Stand With Trans

Stand With Trans is a campaign created and run by Charity So Straight.

Charity So Straight campaigns to make UK charity workplaces more LGBTQIA+ friendly and inclusive, so that we are all able to bring our whole selves to work, and to be fully supported when we do, so that we are all able to fulfil our true potential. We do this by working directly with charity sector leaders and with LGBTQIA+ people across the sector.

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Be on the right side of history

At Charity So Straight we believe that all trans and non-binary people should be able to live, work and access services without facing discrimination. A core part of our mission is to be a voice for all LGBTQIA+ people in the voluntary sector. Today, we are calling on all charity sector leaders to join us in standing with the trans community, and saying that the charity sector is, and must remain, a safe place for all trans and non-binary people.

Never before have we seen so much hatred directed at the trans and non-binary community. And never before has the American ultra-conservative transphobic movement influenced UK culture to the degree it is doing right now.

This transphobic movement represents a small but vocal minority. As part of their efforts to halt and roll back LGBTQIA+ inclusion in society at large, these fringe groups are attempting to erase our community from public life. And they are specifically targeting the trans and non-binary community first.

The result of this is an unprecedented level of hatred towards trans people and this is permeating all aspects of daily life. This is reflected in the most recent hate crime statistics, where two in five trans people (41%) have experienced a hate crime or incident because of their gender identity in the last 12 months. Which is rapid increase on the previous year’s figures – up 56% in 2021-2022

This climate of hate is having a real impact on trans and non-binary people in the workplace with one in four trans people (26%) saying that they aren’t open with anyone at work about being trans. This number increases to about two in five non-binary people (37%) who aren’t out at work.

We recognise that discrimination faced by the trans community is also intertwined with other forms of oppression. Trans and non-binary people not only experience high levels of unemployment, but also homelessness and negative mental health. Discrimination is further compounded for trans people with intersecting identities, with voices of Black and Brown trans people often the first to be silenced, and those of trans women frequently left out of conversations around women’s rights.

At the core of our sector is the desire to empower communities – so how can we do this if we do not openly welcome all those who face discrimination with open arms?

Trans and non-binary people’s lives matter, and the time for our sector to stand up to hate is now!

Sign the pledge

As charity leaders, we want to reiterate our absolute commitment to supporting the rights of our trans, non-binary, and gender diverse communities.

We invite you to join us and say a firm NO to anti-trans hate, whether you are a member of the LGBTQIA+ community or a proud ally. Together we will make a stand to support our trans colleagues, volunteers, supporters, and service users.

We believe that we, as voluntary sector leaders, have an important role to play in helping to shape the fibre of our communities both now and in the future by stating clearly that our sector MUST remain a safe place for all trans and non-binary people to work, volunteer or seek support.

Attacks on charities that support trans inclusion are accelerating, and over the past month we have seen one after another attacked for explicitly supporting trans inclusion in their Pride messaging. We must stand united together against this hate and offer support whenever any of us are subjected to an attack by the transphobic movement.

This campaign offers all of us an important opportunity to start having conversations with our trans and non-binary colleagues, volunteers and service users, both within our organisations and across the sector. It offers us the opportunity to come together to say that we - as a sector - are determined to stand alongside trans and non-binary people now and will remain here for all trans and non-binary people in the future.

We know that we’re not all in the same place with regards to trans equity, indeed, many of us are very early in our journey when it comes to discussing trans and non-binary inclusion, but wherever you might be on your organisations journey, we encourage you to stand alongside us, learn alongside us, and commit to ensuring that we are offering spaces where trans and non-binary people are simply able to be themselves, free from discrimination, prejudice and hate.

We must not allow hate to proliferate within our sector. We must not remain silent.

We will continue to #StandWithTrans, today and always, and we invite you to join us.

We would like to display your support for the campaign. Please select which of the following info you are happy for us to display on this webpage:
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We may get in touch with you to follow up about your submission, and we reserve the right not to add your name to the list if we cannot verify your identity.


After the campaign launch, we will add signatories to this space.

