
Year 5/6 Newsletter SPRING 2022

Welcome to Year 5/6. We have another exciting term ahead, packed with all sorts of learning activities and experiences. We are looking forward to a busy few months.

Penblwydd Hapus Mr Urdd

We celebrated Mr Urdd's 100th birthday by creating models of him in each class. Congratulations to Rooms 15 and 13 who were voted as joint winners!

Spring Clothing

The weather is very changeable at the moment, please make sure your child has a coat in school (We are often out and about in all weathers). This is really important for our Magic Mondays when we will be out and about exploring the local environment. Please ensure your child has a pair of sturdy waterproof shoes or old trainers in their bag on a Monday.

PE Kits

We are continuing to allow everyone to wear their P.E. kit during the day at school. Can we please ask that all the children wear their Gwynedd School Sweatshirt over a white t-shirt on these days. It is really important that our children retain the Gwynedd identity and that they don’t feel different from all the other smart children.


In Year 5/6 this term, our topic has been ‘Africa’ and we have thoroughly enjoyed learning all about life in this colourful, vibrant nation. After half-term we will be moving on to the topic of ‘Vikings’. We are really looking forward to finding out all about their history and their lives.

Reading and Home- learning

All our reading and home learning can now be accessed via seesaw. We record our reading sessions in school and would love to see your reading sessions at home. Our home learning is also set on to seesaw every week. We do understand the pressures of family life and work and hope you would encourage your child to complete the tasks but fully understand that this is not always possible.


After half term, Year 5/6 will be starting swimming lessons. Each class will complete 6 sessions across 3 weeks. Your child's class teacher will be in contact to let you know when your child's sessions are. Please ensure your child has suitable swimming kit ready for these days.

Dates to remember

February 18th– School closes for Half Term

February 28th—School re-opens.

Thursday 3rd March—World Book Day

Friday 4th March —NFL Roadshow to visit .

Friday 11th March—Flint Jamboree

Friday 18th March—Red Nose Day

Friday 8th April—School closes for Easter Holidays