LTB 447/18 – Royal Mail Group (SHE) Safety Alert – Storage of Oil Barrels at Delivery Offices

No. 447/2018

7 August 2018

Our Ref: E1/18


Royal Mail Group (SHE) Safety Alert – Storage of Oil Barrels at Delivery Offices

To: All Branches

Dear Colleagues,

For the urgent attention of Royal Mail Area Safety Reps. Please see attached copy of RM SHE Alert GPSA0004 entitled ‘Storage of Substances’.

The SHE Alert was generated following a Safety Inspection carried out by a Local Authority Environmental Health Officer at the Royal Mail Gloucester North Delivery Office. The Enforcement Officer found that engine oil barrels were not being stored correctly and added that the issue needed to be rectified immediately to avoid an enforcement notice being served on Royal Mail. Local Management responded immediately to correct the non-compliance and so no formal action was taken.

Following the Enforcement Officer’s intervention, the attached alert has been issued reminding all Persons in Charge (PiCs) and their deputies of the importance of storing substances, including new and used engine oils in a safe and compliant manner to avoid risks to health and the environment.

Key Messages in the Alert

  • Ensure that oil/grease drums are properly stored in ‘bunded’ containers or on ‘bunded’ pallets and kept dry.
  • Ensure that spill kits are available and that staff are trained to use them in the event of a spill.
  • Ensure that in the event of a spill the Property and Facilities helpdesk is contacted for specialist support to clean up.
  • Ensure that substances such as cleaning materials are kept in locked cabinets/cupboards when not in use.

(Note: A Bund is an item or structure with a wall surrounding an industrial oil or fuel tank which acts as a safety container to capture any leaks).

Would all ASRs check this issue when carrying out their Safety Inspections or carry out additional spot checks to ensure Delivery Offices are compliant. If any non-compliant Delivery Offices are found, please complete a Safety Inspection Report and submit the report without delay, requesting immediate attention from the PiC.

Yours sincerely


Dave Joyce
National Health, Safety & Environment Officer

18LTB447 Royal Mail Group (SHE) Safety Alert – Storage of Oil Barrels at Delivery Offices

GPSA004 Storage of Substances_