproject/onos-protocols-gnoi-api/2.5.8-SNAPSHOT

10:06:15.622 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]       mvn:org.onosproject/onos-protocols-gnoi-ctl/2.5.8-SNAPSHOT

10:06:15.622 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]       mvn:org.onosproject/onos-protocols-gnoi-stub/2.5.8-SNAPSHOT

10:06:15.623 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Installing bundles:

10:06:15.623 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   mvn:org.onosproject/onos-protocols-gnoi-api/2.5.8-SNAPSHOT

10:06:15.625 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   mvn:org.onosproject/onos-protocols-gnoi-ctl/2.5.8-SNAPSHOT

10:06:15.626 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   mvn:org.onosproject/onos-protocols-gnoi-stub/2.5.8-SNAPSHOT

10:06:15.636 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Starting bundles:

10:06:15.637 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   org.onosproject.onos-protocols-gnoi-stub/2.5.8.SNAPSHOT

10:06:15.637 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   org.onosproject.onos-protocols-gnoi-api/2.5.8.SNAPSHOT

10:06:15.638 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   org.onosproject.onos-protocols-gnoi-ctl/2.5.8.SNAPSHOT

10:06:15.642 INFO [GnoiControllerImpl] Started

10:06:15.642 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Done.

10:06:15.643 INFO [ApplicationManager] Application org.onosproject.protocols.gnoi has been activated

10:06:15.645 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Adding features: onos-drivers-gnoi/[2.5.8.SNAPSHOT,2.5.8.SNAPSHOT]

10:06:16.202 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Changes to perform:

10:06:16.202 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   Region: root

10:06:16.202 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]     Bundles to install:

10:06:16.202 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]       mvn:org.onosproject/onos-drivers-gnoi/2.5.8-SNAPSHOT

10:06:16.203 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Installing bundles:

10:06:16.203 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   mvn:org.onosproject/onos-drivers-gnoi/2.5.8-SNAPSHOT

10:06:16.210 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Starting bundles:

10:06:16.210 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   org.onosproject.onos-drivers-gnoi/2.5.8.SNAPSHOT

10:06:16.215 INFO [GnoiDriversLoader] Started

10:06:16.216 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Done.

10:06:16.216 INFO [ApplicationManager] Application org.onosproject.drivers.gnoi has been activated

10:06:16.223 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Adding features: onos-protocols-p4runtime/[2.5.8.SNAPSHOT,2.5.8.SNAPSHOT]

10:06:16.737 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Changes to perform:

10:06:16.738 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   Region: root

10:06:16.738 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]     Bundles to install:

10:06:16.738 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]       mvn:org.onosproject/onos-protocols-p4runtime-api/2.5.8-SNAPSHOT

10:06:16.738 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]       mvn:org.onosproject/onos-protocols-p4runtime-ctl/2.5.8-SNAPSHOT

10:06:16.738 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]       mvn:org.onosproject/onos-protocols-p4runtime-model/2.5.8-SNAPSHOT

10:06:16.738 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]       mvn:org.onosproject/onos-protocols-p4runtime-proto/2.5.8-SNAPSHOT

10:06:16.738 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]       mvn:org.onosproject/onos-protocols-p4runtime-utils/2.5.8-SNAPSHOT

10:06:16.739 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Installing bundles:

10:06:16.739 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   mvn:org.onosproject/onos-protocols-p4runtime-api/2.5.8-SNAPSHOT

10:06:16.741 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   mvn:org.onosproject/onos-protocols-p4runtime-ctl/2.5.8-SNAPSHOT

10:06:16.742 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   mvn:org.onosproject/onos-protocols-p4runtime-model/2.5.8-SNAPSHOT

10:06:16.743 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   mvn:org.onosproject/onos-protocols-p4runtime-proto/2.5.8-SNAPSHOT

10:06:16.747 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   mvn:org.onosproject/onos-protocols-p4runtime-utils/2.5.8-SNAPSHOT

10:06:16.757 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Starting bundles:

10:06:16.757 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   org.onosproject.onos-protocols-p4runtime-proto/2.5.8.SNAPSHOT

10:06:16.758 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   org.onosproject.onos-protocols-p4runtime-utils/2.5.8.SNAPSHOT

10:06:16.759 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   org.onosproject.onos-protocols-p4runtime-model/2.5.8.SNAPSHOT

10:06:16.760 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   org.onosproject.onos-protocols-p4runtime-api/2.5.8.SNAPSHOT

10:06:16.760 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   org.onosproject.onos-protocols-p4runtime-ctl/2.5.8.SNAPSHOT

10:06:16.771 INFO [DistributedMasterElectionIdStore] Started

10:06:16.774 INFO [P4RuntimeControllerImpl] Started

10:06:16.774 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Done.

10:06:16.774 INFO [ApplicationManager] Application org.onosproject.protocols.p4runtime has been activated

10:06:16.778 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Adding features: onos-providers-p4runtime/[2.5.8.SNAPSHOT,2.5.8.SNAPSHOT]

10:06:17.316 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Changes to perform:

10:06:17.316 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   Region: root

10:06:17.316 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]     Bundles to install:

10:06:17.316 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]       mvn:org.onosproject/onos-providers-p4runtime-packet/2.5.8-SNAPSHOT

10:06:17.317 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Installing bundles:

10:06:17.318 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   mvn:org.onosproject/onos-providers-p4runtime-packet/2.5.8-SNAPSHOT

10:06:17.325 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Starting bundles:

10:06:17.325 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   org.onosproject.onos-providers-p4runtime-packet/2.5.8.SNAPSHOT

10:06:17.333 INFO [P4RuntimePacketProvider] Settings: p4RuntimePacketProviderWorkers=4

10:06:17.333 INFO [P4RuntimePacketProvider] Started

10:06:17.333 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Done.

10:06:17.333 INFO [ApplicationManager] Application org.onosproject.p4runtime has been activated

10:06:17.336 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Adding features: onos-drivers-p4runtime/[2.5.8.SNAPSHOT,2.5.8.SNAPSHOT]

10:06:17.874 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Changes to perform:

10:06:17.874 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   Region: root

10:06:17.874 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]     Bundles to install:

10:06:17.874 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]       mvn:org.onosproject/onos-drivers-p4runtime/2.5.8-SNAPSHOT

10:06:17.875 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Installing bundles:

10:06:17.875 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   mvn:org.onosproject/onos-drivers-p4runtime/2.5.8-SNAPSHOT

10:06:17.885 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Starting bundles:

10:06:17.886 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   org.onosproject.onos-drivers-p4runtime/2.5.8.SNAPSHOT

10:06:17.895 INFO [P4RuntimeDriversLoader] Started

10:06:17.907 INFO [DistributedP4RuntimeActionProfileGroupMirror] Started

10:06:17.915 INFO [DistributedP4RuntimeActionProfileMemberMirror] Started

10:06:17.923 INFO [DistributedP4RuntimeDefaultEntryMirror] Started

10:06:17.933 INFO [DistributedP4RuntimePreEntryMirror] Started

10:06:17.941 INFO [DistributedP4RuntimeTableMirror] Started

10:06:17.942 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Done.

