The Pledge

Who is the Pledge for?

All organisations engaged in the conduct of litigation are welcome to sign up to the Pledge. It has been designed with flexibility in mind to suit organisations from law firms to barristers’ chambers to lawtech companies, and other organisations involved in the litigation process.

If you are an Italian legal organisation, please see the Greener Litigation Pledge Italy to see the Pledge that is specific to Italy.  We are working with local partners to launch more jurisdiction-specific Pledges and Greener Litigation groups.

Please contact us for more detail on the process of signing up to the Pledge and showing your support for this important initiative.

If you have a question about the Pledge or would be interested in participating in future Greener Litigation initiatives, please contact

The Greener
Litigation Pledge

We recognise the importance of restricting global warming to 1.5°C, as identified by the 2015 Paris Agreement. The UK Climate Change Act sets greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets to achieve national net zero by 2050.

As organisations involved in dispute resolution, we share an aspiration to reach the position where the most environmentally sustainable options in litigation become the default.

In signing the Greener Litigation Pledge, we commit to take active steps to reduce, with a view to minimising, the environmental impact of our practice in England and Wales, and to the reduction of our emissions in line with the objective of restricting global warming to 1.5°C, including by:

  1. Taking steps to reduce the environmental footprint and GHG emissions of our dispute resolution practice, including litigation we conduct in the courts and other dispute resolution fora;
  2. Engaging with the courts and other dispute resolution fora in which we operate to support changes to rules, procedures and practices to reduce the environmental impact of dispute resolution proceedings;
  3. While always maintaining and promoting the highest standards of justice and client service and complying with the procedural rules of the courts, actively promoting practical steps in litigation in which we are involved, which serve to reduce the environmental footprint and emissions arising from any dispute, including:
    • Corresponding electronically, unless hard copy is expressly required, while recognising that electronic communication has a carbon footprint and accordingly seeking to avoid unnecessary emails;
    • Limiting the printing of hard copy bundles and other documents wherever possible;
    • Promoting the use of electronic bundles for court hearings where possible, and liaising with our counterparts at opposing firms and the Court to seek agreement where necessary;
    • Walking, cycling or using public transport for journeys to court wherever feasible and appropriate;
    • Considering the appropriateness of witnesses giving evidence by video-link and, where appropriate, co-operating with our counterparts at opposing firms and the Court to implement the necessary procedures for giving evidence by video-link;
    • Whilst acknowledging the importance of in-person hearings to the administration of justice, actively considering for each hearing whether it is appropriate and amenable to being heard remotely, in whole or in part, including by telephone or by video-link, and, where it is, making that suggestion to the Court and other parties to the litigation;
    • Avoiding unnecessary travel in relation to a dispute in which we are acting;
    • Committing to the use of renewable energy sources wherever possible;
    • Using suppliers and service providers who are committed to reducing their carbon footprint wherever possible and appropriate.
  4. Notifying clients and other parties, including solicitors, counsel, experts and opponents, involved in disputes of our support for the Greener Litigation Pledge, and encouraging their participation.

The Greener Litigation Italy

Il Greener Litigation Pledge – L’Impegno

Riconosciamo l’importanza di limitare il riscaldamento globale a 1,5° C, come stabilito dagli Accordi di Parigi del 2015.

In qualità di associazioni, professionisti e organizzazioni dedite alla risoluzione delle controversie, condividiamo l’obiettivo di raggiungere una situazione nella quale modalità di lavoro ecologicamente più sostenibili diventino la prassi generale.

Con l’adesione al Greener Litigation Pledge ci impegniamo ad assumere attivamente misure per ridurre l’impatto ambientale della nostra attività in Italia (nell’ottica di minimizzarlo) e per contenere le nostre emissioni in linea con l’obiettivo di circoscrivere il riscaldamento globale a 1,5°C, tra l’altro tramite:

  1. L’adozione di misure volte a ridurre l’impatto ambientale e le emissioni di gas serra nell’ambito della nostra attività di risoluzione delle controversie, compresi i contenziosi da noi seguiti Avanti l’Autorità giudiziaria statuale e quelli avanti altri organi di risoluzione delle controversie;
  2. L’impegno di favorire, presso l’Autorità giudiziaria statuale e gli altri organi di risoluzione delle controversie avanti ai quali operiamo, l’adozione di regole, procedure o prassi tali da ridurre l’impatto
    ambientale dei procedimenti di risoluzione delle controversie;
  3. La promozione in prima persona, nell’ambito delle controversie che vedono il nostro coinvolgimento, di accorgimenti pratici funzionali a ridurne l’impatto ambientale e le relative emissioni, pur mantenendo e
    promuovendo i più elevati standard di professionalità e di servizio ai clienti e nel rispetto delle regole procedurali applicabili. Detti accorgimenti possono includere, in particolare:

