INTERACT Management planning for arctic and northern alpine research stations – Examples of good practices
INTERACT Management planning for arctic and northern alpine research stations – Examples of good practices
INTERACT publications SMF Publications 2014

Elmer Topp-Jørgensen, Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, Denmark.

Theme 9: Morten Rasch, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Theme 11: Kirsten Elger, Samoylov Research Station/Alfred Wegener Institute, Russia/
Germany, and Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for
Geosciences, Germany.
Warwick Vincent and Christine Barnard, Centre d’études nordiques/Centre
for Northern Studies, Canada.

> Download: INTERACT_ManagementPlanning_web

INTERACT research stations are often located in very remote areas of the Arctic and often managed with limited resources. This means that station managers have to develop cost effective management practices and come up with innovative (and cheap) solutions to often complicated problems.
One of the cornerstones in the INTERACT project is the exchange of station management practices between INTERACT station managers. Therefore INTERACT partners will identify topics of importance for station management and describe good practices and lessons learned (also including some failed practices as one can learn as much from these as from successful practices).
I hope this book will be a useful tool to many station managers throughout the World, to leaders of scientific expeditions, to chief scientists on scientific vessels, and to all the other people being involved in one or another kind of science support and/or coordination” Morten Rasch, Chairman, INTERACT Station Manager Forum

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