10:06:17.942 INFO [ApplicationManager] Application org.onosproject.drivers.p4runtime has been activated

10:06:17.944 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Adding features: onos-pipelines-basic/[2.5.8.SNAPSHOT,2.5.8.SNAPSHOT]

10:06:18.503 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Changes to perform:

10:06:18.504 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   Region: root

10:06:18.504 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]     Bundles to install:

10:06:18.504 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]       mvn:org.onosproject/onos-pipelines-basic/2.5.8-SNAPSHOT

10:06:18.505 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Installing bundles:

10:06:18.505 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   mvn:org.onosproject/onos-pipelines-basic/2.5.8-SNAPSHOT

10:06:18.513 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Starting bundles:

10:06:18.514 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   org.onosproject.onos-pipelines-basic/2.5.8.SNAPSHOT

10:06:18.844 INFO [PiPipeconfManager] New pipeconf registered: org.onosproject.pipelines.basic (fingerprint=c3:4a:1b:ef:32:19:e4:f4)

10:06:18.845 INFO [PiPipeconfManager] New pipeconf registered: (fingerprint=5b:7d:f9:2d:dc:5f:97:4c)

10:06:18.845 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Done.

10:06:18.845 INFO [ApplicationManager] Application org.onosproject.pipelines.basic has been activated

10:06:18.853 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Adding features: onos-drivers-gnmi/[2.5.8.SNAPSHOT,2.5.8.SNAPSHOT]

10:06:19.384 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Changes to perform:

10:06:19.384 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   Region: root

10:06:19.384 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]     Bundles to install:

10:06:19.384 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]       mvn:org.onosproject/onos-drivers-gnmi/2.5.8-SNAPSHOT

10:06:19.386 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Installing bundles:

10:06:19.386 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   mvn:org.onosproject/onos-drivers-gnmi/2.5.8-SNAPSHOT

10:06:19.396 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Starting bundles:

10:06:19.397 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   org.onosproject.onos-drivers-gnmi/2.5.8.SNAPSHOT

10:06:19.403 INFO [GnmiDriversLoader] Started

10:06:19.403 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Done.

10:06:19.404 INFO [ApplicationManager] Application org.onosproject.drivers.gnmi has been activated

10:06:19.426 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Adding features: onos-drivers-stratum/[2.5.8.SNAPSHOT,2.5.8.SNAPSHOT]

10:06:20.057 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Changes to perform:

10:06:20.058 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   Region: root

10:06:20.058 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]     Bundles to install:

10:06:20.058 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]       mvn:org.onosproject/onos-drivers-stratum/2.5.8-SNAPSHOT

10:06:20.059 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Installing bundles:

10:06:20.059 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   mvn:org.onosproject/onos-drivers-stratum/2.5.8-SNAPSHOT

10:06:20.067 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Starting bundles:

10:06:20.067 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   org.onosproject.onos-drivers-stratum/2.5.8.SNAPSHOT

10:06:20.072 INFO [StratumDriversLoader] Started

10:06:20.073 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Done.

10:06:20.073 INFO [ApplicationManager] Application org.onosproject.drivers.stratum has been activated

10:06:20.079 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Adding features: onos-apps-portloadbalancer/[2.5.8.SNAPSHOT,2.5.8.SNAPSHOT]

10:06:20.560 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Changes to perform:

10:06:20.561 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   Region: root

10:06:20.561 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]     Bundles to install:

10:06:20.561 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]       mvn:org.onosproject/onos-apps-portloadbalancer/2.5.8-SNAPSHOT

10:06:20.562 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Installing bundles:

10:06:20.562 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   mvn:org.onosproject/onos-apps-portloadbalancer/2.5.8-SNAPSHOT

10:06:20.570 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Starting bundles:

10:06:20.571 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   org.onosproject.onos-apps-portloadbalancer/2.5.8.SNAPSHOT

10:06:20.573 INFO [CommandExtension] Registering commands for bundle org.onosproject.onos-apps-portloadbalancer/2.5.8.SNAPSHOT

10:06:20.617 INFO [PortLoadBalancerManager] Started

10:06:20.617 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Done.

10:06:20.618 INFO [ApplicationManager] Application org.onosproject.portloadbalancer has been activated

10:06:20.652 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Adding features: onos-drivers-barefoot/[2.5.8.SNAPSHOT,2.5.8.SNAPSHOT]

10:06:21.287 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Changes to perform:

10:06:21.287 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   Region: root

10:06:21.287 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]     Bundles to install:

10:06:21.287 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]       mvn:org.onosproject/onos-drivers-barefoot/2.5.8-SNAPSHOT

10:06:21.289 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Installing bundles:

10:06:21.289 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   mvn:org.onosproject/onos-drivers-barefoot/2.5.8-SNAPSHOT

10:06:21.297 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Starting bundles:

10:06:21.298 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   org.onosproject.onos-drivers-barefoot/2.5.8.SNAPSHOT

10:06:21.302 INFO [BarefootDriversLoader] Started

10:06:21.303 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Done.

10:06:21.303 INFO [ApplicationManager] Application has been activated

10:06:21.310 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Adding features: onos-providers-host/[2.5.8.SNAPSHOT,2.5.8.SNAPSHOT]

10:06:21.712 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Changes to perform:

10:06:21.712 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   Region: root

10:06:21.712 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]     Bundles to install:

10:06:21.712 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]       mvn:org.onosproject/onos-providers-host/2.5.8-SNAPSHOT

10:06:21.713 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Installing bundles:

10:06:21.713 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   mvn:org.onosproject/onos-providers-host/2.5.8-SNAPSHOT

10:06:21.727 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Starting bundles:

10:06:21.728 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   org.onosproject.onos-providers-host/2.5.8.SNAPSHOT

10:06:21.754 INFO [HostLocationProvider] Host removal on port/device down events is not configured, using current value of true

10:06:21.754 INFO [HostLocationProvider] Configured. Using ARP is enabled

10:06:21.754 INFO [HostLocationProvider] Configured. Using IPv6 NDP Neighbor Solicitation and Advertisement is disabled

10:06:21.754 INFO [HostLocationProvider] Configured. Using IPv6 NDP Router Solicitation and Advertisement is disabled

10:06:21.755 INFO [HostLocationProvider] Configured. Using DHCP is disabled

10:06:21.755 INFO [HostLocationProvider] Configured. Using DHCP6 is disabled

10:06:21.755 INFO [HostLocationProvider] Configured. Request intercepts is enabled

10:06:21.755 INFO [HostLocationProvider] Configured. Multihoming is disabled

10:06:21.764 INFO [HostLocationProvider] Started with Application ID 41

10:06:21.764 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Done.

