Christian parents lose bid to send disabled son to Italian hospital

The four-year-old is being kept alive at King’s College Hospital in London. A High Court judge has ruled the burden of his treatment outweighs the benefits
Mr and Mrs R argued it was “wholly unethical” to withdraw life support
Mr and Mrs R argued it was “wholly unethical” to withdraw life support

Christian parents have lost a court bid to force an NHS hospital to allow their severely disabled four-year-old son to be treated in a Vatican-backed hospital in Italy.

A judge in the High Court in London ruled on Wednesday that the child should not be “forced to live”. The boy, who was born deaf and blind, has been kept alive by life-support machines at London’s King’s College Hospital since last year. He was admitted to hospital after suffering a serious infection of the brain that triggered two heart attacks.

His devout Catholic parents insisted in court that their son “has awareness of what might be called beneficial or positive interactions with the world around him” and “knows us and knows he is loved”. However senior