James Watson-O’Neill, CEO SignHealth. I’m signing because none of us is free until all of us are free and, at SignHealth, we are here to achieve health equality for ALL deaf people.

Jamie Ward-Smith MBE, Chair Co-op Foundation. Our sector needs to be a beacon for equality, diversity and inclusion for all marginalised people. Right now our trans colleagues and friends are facing unprecedented levels of discrimination in our society so it’s crucial that we show them and everyone else that our sector is a safe and welcoming place to work and access support. As a non binary queer person I am proud to support this campaign and #StandwithTrans.

Wayne Murray, Humanity Squared. Because I believe in humanity and fairness. I want to look back on this time and know I did what was right.

Kay Hallsworth, CEO Gosport Voluntary Action. As an ally and an advocate for inclusion in the workplace I fully support the #StandWithTrans campaign. So many people in our community have spent years hidden away and afraid to be themselves, as LGBTQ+ or Trans, because they didn’t know where they could find help and support or feel included. As a CEO in the voluntary sector, I want people to know that our organisation and our services are inclusive of everyone and always will be, and I’m delighted to say that I wholeheartedly #StandWithTrans.

Bobi Robson, BeMoreDigital. Because people should feel comfortable to be them in their truest sense everyday. No one should feel shamed for being beyond the norm, in fact, those that reach beyond should be celebrated and supported to be them in all their wonderfully human complexity.

Susie Green, Gender GP. I see the impact that the relentless attacks are having on the trans community and want to do everything I can as an ally to support.

Helen Webberley, Gender GP. As an ally to the trans community I believe I need to stand up, alongside my trans siblings.

Chris Abbott, CEO Open Briefing.

Leon Ward. To stand with our trans colleagues, friends, families or even passer by’s.

Crispin Truman. I believe that colleagues should feel fully at ease in bringing their identity to the professional workplace.

Chris Sherwood (he/him). I am signing the pledge because the charity sector should and needs to be a place where all trans and non-binary people feel welcomed and included. We can’t as a sector stay silent when trans and non-binary people are attacked and marginalised in culture wars.

Erica Thornton. COO, MindOut LGBT MentalHealth. Our trans and non-binary siblings are under attack, we cannot stand silent, our voices are stronger together to stamp out this hate. Life saving campaigns like this are needed now more than ever. My trans colleagues deserve to feel safe, loved, and respected and I will do everything I can to ensure they do!

Gill Hunter, Disability North. To show my support for trans and non binary people in our communities, our workplaces and society generally. We cannot stand by and allow our trans and non binary friends and colleagues to be persecuted – we must create safe spaces for them to live work and thrive. Any initiative aiming to stem the flow of hatred is a positive one.

Amanda Tincknell, CEO Cranfield Trust. To support inclusion inside and outside the workplace, and to learn more about being an inclusive organisation.

Nick Crofts, CEO Co-op Foundation.

Leah Campbell, CEO Action Hampshire. This pledge aligns with my personal and our organisational values. No one should be disciminated against, and VCSE infrastructure organisations should lead by example.

Lyndsay Macadam, CEO SWAN Autism (Scotland). As an autistic-led organisation, we are committed to ensuring all autistic women and non-binary people are equally welcomed, supported and included at SWAN.
In response to our evolving understanding of gender identity since SWAN was formed as a women’s organisation in 2012, we have broadened our remit to include all non-binary autistic people, and to actively and explicitly welcome autistic trans women. At SWAN we will always #StandWithTrans

Mark Upton, CEO MyVision Oxfordshire. I want the sight loss sector to be a welcoming place for all LGBTQ+ people and want to ensure trans people particularly feel welcomoe.

Simon Gale, CEO Justlife. We want Justlife, and the wider charity sector, to be a place where trans and non-binary people are able to be themselves, free from discrimination, prejudice and hate.

David Kelly, Director for Scotland, Community Transport Association. Now more than ever, with anti-trans hate on the rise, it’s important for everyone in the LGBT community, especially leaders, to stand up for our trans brothers and sisters and continue the fight for real equality.