10:06:21.765 INFO [ApplicationManager] Application org.onosproject.hostprovider has been activated

10:06:21.782 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Adding features: onos-apps-mcast/[2.5.8.SNAPSHOT,2.5.8.SNAPSHOT]

10:06:21.999 INFO [HostLocationProvider] Host removal on port/device down events is not configured, using current value of true

10:06:21.999 INFO [HostLocationProvider] Configured. Using ARP is enabled

10:06:22.000 INFO [HostLocationProvider] Configured. Using IPv6 NDP Neighbor Solicitation and Advertisement is disabled

10:06:22.000 INFO [HostLocationProvider] Configured. Using IPv6 NDP Router Solicitation and Advertisement is disabled

10:06:22.000 INFO [HostLocationProvider] Configured. Using DHCP is disabled

10:06:22.000 INFO [HostLocationProvider] Configured. Using DHCP6 is disabled

10:06:22.000 INFO [HostLocationProvider] Configured. Request intercepts is enabled

10:06:22.000 INFO [HostLocationProvider] Configured. Multihoming is disabled

10:06:22.391 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Changes to perform:

10:06:22.391 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   Region: root

10:06:22.391 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]     Bundles to install:

10:06:22.391 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]       mvn:org.onosproject/onos-apps-mcast-api/2.5.8-SNAPSHOT

10:06:22.391 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]       mvn:org.onosproject/onos-apps-mcast-cli/2.5.8-SNAPSHOT

10:06:22.391 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]       mvn:org.onosproject/onos-apps-mcast-impl/2.5.8-SNAPSHOT

10:06:22.391 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]       mvn:org.onosproject/onos-apps-mcast-web/2.5.8-SNAPSHOT

10:06:22.394 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Installing bundles:

10:06:22.394 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   mvn:org.onosproject/onos-apps-mcast-api/2.5.8-SNAPSHOT

10:06:22.396 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   mvn:org.onosproject/onos-apps-mcast-cli/2.5.8-SNAPSHOT

10:06:22.397 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   mvn:org.onosproject/onos-apps-mcast-impl/2.5.8-SNAPSHOT

10:06:22.398 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   mvn:org.onosproject/onos-apps-mcast-web/2.5.8-SNAPSHOT

10:06:22.409 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Starting bundles:

10:06:22.410 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   org.onosproject.onos-apps-mcast-api/2.5.8.SNAPSHOT

10:06:22.411 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   org.onosproject.onos-apps-mcast-cli/2.5.8.SNAPSHOT

10:06:22.414 INFO [CommandExtension] Registering commands for bundle org.onosproject.onos-apps-mcast-cli/2.5.8.SNAPSHOT

10:06:22.415 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   org.onosproject.onos-apps-mcast-web/2.5.8.SNAPSHOT

10:06:22.454 INFO [HttpServiceFactoryImpl] Binding bundle: [org.onosproject.onos-apps-mcast-web [263]] to http service

10:06:22.458 INFO [ApiDocManager] Multicast API registered at /onos/mcast

10:06:22.460 INFO [McastServiceCodecRegistrator] Started

10:06:22.460 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   org.onosproject.onos-apps-mcast-impl/2.5.8.SNAPSHOT

10:06:22.461 INFO [ServletContainerInitializerScanner] will add org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.server.NativeWebSocketServletContainerInitializer to ServletContainerInitializers

10:06:22.461 INFO [ServletContainerInitializerScanner] added ServletContainerInitializer: org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.server.NativeWebSocketServletContainerInitializer

10:06:22.462 INFO [ServletContainerInitializerScanner] will add org.apache.jasper.servlet.JasperInitializer to ServletContainerInitializers

10:06:22.462 INFO [ServletContainerInitializerScanner] Skipt org.apache.jasper.servlet.JasperInitializer, because specialized handler will be present

10:06:22.462 INFO [ServletContainerInitializerScanner] will add org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.jsr356.server.deploy.WebSocketServerContainerInitializer to ServletContainerInitializers

10:06:22.482 INFO [DistributedMcastRoutesStore] Started

10:06:22.487 INFO [MulticastRouteManager] Started

10:06:22.488 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Done.

10:06:22.488 INFO [ApplicationManager] Application org.onosproject.mcast has been activated

10:06:22.498 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Adding features: up4-app/[1.2.0.SNAPSHOT,1.2.0.SNAPSHOT]

10:06:22.580 INFO [ServletContainerInitializerScanner] added ServletContainerInitializer: org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.jsr356.server.deploy.WebSocketServerContainerInitializer

10:06:22.581 INFO [HttpServiceContext] registering context WebAppHttpContext{org.onosproject.onos-apps-mcast-web - 263}, with context-name: onos/mcast

10:06:22.584 INFO [HttpServiceContext] registering JasperInitializer

10:06:22.586 INFO [WebSocketServerFactory] No DecoratedObjectFactory provided, using new org.eclipse.jetty.util.DecoratedObjectFactory[decorators=1]

10:06:22.590 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/c-1_0-rt.tld

10:06:22.592 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/c-1_0.tld

10:06:22.594 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/c-1_1.tld

10:06:22.596 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/c.tld

10:06:22.598 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/fmt-1_0-rt.tld

10:06:22.600 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/fmt-1_0.tld

10:06:22.602 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/fmt.tld

10:06:22.603 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/fn.tld

10:06:22.604 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/permittedTaglibs.tld

10:06:22.604 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/scriptfree.tld

10:06:22.605 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/sql-1_0-rt.tld

10:06:22.606 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/sql-1_0.tld

10:06:22.608 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/sql.tld

10:06:22.608 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/x-1_0-rt.tld

10:06:22.610 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/x-1_0.tld

10:06:22.612 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/x.tld

10:06:22.642 INFO [ContextHandler] Started HttpServiceContext{httpContext=WebAppHttpContext{org.onosproject.onos-apps-mcast-web - 263}}

10:06:22.969 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Changes to perform:

10:06:22.970 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   Region: root

10:06:22.970 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]     Bundles to install:

10:06:22.970 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]       mvn:org.omecproject/up4-api/1.2.0-SNAPSHOT

10:06:22.970 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]       mvn:org.omecproject/up4-app/1.2.0-SNAPSHOT

10:06:22.971 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Installing bundles:

10:06:22.971 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   mvn:org.omecproject/up4-api/1.2.0-SNAPSHOT

10:06:22.972 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   mvn:org.omecproject/up4-app/1.2.0-SNAPSHOT

10:06:22.982 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Starting bundles:

10:06:22.982 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   org.omecproject.up4-api/1.2.0.SNAPSHOT

10:06:22.983 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   org.omecproject.up4-app/1.2.0.SNAPSHOT

10:06:22.991 INFO [CommandExtension] Registering commands for bundle org.omecproject.up4-app/1.2.0.SNAPSHOT

10:06:23.000 INFO [DistributedUp4Store] Started

10:06:23.008 INFO [Up4DeviceManager] Starting...

10:06:23.019 INFO [Up4DeviceManager] Started.

10:06:23.028 INFO [Up4NorthComponent] Starting...

10:06:23.147 INFO [Up4NorthComponent] UP4 gRPC server started on port 51001

10:06:23.147 INFO [Up4NorthComponent] Started.

10:06:23.147 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Done.

