SEAH Note for practitioners: Measuring multilateral performance

Combatting sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) and sexual harassment (SH) has emerged as a priority for multilateral organisations and their donors, who recognise that SEA and SH abuses undermine the core values of multilateral organisations. Consequently, in 2020, MOPAN integrated two new key performance indicators into its methodology to jointly assess the efforts of multilateral organisations in preventing and responding to SEA and SH (Micro-indicators 4.7 and 4.8). We developed a Note for practitioners in multilateral organisations to identify and remedy gaps in their prevention and ensure appropriate, victim-centred response to SEA and SH. The Note is also designed for member states, donors, and other stakeholders interested in developing benchmarks for monitoring the progress of organisations they fund or govern. The Note includes and explains MOPAN’s SEA/SH indicators and their 16 granular measures, as well as underlying norms and best practice. It also contains a MOPAN+ SEA/SH Toolkit of 24 more granular indicators for reviews to help MOs form a more comprehensive and systematic picture to help address SEA/SH abuses.

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