Adeela Warley, CEO CharityComms. I am proud to have pledged my support for the campaign, everyone should have the right to be their truest selves without fear.

Alexandra Fearon, Maybe Later. Because trans children deserve to grow up too. Our sector has a vital role to play in supporting the Trans Community, as well as being an active ally. What the heck does the charity and voluntary sector even exist for if we don’t stand up for marginalised communities.

Monty Moncrieff MBE, CEO London Friend. It’s vital that all trans and non-binary people feel that charities are welcoming places that understand their lives and the issues that might have impacted them – as staff, volunteers and service users. This is why I #StandWithTrans

Kate Collins, CEO, Teenage Cancer Trust.

Laura Hughes-Onslow, FixtheForm. I’m signing to help build consensus and public engagement within the sector for trans inclusion, showing that it’s a safe place to be who you are when media narratives and social media dialogues are increasingly questioning the identities of trans and non-binary people. Delighted to see and support this campaign.

Alex Feis-Bryce, CEO Transform Drug Policy Foundation. The charity sector must be part of the change it wants to see in the world. Key to that is providing a safe space for trans and non-binary people in the workplace, as partners and allies, and people we support as organisations.

Becky Bainbridge, CEO RECLAIM Project. We want to live and work in a society that is friendly, inclusive, and recognises the value and potential of everyone bringing their whole self to work; a society where who you are is seen as a strength.

Richard Bailey, Eden Court. There are many organisations that show support for pride but fall short when including provisions for trans and non-binary people. Hopefully we can all work together to stop the shifting wave of transphobic conversation from pulling back individual’s rights and actually start to properly move them forward into a more inclusive society.

Amos Schonfield, CEO Our Second Home.

Lisa Harvey-Nebil, CEO The Proud Trust. We #StandWithTrans today and every day.

Laura Curtis-Moss, Director, 2050 Climate Group. Whilst the climate emergency impacts everyone we are keenly aware that some communities face additional challenges – we stand for social justice for all.

Anne Fry, CEO Eating Distress North East. Because trans and non-binary people deserve to feel safe at work

Jonathan Senker, CEO VoiceAbility. We want VoiceAbility to benefit from the skills, insights and experience of people from across society, including trans and non-binary people: and for everyone who comes to us for support to experience VoiceAbility as a safe, inclusive, and effective.

Darshan Sanghrajka, Founder Super Being Labs. We have to stand up for the human rights of people who have done nothing but lived as who they are. They haven’t harmed anyone but they are being used in a culture war to move the Overton window further to the right. We can’t let it happen. We only function as a society when we all look out for each other and stand together against those who break that harmony. As a sector, we have to show leadership and speak up as allies. If that means having difficult conversations, we must have them. We can’t let hate win.

Simon Glenister, CEO Noise Solution CIC. Because I find the division and derision fulminated and propagated by the gender critical to be hateful unfounded, unpleasant and downright dangerous.

Paul de Gregorio, Founder, Rally. a) Everyone should be free to be whoever they are. b) We need to stand against hate. c) We’re not culture war assholes. It’s 2023 FFS.

Smyth Harper, Chair LGBT Foundation. Trans people are part of our family and we will always have their backs. The vilification, hatred and abuse that our trans brothers, sisters and siblings face must be drowned out by our gay love, support, hope and joy.

Lucy Holmes, Director, Groundswell. I’m signing in solidarity with my trans family, friends, neighbours and colleagues.

Zoe Amar, Director, Zoe Amar Digital. I’m signing because a campaign like this has never been more important

Richard Berks. Because trans rights are human rights. Because trans people deserve to live free from fear and hatred.

Claire Hill-Dixon, Young Trustees Movement. As the Young Trustees Movement we’re calling for diversity within the sector. Charities and charity boards should be spaces where trans people of all ages are free from any form of discrimination. The charity sector is, and will continue to become, stronger because of the contributions made by trans and non-binary, colleagues, trustees, leaders and friends. The Young Trustees Movement is proud to be an advocate of this campaign and #StandWithTrans.

