Vypr Product Intelligence Platform

Better decisions, winning products.

Understand your target consumers with fast, cost-effective and actionable insights.

Our product intelligence platform helps you make the right product decisions at the right time.

Our customers

Discover how we’re helping 100s of customers develop winning products.

Get targeted and robust consumer data, fast

Vypr gives you access to consumer feedback on initial concepts, product names, branding, packaging or pricing and so much more. Segment our panel to target the right consumers, and get the results you need in minutes.

Number of demographics


Steers answered (weekly)


Average response time (minutes)


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Product intelligence platform

Discover how Vypr works

Our easy-to-use platform enables you to instantly put a question to our diverse community of panellists.

With the help of our cutting-edge research technologies and expert support, you can keep your product development process agile and make better, consumer-centric decisions.

Collaborative and intuitive platform
Empowering every team to make winning decisions that are 100% customer-centric. Our platform delivers the latest customer data, empowering decision-makers with agile product intelligence. Vypr is for all teams and is easy to use, with expert support given along the way.
Consumer-facing mobile app
An engaged community translates to exceptional data quality. Vypr’s mobile-first app connects to our proprietary consumer community. This allows us to properly engage them and avoid ‘click for cash’ consumers. ​We give our consumers integrity scores and remove ‘bad actors’ with no hesitation. Our rigorous processes ensure you get robust, reliable data from real people.
Target your ideal consumer
Make data-driven decisions powered by product intelligence. With Vypr, you can put the consumer at the forefront of product decisions. Our platform opens a window into the preferences of your target segment with fast, predictive consumer data.
Create better products, faster
Get your products to market faster with our innovative product intelligence platform. From ideation to development, Vypr’s robust consumer data can help you unlock better team collaboration, enhanced revenue and greater profitability.

The Vypr difference

Vypr enables you to test every element of your product so you can gain a deeper understanding of the market and your consumers.

Expert support

A product intelligence platform built by people like you, for people like you

With Vypr, you get hands-on support from our expert Customer Growth Team. With 150+ years combined experience in roles like yours, we understand what it takes to grow your business.

Behavioural science

Backed by the latest research

Vypr’s science-based approach ensures we enhance your product validation through stronger predictive consumer insights.

Reliable data

Say goodbye to guesswork

Access quantitative and qualitative data for informed product decisions. React to market conditions by leveraging timely insights.

Understand your customers

Need clear customer feedback, delivered fast? You can segment Vypr’s engaged proprietary community to target your ideal consumer with questions about ideas, product names, features, branding, packaging, pricing, and more.

Vypr Community

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Vypr Platform
Vypr Platform
VyPops community member
Vypr Platform
Vypr Platform
Vypr Platform
Vypr Platform
Calbee Harvest Snaps
Hallmark cards
Calbee Harvest Snaps
Happy customer
Man in glasses
Vypr Platform
Inside a coffee shop
Inside a taxi
Inside a coffee shop

Brand Tracker

Discover how your customers truly feel about your brand with Vypr’s brand tracking service, “Do They Love Us?”

Gain insights into your brand’s health, perception, and promotional impact with our brand tracker. Measure performance pre- and post-campaigns, before entering a market, and against competitors.

Discover Brand Tracking


Bring consumer feedback to life with VyPops to make well-informed decisions.

With VyPops, you can ask a qualitative steer to our community and receive 15 impactful video responses. See real customers sharing their thoughts on your brand and products by integrating these cost-effective video insights into your workflows to better understand what your customers need.

Discover VyPops

Advanced Segmentation

With Vypr, targeting specific groups of consumers and uncovering insights tailored to your business is easier than ever.

Advanced Segmentation is our bespoke service where you can combine more than 3 demographics in your segment. You can segment your sample by a large range of variables, including age, gender, shopping habits, attitudes and more.

Discover Advanced Segmentation
“Vypr is truly brilliant – you get an instant understanding of what your target audience wants and needs. The responses come within 24 hours and are completely invaluable and have helped us gain listings with supermarkets and gain PR exposure.

Dean Dempsey,
Naturelly Founder

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Better products start with Vypr

Discover how Vypr can help your business deliver winning products today.