Published November 25, 2021 | Version v1
Working paper Open

MOBAK – Monitoring of Basic Motor Competencies of 4- to 8-year-old Children in Switzerland: Documentation of Items and Scales


This documentation contains the scales and items used in the second measurement point of the study "Monitoring of basic motor competencies of 4–8-year-old children in Switzerland" (01.12.2019-30.11.2021) funded by the Health Promotion Switzerland (GFCH) and the Zurich University of Teacher Education. The aim of this study is to identify potential factors influencing the development of basic motor competencies and relevant factors that are related to the mental and physical health of the children. The central subject of the study is the assessment of basic motor competencies (MOBAK; Herrmann, 2018; Herrmann, Ferrari, Wälti, Wacker, & Kühnis, 2020) in the 1st cycle of primary school. In addition, the parents and teachers of the children were surveyed by using questionnaires.

The documentation of the scales and items includes the variable names, the question text in German, Italian and French language, as well as the coding and references.




Herrmann et al_2021_MOBAK_Scales and items documentation_X1.pdf

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