Lucy Caldicott, ChangeOut. Proud to stand as an ally to trans people #LWiththeT

Tasmin Maitland, Chief Executive, Catching Lives. It’s up to us as charity leaders to create trans inclusive organisations for our staff, our volunteers and for the people we support.

Ali Gunn, United Response. My sister is trans and I am a proud trans ally.

Verona Taylor-Blackford, Diverse Church. Trans and non-binary people are holy and beloved, and deserve safety and freedom to be who they are. I’m grateful for the diversity of experience and insight that trans and nonbinary folk bring to our workplaces, communities, friendship groups, places of worship, and more.

Melissa Moody, Charity Times. Because there’s no reason Trans people should be discriminated against.

Jodie Wickers, CEO Khulisa. Because I firmly believe in all people regardless of how they identify to have inclusive and supportive experiences in their workplace and beyond.

Penny Wilson, CEO Getting on Board. I don’t want to stand by impassively while trans and non-binary people are suffering discrimination in, and being excluded from, charity workplaces and board rooms.

Cheryl Edwards, CEO Inclusion Hampshire. As an education charity, operating a specialist school and college, it is vital that we support and stand alongside our trans and no-binary young people and provide education to all that transphobia and hate is totally unacceptable in our society #StandWithTrans

Duncan Craig OBE, CEO We Are Survivors. The question should be why aren’t you signing!

Rachel Hubbard. Pride In North Cumbria.

Elizabeth Balgobin, CEO The Bowlby Centre.

Rob McDowall, AMRSPH FRSA, Chair Welfare Scotland. In the face of growing anti-trans hostility, it’s vital we all stand up to ensure everyone in our diverse LGBT+ community can safely be and flourish as their true authentic selves.

Alison Court, Chief Transformation Officer, Oxfam. Trans and non binary colleagues need our support and solidarity whilst they are being relentlessly attacked.

Laura Lowther, Vision for Volunteering. Now is the time for active solidarity. Let’s go beyond rainbows and glitter during Pride month. It’s vital trans and non-binary people are safe, celebrated and seen within our sector and beyond.

Siobhan Corria

Gina Morrison, Emmaus Leeds. I am signing to pledge Emmaus Leeds’ support for all fellow human beings.

Nicci Russell, CEO Waterwise. Because trans lives matter. Because trans people are precious humans like all other humans. Because I want to be part of the change we need to see in the world, so that everyone feels and is welcome.

Mark Russell, CEO The Children’s Society. To stand as an ally with my trans colleagues and young people and because I believe the charity sector should be a safe and inclusive space for trans people to thrive.

Mike Wild, CEO Macc. We must take action to resist the anti-trans attitudes which are taking root in the UK’s political climate. Macc’s view is always that the VCSE sector should lead by example in what we do and in the way we work. We will play our part in encouraging the Manchester VCSE sector to be welcoming and inclusive of trans staff, volunteers, trustees and serivce users.

Arfan Hanif, CEO Touchstone. Every one deserves equal rights regardless of their identity. Touchstone stands in solidarity with all oppressed groups.

Lauren Stoner, Interim CEO Mermaids. As an ally, because the charity sector must not have room for hatred, and we need to our trans, non-binary and gender-diverse communities to know that they can be themselves whenever they engage with a charity, and will be able to thrive as employees, volunteers and supporters. Professionally, I see the impact of systemic, institutional, transphobia every single day, and I want to be part of building a sector where the trans young people we exist to work with are valued, nurtured and empowered now, and for the future.

Saskia Borchardt-Hume, CEO Thread Ahead. Now, more than ever, it matters that charities voice and practice solidarity with the trans community, which continues to be faced with horrifying levels of hatred and discrimination in the UK.

Lucy Foord, Action East Devon. We want everyone to be free to be themselves, safe from hate and predujuice and discrimination.

Amanda Watkinson, CEO Move Momentum. I’m signing because we stand alongside the trans and non-binary community and want everyone to feel welcome at our organisation.