10:06:23.148 INFO [ApplicationManager] Application org.omecproject.up4 has been activated

10:06:23.155 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Adding features: segmentrouting-app/[3.3.0.SNAPSHOT,3.3.0.SNAPSHOT]

10:06:23.838 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Changes to perform:

10:06:23.839 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   Region: root

10:06:23.839 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]     Bundles to install:

10:06:23.839 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]       mvn:org.onosproject/segmentrouting-api/3.3.0-SNAPSHOT

10:06:23.839 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]       mvn:org.onosproject/segmentrouting-impl/3.3.0-SNAPSHOT

10:06:23.839 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]       mvn:org.onosproject/segmentrouting-web/3.3.0-SNAPSHOT

10:06:23.840 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Installing bundles:

10:06:23.840 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   mvn:org.onosproject/segmentrouting-api/3.3.0-SNAPSHOT

10:06:23.842 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   mvn:org.onosproject/segmentrouting-impl/3.3.0-SNAPSHOT

10:06:23.845 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   mvn:org.onosproject/segmentrouting-web/3.3.0-SNAPSHOT

10:06:23.859 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Starting bundles:

10:06:23.860 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   org.onosproject.segmentrouting-api/3.3.0.SNAPSHOT

10:06:23.860 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   org.onosproject.segmentrouting-impl/3.3.0.SNAPSHOT

10:06:23.874 INFO [CommandExtension] Registering commands for bundle org.onosproject.segmentrouting-impl/3.3.0.SNAPSHOT

10:06:24.165 INFO [SegmentRoutingManager] Configuring network before adding listeners

10:06:24.165 INFO [SegmentRoutingManager] Configuring network ...

10:06:24.166 INFO [SegmentRoutingManager] Buffering config calls for 2 secs

10:06:24.166 INFO [SegmentRoutingManager] Creating new DeviceConfiguration

10:06:24.174 INFO [SegmentRoutingManager] Creating new DefaultRoutingHandler

10:06:24.208 INFO [LinkHandler] Loading stored links

10:06:24.209 INFO [SegmentRoutingManager] Started

10:06:24.246 INFO [PhasedRecoveryManager] Started

10:06:24.307 INFO [PolicyManager] Started

10:06:24.382 INFO [XconnectManager] Started

10:06:24.383 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   org.onosproject.segmentrouting-web/3.3.0.SNAPSHOT

10:06:24.425 INFO [HttpServiceFactoryImpl] Binding bundle: [org.onosproject.segmentrouting-web [268]] to http service

10:06:24.429 INFO [ApiDocManager] Segment Routing REST API registered at /onos/segmentrouting

10:06:24.429 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Done.

10:06:24.429 INFO [ApplicationManager] Application org.onosproject.segmentrouting has been activated

10:06:24.434 INFO [ServletContainerInitializerScanner] will add org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.server.NativeWebSocketServletContainerInitializer to ServletContainerInitializers

10:06:24.434 INFO [ServletContainerInitializerScanner] added ServletContainerInitializer: org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.server.NativeWebSocketServletContainerInitializer

10:06:24.435 INFO [ServletContainerInitializerScanner] will add org.apache.jasper.servlet.JasperInitializer to ServletContainerInitializers

10:06:24.435 INFO [ServletContainerInitializerScanner] Skipt org.apache.jasper.servlet.JasperInitializer, because specialized handler will be present

10:06:24.435 INFO [ServletContainerInitializerScanner] will add org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.jsr356.server.deploy.WebSocketServerContainerInitializer to ServletContainerInitializers

10:06:24.436 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Adding features: fabric-tna/[1.2.0.SNAPSHOT,1.2.0.SNAPSHOT]

10:06:24.497 INFO [NeighbourResolutionManager] IPv6 neighbor discovery is disabled

10:06:24.498 INFO [NeighbourResolutionManager] Address resolution protocol is enabled

10:06:24.498 INFO [NeighbourResolutionManager] Configured. Request intercepts is disabled

10:06:24.510 INFO [HostManager] Configured. monitorHosts disabled

10:06:24.510 INFO [HostManager] Configured. probeRate 30000

10:06:24.510 INFO [HostManager] Removal of duplicate ip address is enabled

10:06:24.510 INFO [HostManager] Configured. greedyLearningIpv6 enabled

10:06:24.511 INFO [HostManager] Configured. hostMoveTrackerEnabled disabled

10:06:24.512 INFO [DhcpRelayManager] Address resolution protocol is disabled

10:06:24.515 INFO [DhcpRelayManager] DhcpRelay poll interval new 86400 old 86400

10:06:24.516 INFO [DhcpRelayManager] DhcpRelay FPM is disabled

10:06:24.519 INFO [LldpLinkProvider] Settings: enabled=true, useBDDP=true, probeRate=3000, staleLinkAge=15000, maxLLDPage=1000, useStaleLinkAge=true

10:06:24.520 INFO [FlowRuleManager] Configured. AllowExtraneousRules is disabled

10:06:24.520 INFO [FlowRuleManager] Configured. importExtraneousRules is disabled

10:06:24.520 INFO [FlowRuleManager] Configured. PurgeOnDisconnection is disabled

10:06:24.520 INFO [FlowRuleManager] Configured. FallbackFlowPollFrequency is 4 seconds

10:06:24.523 INFO [HostLocationProvider] Host removal on port/device down events is not configured, using current value of true

10:06:24.523 INFO [HostLocationProvider] Configured. Using ARP is enabled

10:06:24.523 INFO [HostLocationProvider] Configured. Using IPv6 NDP Neighbor Solicitation and Advertisement is disabled

10:06:24.523 INFO [HostLocationProvider] Configured. Using IPv6 NDP Router Solicitation and Advertisement is disabled

10:06:24.523 INFO [HostLocationProvider] Configured. Using DHCP is disabled

10:06:24.524 INFO [HostLocationProvider] Configured. Using DHCP6 is disabled

10:06:24.524 INFO [HostLocationProvider] Configured. Request intercepts is disabled

10:06:24.524 INFO [HostLocationProvider] Configured. Multihoming is enabled

10:06:24.534 INFO [MeterManager] Configured. PurgeOnDisconnection is disabled

10:06:24.535 INFO [MeterManager] UserDefinedIndex is disabled

10:06:24.537 INFO [GroupManager] Configured. PurgeOnDisconnection is disabled

10:06:24.580 INFO [ServletContainerInitializerScanner] added ServletContainerInitializer: org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.jsr356.server.deploy.WebSocketServerContainerInitializer

10:06:24.580 INFO [HttpServiceContext] registering context WebAppHttpContext{org.onosproject.segmentrouting-web - 268}, with context-name: onos/segmentrouting

10:06:24.584 INFO [HttpServiceContext] registering JasperInitializer

10:06:24.585 INFO [WebSocketServerFactory] No DecoratedObjectFactory provided, using new org.eclipse.jetty.util.DecoratedObjectFactory[decorators=1]

10:06:24.590 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/c-1_0-rt.tld

10:06:24.593 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/c-1_0.tld

10:06:24.595 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/c-1_1.tld

10:06:24.596 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/c.tld

10:06:24.598 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/fmt-1_0-rt.tld

