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Education Essex Online Booking System

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We have created this customer survey for you to anonymously share your views about the Education Essex online booking system. Your feedback will be considered when planning future processes or booking systems.

Welcome to Education Essex

Key documents

Frequently asked questions

You said, we listened

Booking and payment terms and conditions

Your setting will have access to online courses, resources, evaluations and certificates in one place. Follow these steps:

1. Allocate a training manager

Your setting will need to choose one person to become the training manager. They will be responsible for:

  • Creating accounts for employees
  • Booking courses
  • Managing invoices
  • Viewing employees’ training records

If you would like to become a training manager for your setting, please speak to your line manager.

If you are a childminder without assistants, you will be the training manager.

2. Register your setting and your employees

Once you have chosen a training manager for your setting, they can proceed to set up an account and add employees.

To register your educational setting or log in to your account, visit our booking system Education Essex.

Watch our video guides on YouTube to learn how to use our online booking system. To ensure you get the best experience, we recommend you using Chrome or Firefox as your internet browser.

Training manager video guides:

How to register your setting school and add employees

How to book a course for yourself or an employee and what to do if circumstances change

3. Support your employees to use Education Essex

Once you have registered your setting and added your employees, they will receive an email with their log in details. Once logged in, they will be able to browse courses and view bookings.

Training managers will be responsible for booking employees onto courses and paying invoices. Employees will receive an email booking confirmation once payment has been made.

These guides can be shared with your employees:

How to search courses and access your training resources

How to access your certificates and evaluations

How to access eLearning courses, resume and complete the courses

If you need any help email the Workforce Development Team at or call 0333 013 9891.

We aim to help you learn and develop at every stage of your career in your early years setting. If you would like to provide feedback on our courses, please email the Workforce Development team at