Seyi Akiwowo, CEO Glitch. In 2023, with transphobia and homophobia on the rise and protections being removed for trans folks in the UK and abroad, it is more important than ever that we speak up and challenge abuse when we see it. We need to spot online abuse and report transphobic and homophobic hate while amplifying joyful resistance and expression.

Kathy Roberts, CEO Association of Mental Health Providers. We’re supporting this campaign because as the only national membership organisation for mental health charities providing services, it’s important that we and the sector stand with, and support, the LGBTQ+ and Trans communities to bring their whole selves to work, not be discriminated against, and be included meaningfully. We also want to work with marginalised communities to address the health inequalities they face and ensure fair and equitable access to care and support.

Elizabeth Archer, CEO PDA Society. Because trans rights are human rights.

Mandy Barker, Sail creative. We commit to freedom of identity, expression and choice. It is time to positively disrupt expectations, oppression, regimes and conformity, and fight for expression, freedom, identity and choice. We stand wall to wall with this campaign! Always in strength & solidarity.

Jenny Walton, Media Trust. Because no-one should experience discrimination, hate crime or be othered for who they are. A 56% increase since 2021-22 where two in five trans people (41%) have experienced a hate crime or incident because of their gender identity in the last 12 months is UNACCEPTABLE. I stand with trans friends, colleagues, volunteers and the community. I fully support the rights of our trans, non-binary, and gender diverse communities and believe as a sector our role is to #StandWithTrans

Sinéad Molloy, Media Trust. I am so saddened and angered by the current media discourse around trans rights. I support #StandWithTrans because I truly believe that embracing and affirming trans rights is crucial for fostering inclusivity, dismantling discrimination, and creating a society where everyone can thrive and express their authentic selves freely, without fear of persecution.

Alice Roche, COO Charity Digital. We are proud to support this campaign, and feel everyone should feel included and safe at their workplace and beyond!

Steve Allman, Of all the sectors, I’d like to think the charity sector could get it right by standing with trans and non-binary people, making sure discrimination has nowhere to hide and paving the way for others to follow.

Ian McLintock, Founder Charity Excellence Framework. We believe everyone should be treated with kindness and respect and stand with those for whom this is too often not the case.

Lucy Clark, TRUK Listens CIC. Because we believe that every trans and non binary person deserve to live their life freely and flourish. Our helpline for trans and non binary people is constantly busy which is a knock on effect from the anti-trans discourse we see everywhere.

Avril Clark, TRUK Listens CIC. We stand with every other trans inclusive charitable organisation and say no to anti-trans hate and yes to trans equity and trans and non-binary inclusion.

Gabi Parkham, MindOut LGBTQ Mental Health Service. I regularly see the impact that the current anti-trans hate has on the trans and non-binary community. This must stop!

Jane Johnson, Manchester Virtual School. I am signing this pledge in support of my family, young people, my work colleagues and the trans community as whole. I will always be a trans ally.

Laura Bunt, CEO YoungMinds. Because everyone should feel safe and loved being who they are. And I want to be part of making a world where that is everyone’s experience. We are not there yet.

Lizzie Jordan, CEO Think2Speak.

Rachel Reese, Global Butterflies. Global Butterflies was created to ensure trans people thrive. The current climate in the UK has become hostile for our community. We must stand together against this well financed trans hatred.

Phil Kerry, CEO New Horizon Youth Centre. Because trans young people, staff and partners, will always be welcomed at New Horizon Youth Centre.

Dr Tony Malone, Director, World Diversity Society. Because we firmly below that not only are trans rights human rights, but that trans people are also our friends, our family and a beautiful gift to our universe that deserves our love and allyship.

Darrell Tinsley, CEO Emmaus Bradford.

Martha Mackenzie
Michelle Hill, CEO, TLC: Talk, Listen, Change. I believe that all trans and non-binary people should be able to live, work and access services without facing discrimination. I want to show my support for the people who are trans and non-binary who work and volunteer for us and those who use our services. I want TLC to be somewhere that people can bring their whole selves to work and be celebrated for who they are.