10:06:24.600 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/fmt-1_0.tld

10:06:24.602 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/fmt.tld

10:06:24.604 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/fn.tld

10:06:24.604 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/permittedTaglibs.tld

10:06:24.605 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/scriptfree.tld

10:06:24.606 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/sql-1_0-rt.tld

10:06:24.607 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/sql-1_0.tld

10:06:24.608 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/sql.tld

10:06:24.609 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/x-1_0-rt.tld

10:06:24.611 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/x-1_0.tld

10:06:24.612 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/x.tld

10:06:24.649 INFO [ContextHandler] Started HttpServiceContext{httpContext=WebAppHttpContext{org.onosproject.segmentrouting-web - 268}}

10:06:25.089 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Changes to perform:

10:06:25.090 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   Region: root

10:06:25.090 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]     Bundles to install:

10:06:25.090 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]       mvn:org.stratumproject/fabric-tna/1.2.0-SNAPSHOT

10:06:25.091 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Installing bundles:

10:06:25.091 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   mvn:org.stratumproject/fabric-tna/1.2.0-SNAPSHOT

10:06:25.108 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Starting bundles:

10:06:25.109 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl]   org.stratumproject.fabric-tna/1.2.0.SNAPSHOT

10:06:25.115 INFO [CommandExtension] Registering commands for bundle org.stratumproject.fabric-tna/1.2.0.SNAPSHOT

10:06:25.154 INFO [HttpServiceFactoryImpl] Binding bundle: [org.stratumproject.fabric-tna [269]] to http service

10:06:25.165 INFO [ServletContainerInitializerScanner] will add org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.jsr356.server.deploy.WebSocketServerContainerInitializer to ServletContainerInitializers

10:06:25.338 INFO [ServletContainerInitializerScanner] added ServletContainerInitializer: org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.jsr356.server.deploy.WebSocketServerContainerInitializer

10:06:25.339 INFO [ServletContainerInitializerScanner] will add org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.server.NativeWebSocketServletContainerInitializer to ServletContainerInitializers

10:06:25.339 INFO [ServletContainerInitializerScanner] added ServletContainerInitializer: org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.server.NativeWebSocketServletContainerInitializer

10:06:25.339 INFO [ServletContainerInitializerScanner] will add org.apache.jasper.servlet.JasperInitializer to ServletContainerInitializers

10:06:25.339 INFO [ServletContainerInitializerScanner] Skipt org.apache.jasper.servlet.JasperInitializer, because specialized handler will be present

10:06:25.340 INFO [HttpServiceContext] registering context WebAppHttpContext{org.stratumproject.fabric-tna - 269}, with context-name: onos/fabrictna

10:06:25.343 INFO [HttpServiceContext] registering JasperInitializer

10:06:25.344 INFO [WebSocketServerFactory] No DecoratedObjectFactory provided, using new org.eclipse.jetty.util.DecoratedObjectFactory[decorators=1]

10:06:25.348 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/c-1_0-rt.tld

10:06:25.350 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/c-1_0.tld

10:06:25.352 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/c-1_1.tld

10:06:25.353 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/c.tld

10:06:25.354 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/fmt-1_0-rt.tld

10:06:25.356 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/fmt-1_0.tld

10:06:25.358 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/fmt.tld

10:06:25.359 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/fn.tld

10:06:25.359 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/permittedTaglibs.tld

10:06:25.360 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/scriptfree.tld

10:06:25.360 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/sql-1_0-rt.tld

10:06:25.361 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/sql-1_0.tld

10:06:25.363 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/sql.tld

10:06:25.363 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/x-1_0-rt.tld

10:06:25.365 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/x-1_0.tld

10:06:25.366 INFO [TldScanner] found TLD bundle://115.0:1/META-INF/x.tld

10:06:25.391 INFO [ContextHandler] Started HttpServiceContext{httpContext=WebAppHttpContext{org.stratumproject.fabric-tna - 269}}

10:06:25.424 INFO [MeterManager] Configured. PurgeOnDisconnection is disabled

10:06:25.427 INFO [MeterManager] UserDefinedIndex is enabled

10:06:25.429 INFO [GnmiControllerImpl] Configured. readPortId is configured to true

10:06:26.166 INFO [SegmentRoutingManager] Reacting to config changes after buffer delay

10:06:26.167 INFO [DefaultRoutingHandler] Starting to populate all routing rules

10:06:26.172 WARN [DefaultRoutingHandler] Failed to repopulate all routing rules.

10:06:42.917 INFO [PiPipeconfManager] New pipeconf registered: org.stratumproject.fabric-int.bmv2 (fingerprint=5e:ab:5c:73:80:ab:1c:5d)

10:06:42.917 INFO [PiPipeconfManager] New pipeconf registered: org.stratumproject.fabric-int.mavericks_sde_9_7_0 (fingerprint=a5:57:71:11:11:5b:61:46)

10:06:42.917 INFO [PiPipeconfManager] New pipeconf registered: org.stratumproject.fabric-int.montara_sde_9_7_0 (fingerprint=a5:57:71:11:11:5b:61:46)

10:06:42.917 INFO [PiPipeconfManager] New pipeconf registered: org.stratumproject.fabric-upf-int.bmv2 (fingerprint=1f:73:8f:88:e2:e2:fc:1d)

10:06:42.917 INFO [PiPipeconfManager] New pipeconf registered: org.stratumproject.fabric-upf-int.mavericks_sde_9_7_0 (fingerprint=69:b1:92:e5:41:01:c3:52)

10:06:42.918 INFO [PiPipeconfManager] New pipeconf registered: org.stratumproject.fabric-upf-int.montara_sde_9_7_0 (fingerprint=69:b1:92:e5:41:01:c3:52)

10:06:42.918 INFO [PiPipeconfManager] New pipeconf registered: org.stratumproject.fabric-upf.bmv2 (fingerprint=31:54:23:60:b7:db:ae:c8)

10:06:42.918 INFO [PiPipeconfManager] New pipeconf registered: org.stratumproject.fabric-upf.mavericks_sde_9_7_0 (fingerprint=fa:34:cb:eb:cc:19:81:fe)

10:06:42.918 INFO [PiPipeconfManager] New pipeconf registered: org.stratumproject.fabric-upf.montara_sde_9_7_0 (fingerprint=fa:34:cb:eb:cc:19:81:fe)

10:06:42.918 INFO [PiPipeconfManager] New pipeconf registered: org.stratumproject.fabric.bmv2 (fingerprint=48:79:3a:45:d3:fe:d7:6d)

10:06:42.918 INFO [PiPipeconfManager] New pipeconf registered: org.stratumproject.fabric.mavericks_sde_9_7_0 (fingerprint=c5:34:c6:e8:b7:06:80:a5)

10:06:42.918 INFO [PiPipeconfManager] New pipeconf registered: org.stratumproject.fabric.montara_sde_9_7_0 (fingerprint=c5:34:c6:e8:b7:06:80:a5)

