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On track to paperless!
Four-month update Perishable Management App.

Time flies but is has been already four months since the renewed version of Perishable Management App went live. The new version features an integration with the Traces system, resulting in user friendly workflow with less data input, more visibility and traceability of the phytosanitary control process of perishables imports shipments and increased efficiency in the overall import process.



With the launch of this new functionality the usage of the application, by the participating forwarding companies, has skyrocketed from 10% at the end of June to more than 90% by October, surpassing all the expectations! Alongside the rising usage of PMA, a shift towards a paperless way of working for FASFC inspections is ongoing.

By the end of 2021 it will be possible to do every FASFC declaration for perishables and fresh products completely paperless when using PMA. FASFC will use the Check-it application and a digital version of the documents when performing their inspections at location. With this positive trend and evolution, the Fresh community at Brussels Airport is setting the standard when it comes to shifting towards a paperless and more efficient way of working. Everybody involved can be proud of these results.


This successful PMA implementation does not go unnoticed, and we expect communities at other (air)ports in Belgium to start using PMA soon.

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