David Burgess, Croydon Health Services NHS Trust. We stand as allies with our Trans colleagues, patients and service users. We will work to reduce the health inequalities suffered by the trans community.

Charly Dale, Head of Health Services, New Horizon Youth Centre. I am signing as a pledge to commit to doing more to protect and provide safety for our trans and non-binary young people, colleagues, family and friends. Ensuring that we as staff are continuing to reflect and examine our unconscious biases and actively seek opportunities for self-education and raising awareness among ourselves and others, in order to support and provide the best quality care we can for these communities who need our allyship more than ever! We #StandWithTrans

Clare Carter, CEO The Access to Justice Foundation. Because we believe everyone should be able to live, work and access services without experiencing hate or discrimination.

Maddy Sutcliffe, CEO Nova Wakefeld District Ltd. Here at Nova, we strive for a truly inclusive workplace, where each of us are welcomed and celebrated for who we are and what we bring. We are constantly learning and taking meaningful action to ensure that Nova is a safe place, where everyone can thrive and reach their potential.

Catherine Fookes, Director, Womens Equality Network Wales.

Karen Sugrue, Mammies for Trans Rights. We are a group of proud mams and allies of gorgeous Trans kids that we want to make sure feel supported, protected, valued & loved.

Ruth Parker, CEO Emmaus North East. I agree with the Pledge. We must stand together and allow voices to be heard.

Caroline Stevens, Herts Inclusive Theatre. We believe that everyone should have the same access and opportunities in life, and live free of discrimination.

Matthew Hodson, CEO NAM aidsmap. Trans communities globally carry a heavy burden of HIV. Discrimination and prejudice play a role in exacerbating this. It’s vital that trans people are served, fairly and equitably in HIV services and aidsmap is committed to our support for trans, non-binary and gender diverse people and communities.

Claire Staddon, CEO Emmaus Suffolk ltd. We have staff members in this community and we support service users in this community.

Tabitha Ha, STOPAIDS.

Peter Tatchell, Peter Tatchell Foundation. Trans rights are human rights. No LGB without the T. Stop the toxic war on trans people.

Vicky Smith, CEO North Tyneside VODA.

Angela Barron, CEO Forth Valley Rape Crisis Centre. In the current climate, it’s more important than ever to stand strongly alongside and in support of trans people.

Rebecca Ireland, Tilehouse Counselling. As charities we must lead the way in inclusive practices – trans and non-binary people deserve to feel safe and supported at work.

Sarah Furley, FFLAG. As parents we want our children to grow up feeling safe, loved and secure in the knowledge that they have a place in society. Our trans children deserve to grow up knowing that they enjoy those same rights, respect and protections, not just amongst family and friends, but as they make their way in the world.

Josie Cohen, Head of Policy & Campaigns, PAN UK. I am signing becase there is no place for division and hate in the charity sector. We push for a world based on environmental and social justice which can only happen if everyone is included, in all their beautiful diversity. As a cis lesbian and a feminist, I stand with trans people in the face of all the hate they are facing right now. The haters will at some point realise they are on the wrong side of history, just like most 1980s homophobes eventually did.

Matt Collins, Platypus Digital. Transphobia is a worrying trend. We want to counter the tide by showing that we stand against it as allies.

Adina Claire, Director NEON. NEON helps social movements win. We support the rights of trans and non binary people to live free of discrimination and to bring their whole selves to work. We work to build anti-oppressive spaces where everyone can thrive.

Avi Kay, Chair Bi Pride UK. Because trans rights are human rights and the B will always stand with the T.

Vic Hancock Fell, Founder & Director, Fair Collective. I want love to win, not hate.

Vicki Burnett, The Charity Retail Consultancy. Because Trans rights are human rights.

Iain Crosbie, CEO, Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Mind. Because I believe that every should be free to live their lives as they choose to do, without the fear of abuse or persecution from others.

Amsel Page von Spreckelsen, BCF Consulting. As your friendly neighbourhood trans charity finance consultant I want to keep being able to work in this sector I love without fear, and to welcome others like me to be their true selves at work as well.

