Thrive, Flourish & Prosper in your life and your business

I can help you enjoy your business so that you can have more impact, make more money and have more time to enjoy your life

Your work can be part of your self-care


To help you create a life that satisfies your from your nervous system out.

I believe one of the main ways we can do this is by revolutionising how we work.

I want us to build lives that support our collective well-being instead of relegating our lives to being in service to work.

This is liberation work that creates a rhythm of life that can help us shift from upholding systems of oppression to regenerative systems of care.

I want to change the world one person at a time in healing community.

‘Having it all’ actually translates to ‘Doing it all’, and that’s not okay!

In my groundbreaking new book, Women Who Work Too Much: Break Free from Toxic Productivity, I challenge the societal norms that glorify relentless productivity and burnout.

I shed light on the emotional and psychological factors that keep women trapped in a never-ending cycle of productivity and offer practical strategies for liberation.

Tamu is an author, executive coach and keynote speaker who works with ambitious individuals and organisations thrive through dynamic leadership.

Tamu is passionate about supporting over-functioning, high achieving women cultivate emotional safety and self-trust that enables them to experience fulfilment without losing their edge.

Her work clearly demonstrates that self-trust helps women build an intimate, healthy relationship with themselves where they can make powerful choices about how they live, love and work.

No more over-functioning to prove that your worth. You are worthy, full stop.

Tamu Thomas' Holistic Approach

Tamu’s work combines somatic coaching, social work and polyvagal theory to create systems for thriving. She is person-centred, evidence-based, trauma-informed, human-paced, nurturing, intuitive, loving and playful.

Tamu’s holistic approach to supporting the bodies, minds and experience of her clients makes her work nurturing and deep and unique – just like her.

Tamu’s work is informed by her background of sixteen years in social work, somatic coach training, her love of behavioural neuroscience and polyvagal theory, positive psychology, spirituality and joy. Tamu combines these modalities to create a multifaceted body of work that helps her clients begin to tend to their needs, feel safe in their bodies, befriend themselves and begin to enjoy who they are. 

Tamu’s work helps her clients and workshop attendees understand themselves as valuable and worthy of caring for themselves enabling them to prioritise their own life satisfaction alongside success and achievement.

This approach supports Tamu's clients to feel safe enough to make powerful choices about who they want to be, what they stand for and how they want to live, love and work.

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