10:06:42.918 INFO [PipeconfLoader] Started

10:06:42.928 INFO [IntManager] Started

10:06:42.989 INFO [SlicingManager] Started

10:06:42.990 INFO [SlicingManager] Processing Default TC event MapEvent{name=fabric-tna-default-tc, type=INSERT, key=0, newValue=Versioned{value=BEST_EFFORT, version=1130, creationTime=2022-08-18T10:06:42.987Z}, oldValue=null}

10:06:42.991 INFO [SlicingManager] Processing slice event MapEvent{name=fabric-tna-slice, type=INSERT, key=SliceStoreKey{sliceId=0, trafficClass=BEST_EFFORT}, newValue=Versioned{value=TrafficClassDescription{tc=BEST_EFFORT, qid=0, maxRateBps=UNLIMITED, gminRateBps=0, isSystemTc=false}, version=1129, creationTime=2022-08-18T10:06:42.986Z}, oldValue=null}

10:06:42.992 INFO [NetcfgSlicingProvider] Started

10:06:43.028 INFO [StatisticManager] Started

10:06:43.048 INFO [HighlightManager] Started

10:06:43.050 INFO [ApiDocManager] Fabric-tna REST API registered at /onos/fabrictna

10:06:43.050 INFO [FeaturesServiceImpl] Done.

10:06:43.051 INFO [ApplicationManager] Application org.stratumproject.fabric-tna has been activated

10:06:50.300 ERROR [Tools] No such component

10:06:55.318 ERROR [Tools] No such component

10:07:00.329 ERROR [Tools] No such component

10:07:05.338 ERROR [Tools] No such component

10:07:10.348 ERROR [Tools] No such component

10:07:15.357 ERROR [Tools] No such component

10:07:20.367 ERROR [Tools] No such component

10:07:25.376 ERROR [Tools] No such component

10:07:30.386 ERROR [Tools] No such component

10:07:31.625 INFO [OpenSSHKeyPairProvider] Creating ssh server private key at /root/onos/apache-karaf-4.2.14/etc/host.key

10:07:31.628 INFO [OpenSSHKeyPairGenerator] generateKeyPair(RSA) generating host key - size=2048

10:07:35.395 ERROR [Tools] No such component

10:07:40.405 ERROR [Tools] No such component

10:07:45.413 ERROR [Tools] No such component

10:07:50.424 ERROR [Tools] No such component

10:07:53.204 INFO [ServerSessionImpl] Session karaf@/ authenticated

10:07:55.434 ERROR [Tools] No such component

10:08:00.443 ERROR [Tools] No such component


karaf@root log>                            


  1. [Charles] Do you see a Stratum daemonset being deployed on K8s? Can you share the output of kubectl describe of that daemonset? Typically it will tell you why a pod can’t be scheduled at the bottom.


No.   There is no attempt to build anything on the switches.   Describe of the DS:


root@cp-node:/home/admin5g/sdfabric-helm-charts/sdfabric# kubectl describe ds -n sdfabric

Name:           stratum

Selector:       name=stratum



Annotations:    deprecated.daemonset.template.generation: 1



Desired Number of Nodes Scheduled: 0

Current Number of Nodes Scheduled: 0

Number of Nodes Scheduled with Up-to-date Pods: 0

Number of Nodes Scheduled with Available Pods: 0

Number of Nodes Misscheduled: 0

Pods Status:  0 Running / 0 Waiting / 0 Succeeded / 0 Failed

Pod Template:

  Labels:       name=stratum

  Annotations: stratum

  Init Containers:


    Image:      alpine

    Port:       <none>

    Host Port:  <none>




      sysctl vm.nr_hugepages && sysctl vm.nr_hugepages=128

    Environment:  <none>

    Mounts:       <none>


    Image:      alpine/git

    Port:       <none>

    Host Port:  <none>




      NODE_NAME:   (v1:spec.nodeName)

      CFG_MOUNT:  /config


      /config from config-dir (rw)

      /opt/chassis_config/ from chassis-config (rw)

      /opt/configs from configmap-config (rw)




    Port:       <none>

    Host Port:  <none>




      CFG_MOUNT:  /config


      /config from config-dir (rw)

      /dev from dev (rw)

      /etc/onl from etc-onl (rw)

      /lib/modules/4.14.49-OpenNetworkLinux from lib-modules (rw)

      /sys from sys (rw)

      /usr/bin/stratum-startup from configmap-startup (rw,path="stratum-startup")

      /var/log/stratum from log (rw)



    Type:          HostPath (bare host directory volume)

    Path:          /dev



    Type:          HostPath (bare host directory volume)

    Path:          /sys



    Type:          HostPath (bare host directory volume)

    Path:          /lib/modules/4.14.49-OpenNetworkLinux



    Type:          HostPath (bare host directory volume)

    Path:          /var/log



    Type:          HostPath (bare host directory volume)

    Path:          /etc/onl



    Type:          HostPath (bare host directory volume)

    Path:          /config



    Type:      ConfigMap (a volume populated by a ConfigMap)

    Name:      stratum-config-scripts

    Optional:  false


    Type:      ConfigMap (a volume populated by a ConfigMap)

    Name:      stratum-chassis-configs

    Optional:  false


    Type:      ConfigMap (a volume populated by a ConfigMap)

    Name:      stratum-startup-scripts

    Optional:  false

Events:        <none>



Let me know if there is anything else that would help pinpoint these issues.






 <> on behalf of Chan, Charles <>
Date: Thursday, 18 August 2022 at 10:40
To: Lake, David (PG/R - Comp Sci & Elec Eng) <>
Cc: Cascone, Carmelo <>, <>
Subject: [sdfabric-dev] Re: Multiple Issues with SD-Fabric Installation

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "SDFABRIC-Dev" group.
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David Lake

Aug 23, 2022, 3:22:08 AM8/23/22
to Chan, Charles, Cascone, Carmelo,



Do you have any update as to what these faults are please and how I can overcome them?


Thank you


David Lake

Aug 24, 2022, 6:07:37 AM8/24/22
to Chan, Charles,, Cascone, Carmelo,



I’ve had no update from the installation issues that I have raised and no communication from anyone on the mailing list or in the development team.


Can I have some assistance please.


Chan, Charles

Aug 24, 2022, 2:37:38 PM8/24/22
to David Lake, Cascone, Carmelo,

Hi David,

Our team has been focusing on an internal deliverable these days so please understand that there could be delays in our responses.
Please find the rest of my comments below.



Charles Chan, PhD (he/him)

Cloud Software Development Engineer

Software Product Incubation | Network and Edge Group

Intel Corporation  |


From: 'David Lake' via SDFABRIC-Dev <>
Date: Thursday, August 18, 2022 at 03:41
To: Chan, Charles <>
Cc: Cascone, Carmelo <>, <>
Subject: [sdfabric-dev] Re: Multiple Issues with SD-Fabric Installation



Thanks for the response.



1)       [Charles] Did you have pfcp-agent started in the same K8s namespace as ONOS? Can you share the dump of kubectl pods and services?

[Charles] Looks like PFCP agent isn’t started correctly. Please try kubectl describe / kubectl logs on the sdfabric-pfcp-agent-0 pod and see if you can get more information.