    • l’impiego di strumenti di comunicazione elettronici, a meno che non siano espressamente richieste copie cartacee, pur riconoscendo che anche le comunicazioni elettroniche hanno un impatto ambientale e dunque cercando di evitare email non necessarie;
    • la limitazione della stampa di fascicoli cartacei e altri documenti, quando possibile, e l’utilizzo di carta di grammatura inferiore a 80gmq negli altri casi;
    • la promozione dell’utilizzo di atti e documenti in formato digitale, ove possibile, prendendo contatto con i difensori delle controparti e con l’Autorità giudiziaria statuale e gli altri organi di risoluzione delle controversie per ottenere il loro consenso ove necessario;
    • la scelta di raggiungere la sede dell’Autorità giudiziaria statuale e degli altri organi di risoluzione delle controversie mediante il trasporto pubblico, in bicicletta o a piedi, quando possibile e opportuno;
    • la considerazione dell’opportunità che i testimoni rendano testimonianza tramite videoconferenza, ove ciò è consentito dalla legge, e, se opportuno, la cooperazione con i legali della controparte e l’Autorità giudiziaria statuale o gli altri organi di risoluzione delle controversie per porre in essere le procedure necessarie affinché la testimonianza sia resa tramite videoconferenza;
    • Pur riconoscendo l’importanza delle udienze in presenza per l’amministrazione della giustizia, la valutazione proattiva per ogni udienza della ragionevolezza ed opportunità di una partecipazione alla stessa da remoto, in tutto o in parte, tramite conferenza telefonica o videoconferenza laddove ciò è consentito dalla legge, e, in tali casi, proporre tale modalità all’Autorità giudiziaria statuale o agli altri organi di risoluzione delle controversie e alle altre parti della lite;
    • L’astensione da spostamenti non necessari in relazione a una controversia nella quale siamo coinvolti;
    • L’impegno a utilizzare energie da fonti rinnovabili ogniqualvolta possibile;
    • L’impiego di fornitori di beni e di servizi che si siano a loro volta impegnati per la riduzione dell’impatto ambientale ogniqualvolta ciò sia possibile e appropriato;
  4. La comunicazione ai clienti e agli altri soggetti coinvolti nei contenziosi di cui ci occupiamo, compresi avvocati, consulenti, esperti e controparti, del nostro supporto per il Greener Litigation Pledge e l’invito ad aderirvi a loro volta.

The Greener Litigation Pledge
We recognise the importance of restricting global warming to 1.5°C, as identified by the 2015 Paris Agreement.

As organisations involved in dispute resolution, we share an aspiration to reach the position where the most environmentally sustainable options in litigation become the default.

In signing the Greener Litigation Pledge, we commit to take active steps to reduce, with a view to minimising, the environmental impact of our practice in Italy, and to the reduction of our emissions in line with the objective of restricting global warming to 1.5°C, including by:

  1. Taking steps to reduce the environmental footprint and GHG emissions of our dispute resolution practice, including litigation we conduct in the courts and other dispute resolution fora;
  2. Engaging with the courts and other dispute resolution fora in which we operate to support changes to rules, procedures and practices to reduce the environmental impact of dispute resolution proceedings;
  3. While always maintaining and promoting the highest standards of justice and client service and complying with the procedural rules of the courts, actively promoting practical steps in litigation in which we are involved, which serve to reduce the environmental footprint and emissions arising from any dispute, including:
    • Corresponding electronical-ly, unless hard copy is expressly required, while recognising that electronic communication has a carbon footprint and accordingly seeking to avoid unnecessary emails;
    • Limiting the printing of hard copy bundles and other documents wherever possible, and using less than 80gsm paper quality when hard copies are required;
    • Promoting the use of electronic bundles for court hearings where possible, and liaising with our counterparts at opposing firms and the Court and other dispute resolution fora to seek agreement where necessary;
    • Walking, cycling or using public transport for journeys to court and other dispute resolution fora wherever feasible and appropriate;
    • Considering the appropriateness of witnesses giving evidence by video-link, where allowed by the law, and, where appropriate, co-operating with our counterparts at opposing firms and the Court or other dispute resolution fora to implement the necessary procedures for giving evidence by video-link;
    • Whilst acknowledging the importance of in-person hearings to the administration of justice, actively considering for each hearing whether it is appropriate and amenable to being heard remotely, in whole or in part, including by telephone or by video-link where allowed by the law, and, where it is, making that suggestion to the Court or other dispute resolution fora and other parties to the litigation;
    • Avoiding unnecessary travel in relation to a dispute in which we are acting;
    • Committing to the use of renewable energy sources wherever possible;
    • Using suppliers and service providers who are committed to reducing their carbon footprint wherever possible and appropriate.
  4. Notifying clients and other parties, including solicitors, counsel, experts and opponents, involved in disputes of our support for the Greener Litigation Pledge, and encouraging their participation.