Rob Davey

Menisha Gela, Deputy CEO Voluntary Organisations Network North East (VONNE). Discrimination and bias conscious or unconscious are simply unacceptable. We at VONNE welcome and support all people. We acknowledge that we all need to improve our understanding and in turn or systems, working practices and behaviours to ensure we do not exclude or marginalise people. We urge others to do similar and stand by our trans and non-binary colleagues, friends and family.

Phoebe Cross, Youth Music. The weaponisation of trans people need to stop. There is no debate – trans rights are human rights.

Ellen Bradley, Co Director, UK Youth for Nature. Our team at UK Youth for Nature is full of diverse, creative and brilliant individuals who come together to achieve things that we could not do on our own. Our organisation is so much better for our differences and we need the voluntary sector to see how much better we can be by celebrating and welcoming everyone. Together, we add up to more than the sum of our parts.

Carl Austin-Behan OBE DL, GM LGBTQ+ Community Ambassador for LGBT Foundation. Trans rights are human rights. I don’t understand why this journey for our tans siblings is so toxic – treat EVERYBODY as you wish to be treated yourself as a human being and with RESPECT.

Tom Doyle, CEO Yorkshire MESMAC. Trans and non-binary people are a central part of the LGBT+ community which I am a proud member of. Trans and non-binary folk, as we all do, deserve to live a life free from fear, hatred and discrimination.

Janine Edwards, CEO Power for the People. I’m signing to demonstrate our commitment to stand alongside our trans and non-binary colleagues, volunteers and beneficiaries. Because those of us who do not experience hate and vitriol simply because of our identity must be vocal allies.

The HIVE Portsmouth. We are an inclusive organisation who believes the sector should remain a safe place for all trans and non-binary people to work, volunteer or seek support.

Emmaus Salford

Ian Howley, CEO LGBT HERO. Trans people deserve equal health and equal rights.

Kate Lee, CEO Alzheimer’s Society. Dementia doesn’t discriminate and neither do we. To ensure people from trans, non-binary, and gender diverse communities feel safe and comfortable accessing dementia support when they need it, for themselves or loved ones, we must ensure Alzheimer’s Society is seen as welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone. To achieve this we must design our services with their involvement, welcome them into our teams, and draw on their lived experience. Everyone deserves sensitive, supportive advice and care to navigate the devastation that dementia can cause. At Alzheimer’s Society we’re absolutely committed to ensuring we can provide that to all, regardless of race, age, gender, sexual orientation, faith and belief, or a disability, like dementia, that’s why we’re pleased to sign this pledge.

Rosie Tressler OBE, CEO Student Minds. I will always stand for trans equity and challenge transphobia. As a bisexual charity leader I am passionate about the charity sector being a welcoming place for everyone. As a mental health charity’s CEO it is heart-breaking to see some people spreading hate and fear with no regard for the impact it has. Thank you to all the wonderful trans students, university colleagues and fellow LGBTQ+ charities we’ve worked with at Student Minds who lead the way, and to CharitySoStraight for this powerful campaign – love and solidarity to you all and I know that together we will make things better!

Darren Knight, CEO, George House Trust. Our sector needs to take the lead on calling things out.

Joe Kirwin, CEO, Pancreatic Cancer Action. Access to health care is not equal. We know that far too many people have their health concerns dismissed as a result of their identity or background. As leaders in our sector, we have a duty to stand up to hate, we have a duty to stand for equality and we have a duty to say trans rights are human rights.

Caron Louise Bradshaw, CEO Charity Finance Group. Leanne Betasamosake Simpson, a scholar, writer and artist, said that “strong com¬mu¬ni¬ties are born out of indi¬vid¬u¬als being their best selves.” It is the same for workplaces – the right to live, to work, to be respected and safeguarded as individuals should be non-negotiable in our workplaces. It is at CFG, and we are the stronger for it.

Anna Jay, Public Leaders Appointments. Trans and non-binary people should be able to live, work and access services without facing discrimination. We need to make workplaces safer for everyone.

