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Have your say

This page will help you find and take part in consultations that interest you. We consider what you tell us and use this, alongside other information, to inform our recommendations and decisions on the related project. 

What is a consultation?

A consultation is a process that involves the public in providing their views and feedback on a proposal to consider in the decision-making. 

How does a consultation work?

No two consultation exercises are the same, and how to consult on a particular area/issue or proposed policy/service change or development will be based on each specific project or piece of work.

How can I take part in a consultation?

Consultations are mainly undertaken via online/paper surveys and further insight and engagement can be conducted through focus groups, one-on-ones and pop-up events where necessary. 

Take part in open consultations

Open consultations

The Big Listen seeks views right across our work, from schools and children’s social care to teacher training and early years.

Across our work, we want to explore 4 areas:

  • reporting – how we report on our education and regulatory inspections
  • inspection practice – the shape of our education and regulatory inspections, our ways of working and the craft of inspecting
  • culture and purpose – the conduct of our inspections and the way we work
  • impact – the consequences of our inspections for children, professionals, institutions and parents’ choices

The Big Listen is structured to allow you to provide feedback on the areas of greatest interest and importance to you. You may only want to give us your views on schools. Or you might want to share views on how we report across further education and teacher training.

Whatever your focus, we have structured the Big Listen so you only need to comment on the things that matter to you.

Thank you for taking the time to help us improve and achieve our ambition of being a world-class inspectorate and regulator.

(Shared on behalf of Ofsted)

Ofsted Big Listen

If your work, your children, your decisions, your education, or your care are affected by what we do, then we want to hear from you.

Take the Ofsted Big Listen survey

Ofsted Big Listen children’s survey

We want to hear from the children we work for.

Take the children’s survey

This consultation closes at
11:59pm on 31 May 2024

The way we engage with you on major highways projects has changed. Many of our intentions for future projects are published in our Highways Strategy or Infrastructure Delivery Plan. We are currently updating these documents and will be available in the near future. The projects published in these documents are intended to go ahead at some point in the future but will be subject to us securing grant funding for any upgrades.

We are taking comments and suggestions for projects that have not yet made it to the drawing board to give you the earliest opportunity to have your say. It is possible that your comments may not be used if a project never goes ahead or the opportunity to bid does not arise.

Any project that has grant funding approved will also go through a formal consultation process on the draft design. The process for these schemes is short, straightforward to follow and available here: Major Projects Engagement Process (PDF)

It also details how elected members are involved in the process.

You can submit your pre-bid comments on our Highways Major Projects Survey.

The Council is considering a landlord and tenant friendly Selective Licensing Scheme within parts of the East and West Marsh areas.

It is intended to tackle the issues of crime, anti-social behaviour and poor housing conditions. We are consulting with residents of the area, landlords and members of the public so this is an opportunity for you to influence how the scheme will be developed and carried out. Your views will be considered and will help to shape the decisions made about the scheme.

We would like to know about the issues you have experienced in these areas, what you think of the proposal as well as the areas suggested for Selective Licensing.

Changes made to the business case

We have made some minor amendments to the selective licensing business case and have extended the consultation. If you have already submitted a response you can make new representations based on these amendments to [email protected].

You can find details of these changes within the business case.

Have your say

To have your say complete our survey:

Further information

For further information please read our summary and FAQs:

Drop in sessions

In the interest of public safety, we are cancelling all future drop in sessions.  Any queries can be raised direct with Jacqui Wells on 01472 324775 or email direct on [email protected].

This consultation has been extended.

Imperial College London is investigating the prevalence of social isolation and loneliness in the general population, including NHS patients & staff. You can choose to take part by completing a brief anonymous survey which is available in several languages.

You can access the survey on your smartphone, tablet or personal computer. The short survey is available in several languages and can be accessed on Qualtrics Survey | Qualtrics Experience Management or by scanning the QR code.

Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey.

Contact details

Consultation, Municipal Offices, Town Hall Square, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, DN31 1HU

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 01472 313131

Opening times: Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, except bank holidays

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