Discover the Picts

Welcome to the
Highland Pictish Trail –
experience a lost Highland kingdom of
warrior kings, monks and enigmatic art

Explore the sites

See the stones, experience a hill fort,
lose yourself in museums

Search by theme

Art of the Picts, Pictish Lives
or Pictish Power and Culture

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Visit using one of our suggested itineraries.

Discover the Picts

Welcome to the Highland Pictish Trail where
we invite you to discover a lost Highland kingdom
of warrior kings, monks and enigmatic art.

Explore The Sites

See the stones, climb to the hill forts,
lose yourself in museums…

Search by Theme

Art of the Picts, Pictish Lives
or Pictish Power and Culture

Plan Your Trip

Visit using one of our suggested itineraries

Discover the lost kingdom of the Highland Picts

From the 300 AD to about 900AD, the Picts ruled much of what is now Scotland, and the Highlands were an important centre of Pictish power, culture and religion.

Today, you can experience for yourself their fascinating legacy in the Highlands – enigmatic and often finely carved stones, important religious sites, hillforts set on towering hills and ridges, finely-worked jewellery and sculpture cared for in local museums, and stories of kings, wizards, faith and battles.

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What better way to escape from stressful daily life than by exploring this lost kingdom at first hand? Following the Highland Pictish Trail is the perfect way to slow down, enjoy fresh air and beautiful landscapes, and imagine a time when life here was very different.

Many of the sites and museums on the Trail can be reached by public transport or are ideal for exploring on foot or by bike. And, of course, you can also explore our local communities and sample their food, drink, culture and craic*.

Whether you are visiting the Highlands or live here, there is something on the Highland Pictish Trail for you to enjoy.

* Craic – local conversation, news and fun.

Lorg dùthaich chaillte nan Cruithneach Gàidhealach

Bho mu 300 an dèidh Chrìosda gu 900 an dèidh Chrìosda, bha na Cruithnich a’ riaghladh mòran dhen dùthaich ris an can sinn Alba a-nis, agus bha a’ Ghàidhealtachd na h-àite cudromach a thaobh cumhachd, cultar is creideamh nan Cruithneach.

An-diugh, faodaidh tu fhèin eòlas a chur air dìleab inntinneach nan Cruithneach sa Ghàidhealtachd – clachan iongantach air an snaigheadh gu mìn, làraich chreideimh chudromach, dùin-chnuic suidhichte air beanntan is dromannan àrda, seudraidh is obair-shnaighidh a rinneadh le saothair mhionaideach agus a tha a-nis fo chùram nan taighean-tasgaidh ionadail, agus sgeulachdan mu rìghrean, draoidhean, creideas is cathan.

Leugh tuilleadh

Dè as fheàrr airson faighinn air falbh o strì na beatha làitheil na bhith a’ rannsachadh na rìoghachd caillte seo dhut fhèin? Tha a bhith a’ leantainn Slighe Chruithneach na Gàidhealtachd na dhòigh air leth airson gabhail air do shocair agus tlachd a ghabhail anns an èadhar a-muigh is am measg chruthan-tìre àlainn, agus smaoineachadh air àm nuair a bha beatha sa phàirt seo de dh’Alba gu math eadar-dhealaichte.

Gheibhear gu mòran de na làraich is de na taighean-tasgaidh air an t-Slighe le còmhdhail phoblach no tha iad air leth freagarrach airson an rannsachadh air chois no le baidhsagal. Agus, gu dearbh, faodaidh tu eòlas a chur air na coimhearsnachdan ionadail againn agus am biadh, an deoch, an cultar is an craic* fheuchainn cuideachd.

Co-dhiù a tha thu a’ tadhal air a’ Ghàidhealtachd no a’ fuireach an seo, tha rudeigin air Slighe Chruithneach na Gàidhealtachd a chòrdas riut.

*Craic – còmhradh ionadail, naidheachdan is rudan tlachdmhor.

Get the app

To make exploring the Highland Pictish Trail even easier, we have created a selection of themed and geographical routes, full of fascinating information about each featured  site, on izi.TRAVEL. Just click on the Apple or Android link below, install the free izi.TRAVEL app, then search for “Highland Pictish Trail”.

Get the PDF

Download the Pictish Trail Leaflet here

Themed Itineraries

Symbols of the Picts

Art of the Picts
Ealain nan Cruithneach

A lasting legacy of enigmatic art
Dìleab mhaireannach de ealain dìomhair

Pictish Lives

Pictish lives
Beathannan Cruithneach

Casting new light on Pictish life
A’ soillseachadh beatha nan Cruithneach às ùr

Christian Picts

Pictish power and culture
Cumhachd is cultar nan Cruithneach

At the centre, not the edge
Sa mheadhan, chan ann air an iomall

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