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Csound JIT Module Compilers

This experimental opcode library builds on the initial work by Michael Goggins, and is based on the llvm/clang interpreter code provided in clang library sources. It includes opcodes for C/C++ compilation to LLVM IR, as well as to execute compiled code.

Operation principles

The principle of operation of these opcodes is as follows:

C/C++ -> LLVM bitcode -> execution

Starting with a C or C++ source code, the compiler produces an LLVM bitcode that is stored in an execution object, the just-in-time (JIT) compiler, which can be run immediately or at a later time. Implementing this, separate opcodes are provided for compilaton and function calls.

C/C++ compilation

The module compilers for C and C++ are

ires,ihandle c_module_compile Scode[, Sentry, Scflags, Sdylibs]
ires,ihandle cxx_module_compile Scode[, Sentry, Scflags, Sdylibs]

where Scode is a C or C++-language module containing the opcodes to be added to the system, provided as a string, and Sentry is the name of the entry point function declared in C as

int entry(CSOUND *csound);

If C++ is used then we have

extern "C" int entry(CSOUND *csound);

This function is executed at i-time immediately following any successful compilation. The remaining optional parameters can be used to pass any C++ flags to the compiler, and load any required dynamic libs.

The opcodes return the result of the function execution (if this is executed) or zero on success, or a non-zero error as the first output. The second output is a handle to the JIT compiler that can be passed to other opcodes to execute code.

It is possible to have more than one JIT compiler at the same time. Each instance of these opcodes creates a separate JIT object, that can be used as a separate module during performance.


The following is a simple C example (from examples/opcode_compile_example.csd) creating a simple gain opcode and adding it to Csound. Note that since the opcode compiler adds the opcode to the system from the Csound code itself, it is only available to instruments in subsequent compilations.

The orchestra code is composed of two opcode calls:

  • to c_module_compile adding the new opcode
  • to compilestr compiling the Csound code that uses this opcode.

New C opcodes are added to the system using the Csound API function

int csound::AppendOpcode(CSOUND *, const char *opname,
                                int dsblksiz, int flags, int thread,
                                const char *outypes, const char *intypes,
                                int (*iopadr)(CSOUND *, void *),
                                int (*kopadr)(CSOUND *, void *),
                                int (*aopadr)(CSOUND *, void *));

The C code is given as a string to opcode_compile using the {{ }} multiline string. Note that this requires any backslashes (\) found in the code to be escaped with another backslash (\\).

SCode = {{
 #include <csdl.h>
 struct dataspace {
    OPDS h;
    MYFLT *out, *in, *gain;

 static int init(CSOUND *csound, DATASPACE *p) {
       return OK;

 static int perf(CSOUND *csound, DATASPACE *p) {
    MYFLT *out = p->out, *in = p->in, g = *p->gain;
    uint32_t offset = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_offset;
    uint32_t early  = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_no_end;
    uint32_t n, nsmps = CS_KSMPS;

    if (UNLIKELY(offset)) memset(out,0, offset*sizeof(MYFLT));
    if (UNLIKELY(early)) {
      nsmps -= early;
      memset(&out[nsmps],0, early*sizeof(MYFLT));

    for(n=offset; n < nsmps; n++) out[n] = in[n]*g;
    return OK;

 int module_init(CSOUND *csound) {
    csound->AppendOpcode(csound, "amp",sizeof(DATASPACE),0,3,"a","ak",
                         (SUBR) init, (SUBR) perf, NULL);
    return 0;

ires,ihandle c_module_compile SCode, "module_init"

This compiles the new opcode (amp) using the JIT compiler and executes the module_init function to add the opcode to the Csound instance. Now we can use it in our Csound instruments.

SCscode = {{
    instr 1
     a1 oscili 0dbfs,A4
     a2 amp a1, 0.5
     out a2

ires = compilestr(SCscode)

A more elaborare C++ example is also found in the examples directory. In this particular use case, the handle provided by the compiler opcode is not employed elsewhere.

Module function calls

Calling the module entry point after compilation is optional. If no entry point, or an empty string, is given, no code is executed. In this case, we can use the module compiler to provide general-purpose code to be called at i- or perf-time.

A C function with the signature

 int func(CSOUND *csound, OPDS h, MYFLT*out[], MYFLT *in[])

or a C++ function with the signature

extern "C" int func(CSOUND *csound, const OPDS &h, MYFLT *out[], MYFLT *in[])

may be invoked at a later time using

ir1[,ir2, ...]  c_module_fcall ihandle, Sfunc[,...]  // C
ir1[,ir2, ...]  cxx_module_fcall ihandle, Sfunc[,...]  // C++


xr1[,xr2, ...]  c_module_fcallk ihandle, Sfunc[,...]  // C
xr1[,xr2, ...]  cxx_module_fcallk ihandle, Sfunc[,...]  // C++

These functions take a handle to a JIT compiler containing the code to be executed. The former C or C++ code runs at i-time only and the latter is called at perf-time, on every k-cycle, and the function name is passed as the string parameter Sfunc. The opcodes can use up to 32 outputs and 256 inputs whose types may be determined by the C or C++ code. These are available to the function as the MYFLT * arrays out and in. The jit_example.csd demonstrates a C-language example in which one JIT compiler object is used to provide two separate functions that are invoked later at init and perf time. The jit_example_c++.csd example demonstrate two C++ compilers providing two separate JIT objects each one with a function that is called at init and perf time. The oscil_example.csd shows a simple sinusoidal oscillator written in C++ and implemented with these opcodes.

C++ opcode objects

In addition to function calls, it is possible to construct and run C++ objects at i, k, or a rates (or a combination of these). For these, the code needs to provide a class implementing the opcode processing, and an entry function to instantiate objects of this class.

The class should be derived from the JITPlugin base class provided by the jitplugin.h header file. The class should implement a constructor calling the base class constructor and passing the OPDS object to it. It can then implement one or both of the processing methods called at init and perf time.

 struct OpcodeObj : JITPlugin {
   OpcodeObj(OPDS h) : JITPlugin(h) {};  // constructor
   int init()  { return OK; }  // called at init-time
   int perf() { return OK; }   // called at perf time

The entry point function is then used to instantiate and return the class object in the following form

auto entry(OPDS h) {
 return new OpcodeObj(h);

Once the object is defined in the C++ code it can be run by passing the entry point name and the JIT handle to the appropriate cxx_opcode_ opcode.

ires[,..] cxx_opcode_i ihandle,Sentry[,...]  // i-time only
ksig[,..] cxx_opcode_k ihandle,Sentry[,...] // perf-time only ksig
xsig[,..] cxx_opcode_a ihandle,Sentry[,...] // perf-time only xsig
k/ivar[,..] cxx_opcode_ik ihandle,Sentry[,...] // i-time and perf-time i/kvars
xvar[,..] cxx_opcode_ia ihandle,Sentry[,...] // i-time and perf-time xvars

Supports for argument access etc are provided in a similar form to that in CPOF. However, since the code is running fully within a C++ environment, classes can use the full range of supports from the C++ standard libraries and other APIs. Objects are automatically deleted at instrument deinit time, but any dynamically allocated resources should be disposed of in a class destructor. A simple example is given in the opcode_class_c++.csd code, and a version of the C++ opcode example using an opcode object is given in delay_example.csd.

Building the opcodes

The opcodes require LLVM and Clang libraries, version >= 13.0.0, which can be installed from, as well as Csound and CMake. With these in place, the following steps apply

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

and to install it in the default location,

make install

Victor Lazzarini
October 2021


Csound JIT Module Compilers







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