Record level of flu jab uptake in those aged 65 and over

More people aged 65 and over have received their flu vaccine this year than ever before according to the UK Health Security Agency, however  uptake in pregnant women, those with underlying health conditions, and preschoolers remains behind uptake in older adults.

Of people aged 65 and over, 81.4% have already come forward for their flu vaccination this season, according to the latest data from the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA). This is the highest uptake in this age group on record, above the end of season uptake of 80.9% last year.

Thanks to those eligible for the vaccine coming forward, it means that England has already exceeded the World Health Organization (WHO) target of 75% in this age group for this winter season.

However, uptake in pregnant women and those with underlying health conditions remains low in comparison to older adults (37.1% for pregnant women and 49.2% for those under 65 with underlying health conditions), and preschool vaccination rates are less than last year’s record uptake during the same period (49.0% of 3-year olds and 46.6% in all 2-year olds). Uptake recorded in healthcare workers is also lower than at this point in previous years.