
works + wanderings

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+ el micro museo de las plantas migrantes
+ Survival Kit 14 (LCCA Latvia)
+ the artist is present
+ Momentum 12
+ visitors’ portraits
+ national art prize 2022-2023
+ across the universe
+ campo de fuerza
+ a museum

+ Tegnetriennalen 2023
+ Becoming a mountain

+ Radio Momentum + Gabo Camnitzer
+ MUAC UNAM + Campo de Fuerza

so far...

public spaces

“Galleries and museums are public spaces. Public spaces are political arenas in which power is gained, recognized, underwritten, disputed, attacked, lost and gained.”

Some thoughts on the political character of the situation
Adrian Piper (1983)


“/.../ the role of Latin American and East European Art in the development of what in North America and Western Europe in the late 1960s and 1970s came to be refered as Institutional Critique /.../”.

Canibalism, the Non-Object, and Institutional Critique
Alexander Alberro (2006)

︎︎︎ talking with plants 
Natural History Museum Oslo
Ongoing research 

︎︎︎ field: museums studies / institutional critique
︎︎︎ relation/question/focus: insitutions & language 
︎︎︎ context: museums 

Do you notice the light,
the warmth, the moisture?
Have you ever been to
a place like this before?

Approach one of the beings in this garden and,
if you like, ask them kindly:
Why are you here?

Different answers may come up…
as presences, as whispers,
as memories.