2)       I haven’t seen this before. Can you attach the full ONOS log from the very beginning?

[Charles] This is expected. It is not able to reach ONOS since ONOS is not fully ready. It should be gone once the ONOS issue is resolved

[Charles] Hmm… this is indeed weird. Can you show the output of kubectl describe of one of the ONOS pod? I’d like to confirm which sdfabric-onos image you are using.


karaf@root log>                            


3)       [Charles] Do you see a Stratum daemonset being deployed on K8s? Can you share the output of kubectl describe of that daemonset? Typically it will tell you why a pod can’t be scheduled at the bottom.

[Charles] This doesn’t seem right. The “Desired Number of Nodes Scheduled” should equal to the number of switch you have.
Can you show the output of kubectl get nodes?

David Lake

Aug 24, 2022, 3:24:01 PM8/24/22
to Chan, Charles, Cascone, Carmelo,

  • Kubectl describe sdfabric-pfcp-agent-0 -n sdfabric gives no result.
  • Kubectl logs sdfabric-pfcp-agent-0 -n sdfabric shows the error I detailed before:
time="2022-08-24T19:03:012Z" level=fatal msg="Unable to resolve hostname pfcp-agent lookup pfcp-agent on no such host" file="/pfcpiface/pfcpiface/upf.go:109"

  • Kubectl get nodes shows:
5g1          Ready        worker     54d      V1.18.20
5g2          Ready        Worker    54d      V1.18.20
Cp-node  Ready       Master     54d      V1.18.20
Onos        Ready       Worker     54d      V1.18.20

5g1 and 5g2 are the two EdgeCore switches, cp-node is the control plane for k8s and onos is the machine I want to host the other elements (no HA).

I have checked CoreDNS for k8s and there is no entry for 'pfcp-agent.'  I have no idea why pfcp-agent is trying to resolve this name.



From: <> on behalf of Chan, Charles <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2022 7:36:58 PM

To: Lake, David (PG/R - Comp Sci & Elec Eng) <>

David Lake

Sep 2, 2022, 8:26:27 AM9/2/22
to Chan, Charles, Cascone, Carmelo,

Charles and all


I have been looking at this issue now for many weeks and provided the logs you asked for.


  1. The error with the pfcp-agent is that it is asking for a DNS resolution for ‘pfcp-agent.’  There is a comment in the code that this needs to be ‘fixed with CI’ which seems to me to mean that the team knows there is a problem here but has not documented it.  If I manually add an entry for ‘pfcp-agent’ in CoreDNS then pfcp-agent progresses beyond this point but in the absence of documentation, I do not know if this is correct thing to be doing.
  2. Netcfg is still failing with the error 404 when the ONOS Configuration Loader tries to load the config into ONOS.   Again, in the absence of documentation, it is impossible for me to fault-find.


I would appreciate some help from the wider ONF team.


Thank you



Chan, Charles

Sep 3, 2022, 3:38:34 AM9/3/22
to David Lake, Cascone, Carmelo,, Chiu, HungWei

Hi David,

(1) I am adding Hungwei to the list. I recall he had seen a similar issue in the past so hopefully he can provide some guidance.

(2) Can you provide the digest of the sdfabric-onos image you deployed? The latest release uses 1.1.1 image, which should have

as the image digest.



Charles Chan, PhD (he/him)

Cloud Software Development Engineer

Software Product Incubation | Network and Edge Group

Intel Corporation  |


From: David Lake <>
Date: Friday, September 2, 2022 at 05:26
To: Chan, Charles <>
Cc: Cascone, Carmelo <>, <>
Subject: Re: Multiple Issues with SD-Fabric Installation

Charles and all


I have been looking at this issue now for many weeks and provided the logs you asked for.


1)      The error with the pfcp-agent is that it is asking for a DNS resolution for ‘pfcp-agent.’  There is a comment in the code that this needs to be ‘fixed with CI’ which seems to me to mean that the team knows there is a problem here but has not documented it.  If I manually add an entry for ‘pfcp-agent’ in CoreDNS then pfcp-agent progresses beyond this point but in the absence of documentation, I do not know if this is correct thing to be doing.

2)      Netcfg is still failing with the error 404 when the ONOS Configuration Loader tries to load the config into ONOS.   Again, in the absence of documentation, it is impossible for me to fault-find.

David Lake

Sep 3, 2022, 3:48:28 AM9/3/22
to Chan, Charles, Cascone, Carmelo,, Chiu, HungWei

Hi Charles


  1. Sdfabric-onos is set in my yaml file:




    repository: opennetworking/sdfabric-onos

    tag: 1.1.1



  1. I’ve ‘exec-ed’ to the container running the config-loader program and I can see that the 404 error is because config-loader is checking for http://sdfabric-onos-classic-hs:8181/onos/v1/network/configuration/netcfg

This does not exist in ONOS.  I’ve run up a standalone version of ONOS and verified that a standard netcfg ‘POST’ of a json config works but that this netcfg is not reported.



This is the response to a curl from the config-loader container for general configuration and for configuration/netcfg:


bash-5.0# curl -sSL -u karaf:karaf -X GET http://sdfabric-onos-classic-hs:8181/onos/v1/configuration



bash-5.0# curl -sSL -u karaf:karaf -X GET http://sdfabric-onos-classic-hs:8181/onos/v1/configuration/netcfg

{"code":404,"message":"No such component"}bash-5.0#




Chan, Charles

Sep 3, 2022, 3:16:51 PM9/3/22
to David Lake, Cascone, Carmelo,, Chiu, HungWei

The URL in (2) seems incorrect. The network config endpoint should look like:
(without the “netcfg” suffix)

That netcfg endpoint is specified here as part of the helm chart: onos-classic/templates/onos-config-loader-script.yaml Line 36.
But it can be altered by overriding the NETCFG_URL in helm value. Can you check if that’s what happened?



Charles Chan, PhD (he/him)

Cloud Software Development Engineer

Software Product Incubation | Network and Edge Group

Intel Corporation  |


From: David Lake <>

Date: Saturday, September 3, 2022 at 00:48
To: Chan, Charles <>
Cc: Cascone, Carmelo <>, <>, Chiu, HungWei <>

Subject: Re: Multiple Issues with SD-Fabric Installation

Hi Charles


1)       Sdfabric-onos is set in my yaml file:




    repository: opennetworking/sdfabric-onos

    tag: 1.1.1



2)       I’ve ‘exec-ed’ to the container running the config-loader program and I can see that the 404 error is because config-loader is checking for http://sdfabric-onos-classic-hs:8181/onos/v1/network/configuration/netcfg

David Lake

Sep 4, 2022, 12:47:58 PM9/4/22
to Chan, Charles, Cascone, Carmelo,, Chiu, HungWei



I don’t have a file onos-config-loader-script.yaml anywhere on my system.


The end of the URL is read in running in the onos-loader container:


  CFGS=$(ls /opt/configs | grep -v netcfg.json);

  for CFG in ${CFGS};



    echo "-----------------------------------------"

    echo "Check that component $CFG is active";

    echo "-----------------------------------------"

    until curl --fail -sSL -u $USER:$PASSWORD -X GET "${COMPONENT_CFG_URL}/$CFG";


      echo "Waiting for $CFG to be active";

      sleep 5;



The URL used for testing to see if ONOS is ready to accept netconf is COMPONENT_CFG_URL which is derived from the yaml file.  The netcfg is tagged onto the end by parsing the files in /opt/configs.   The file ‘netcfg’ is generated from parsing the yaml file.   If I look at /opt/configs/netcfg it is the exact json entries in my yaml file.


I’ve tried to modify the file directly in the container but the filesystem is read only…

David Lake

Sep 5, 2022, 10:27:24 AM9/5/22
to Chan, Charles, Cascone, Carmelo,, Chiu, HungWei

There is something VERY wrong with the onos-classic-loader logic. is pulling ‘netcfg’ as $CFG from the parsing by Helm of the yaml file.


It then looks for http://host:8181/onos/v1/network/configuration/netcfg to prove that the netcfg service is active but this is incorrect.


The script is also using the same URL to download the currently running config which is also incorrect.


So the reconciliation loop is not going to work given this logic.


I think that the currently-running network configuration can be obtained by http://host:8181/onos/v1/network/configuration


The only way to run the loader is to disable the reconciliation mode because that is using the correct URL for netcfg and Helm parses the config to /opt/configs/netcfg.json on the onos-classic-loader container.


I’ll spend some time trying to work out how to fix this once I understand the logic more.

David Lake

Sep 7, 2022, 3:09:21 AM9/7/22
to Chan, Charles, Cascone, Carmelo,, Chiu, HungWei



I’m giving up trying to debug the process for now – the URLs and logic in the process are very wrong so I’m not sure how anyone has ever managed to get this to work.


Next problem:


  • I’ve sent the Labels and Taints exactly as per the website instructions, verified this with kubectl and made sure that the NodeSelector and NoExecute are correct but there is still no attempt to load the stratum pod onto the switches


  • Later today I’m going to break this out to a standalone yaml file and try to load the pod manually using kubectl


My question:


  • Is the stratum pod initiated as part of the Helm deployment – in other words should I see this active on the switches if I run ‘kubectl get pods -n sdfabric’ ?   I don’t see this but I do see the two switches as worker nodes with correct Taints and Labels:

Name:               5g1

Roles:              worker








Annotations: {"VNI":1,"VtepMAC":"be:61:7e:8f:41:30"}







CreationTimestamp:  Fri, 01 Jul 2022 10:07:47 +0000


Unschedulable:      false


  HolderIdentity:  5g1

  AcquireTime:     <unset>

  RenewTime:       Wed, 07 Sep 2022 07:07:14 +0000


  Type                 Status  LastHeartbeatTime                 LastTransitionTime                Reason                       Message

  ----                 ------  -----------------                 ------------------                ------                       -------

  NetworkUnavailable   False   Fri, 01 Jul 2022 11:08:56 +0000   Fri, 01 Jul 2022 11:08:56 +0000   FlannelIsUp                  Flannel is running on this node

  MemoryPressure       False   Wed, 07 Sep 2022 07:06:17 +0000   Fri, 01 Jul 2022 10:07:47 +0000   KubeletHasSufficientMemory   kubelet has sufficient memory available

  DiskPressure         False   Wed, 07 Sep 2022 07:06:17 +0000   Fri, 01 Jul 2022 10:07:47 +0000   KubeletHasNoDiskPressure     kubelet has no disk pressure

  PIDPressure          False   Wed, 07 Sep 2022 07:06:17 +0000   Fri, 01 Jul 2022 10:07:47 +0000   KubeletHasSufficientPID      kubelet has sufficient PID available

  Ready                True    Wed, 07 Sep 2022 07:06:17 +0000   Fri, 01 Jul 2022 10:53:25 +0000   KubeletReady                 kubelet is posting ready status. WARNING: CPU hardcapping unsupported



  Hostname:    5g1


  cpu:                8

  ephemeral-storage:  88235280Ki

  hugepages-1Gi:      0

  hugepages-2Mi:      256Mi

  memory:             8046400Ki

  pods:               110


  cpu:                8

  ephemeral-storage:  81317633914

  hugepages-1Gi:      0

  hugepages-2Mi:      256Mi

  memory:             7681856Ki

  pods:               110

System Info:

  Machine ID:                 6ed8d19bd40f4b5fbbfa982611c6e247

  System UUID:                03000200-0400-0500-0006-000700080009

  Boot ID:                    e48121ef-8886-46d4-b7fd-0ee026f49aa7

  Kernel Version:             4.14.49-OpenNetworkLinux

  OS Image:                   Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)

  Operating System:           linux

  Architecture:               amd64

  Container Runtime Version:  docker://19.3.15

  Kubelet Version:            v1.18.20

  Kube-Proxy Version:         v1.18.20



Non-terminated Pods:          (2 in total)

  Namespace                   Name                     CPU Requests  CPU Limits  Memory Requests  Memory Limits  AGE

  ---------                   ----                     ------------  ----------  ---------------  -------------  ---

  kube-system                 kube-flannel-ds-fkfcc    100m (1%)     100m (1%)   50Mi (0%)        50Mi (0%)      67d

  kube-system                 kube-proxy-cp56k         0 (0%)        0 (0%)      0 (0%)           0 (0%)         67d

Allocated resources:

  (Total limits may be over 100 percent, i.e., overcommitted.)

  Resource           Requests   Limits

  --------           --------   ------

  cpu                100m (1%)  100m (1%)

  memory             50Mi (0%)  50Mi (0%)

  ephemeral-storage  0 (0%)     0 (0%)

  hugepages-1Gi      0 (0%)     0 (0%)

  hugepages-2Mi      0 (0%)     0 (0%)

Events:              <none>

Chan, Charles

Sep 7, 2022, 3:32:32 AM9/7/22
to David Lake, Cascone, Carmelo,, Chiu, HungWei

The default toleration should be, not

See this part of the helm value: sdfabric/values.yaml - sdfabric-helm-charts - Gitiles (

It seems the documentation is wrong. Try this and let me know if it works.



Charles Chan, PhD (he/him)

Cloud Software Development Engineer

Software Product Incubation | Network and Edge Group

Intel Corporation  |


From: David Lake <>
Date: Wednesday, September 7, 2022 at 00:10
To: Chan, Charles <>
Cc: Cascone, Carmelo <>, <>, Chiu, HungWei <>
Subject: Re: Multiple Issues with SD-Fabric Installation

David Lake

Sep 7, 2022, 5:40:48 AM9/7/22
to Chan, Charles, Cascone, Carmelo,, Chiu, HungWei



Thank you!


That has fixed the Stratum issue and I now see the pod deployed correctly.  I’m going to take a look at the config loader logic now.



From: Chan, Charles <>

Date: Wednesday, 7 September 2022 at 08:32
To: Lake, David (PG/R - Comp Sci & Elec Eng) <>

Cc: Cascone, Carmelo <>, <>, Chiu, HungWei <>
Subject: Re: Multiple Issues with SD-Fabric Installation

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