Grant Taylor, CEO Peridot Partners. Inclusion is key to a productive and thriving society. The charity sector cannot be truly inclusive while members of our society are marginalised and feel unsafe. I #StandWithTrans as a commitment to welcome and celebrate differences so that everybody can fulfil their potential for themselves and for the betterment of our society.

Amelia Lee, Charity People. Trans rights are important as a stand-alone issue, but also as a signifier of our attitudes to all other human rights – equity, equality, diversity and kindness for all, always.

Tim Spoor, CEO AKT. 36% of the young people experiencing or at risk of homelessness who come to akt for support idenitfy as trans. Our work shows how transphobia experienced by young people has a disproportionate impact on their wellbeing, lifechances and the level of discrimination they face when experiencing homelessness. Therefore we believe protecting trans people’s rights shoud be everyone’s priority both within and outside our community – apathy is not an option.

Simon Blake, CEO Mental Health First Aid England. All LGBTQIA+ people should be able to live their lives and be themselves at work without fear of prejudice or discrimination. We must eradicate the disparities in mental health outcomes that trans people experience. I stand in solidarity with trans and non-binary people today and every day.

Julie Bentley. CEO Samaritans. I want Samaritans to be a safe place for all people to work, volunteer and seek help, including trans people. We still have work to do but as part of our ongoing commitment to inclusion we are working with our diversity network group for LGBTQIA+ volunteers to ensure we achieve this.

Ben Clarkson. People are their best selves when they’re their true selves. An inclusive and welcoming charity sector is something I feel passionately about, and I would always want my trans and non-binary colleagues across the sector to feel safe and welcome, and able to be their true selves.

Malcolm John, Founder Action for Trustee Racial Diversity. I believe that society is hugely diminished if we decide not to take a stand against exclusion, discrimination and under-representation.

Mark Santos, Exec Director, Positive East. To stand in solidarity and to support the Trans community.

Bernice Rook, Director, Eastside People. I’ve seen some hateful attitude towards trans and non binary people and thoroughly support this campaign to unite in standing against it.

Karen Chapman, CEO Sussex Emmaus. Because the trans and non-binary community is part of our community and are valued equally.

Marie Graham, Director The Wellness Project CIC. I have been deeply alarmed at the increasing amount of misinformation and fear mongering about trans people, especially trans women. Which is resulting in such hostility toward what is already a vulnerable group of people.

Ally Fogg, Co Founder, Men and Boys Coalition. It’s more important than ever that we all stand together against those who would divide us.

Katie Vincent, CEO, Allsorts Youth Project. Allsorts #StandWithTrans young people, their families, staff and the wider trans communities.

Fiona Ashcroft. As a CEO of a charity I believe the sector should be a safe and inclusive space for our trans and non-binary colleagues to thrive and that everyone should be able to live, work and access services without facing discrimination of any kind.

Rob Wilson, Angels of Freedom Leeds. I’m signing to support the campaigns clear message that trans rights are human rights & we stand as a united community.

Someone Cares. Everyone has the right to live their life as their genuine self and in peace.

Emma Pears. Because I have a duty to protect trans kids.

Kristina Kopic, Head of Charity at ICAEW. I’m supporting #StandWithTrans because it is right, and because we owe it to our trans colleagues and friends to speak up in support.

Pride in Leadership. We stand with all trans and non binary leaders and aspiring leaders across all sectors, shapes and size of organisation.

Phil Ayling. Seeing first hand the impact the rising Transphobia and rhetoric is having on our Trans siblings I refuse to remain silent and fully support our beautiful Trans family. We have forgotten that we are diverse community and it is imperative we rise up and support everyone effected by such awful backtracking and discrimination.

Jo Ward. As a sign of solidarity to the trans community and as part of a commitment to them and to myself to be an active ally. This applies to helping ensure their identities are protected and valued within UK policy through the expansion of Conversion Therapy Ban but also more informally in social settings, ensuring all identities feel comfortable and welcomed.

Nick Billingham, MD, Charity People.

Mark Fletcher, CEO, Manchester Pride. Hate crimes and trans rights are the top issues our communities here in Greater Manchester have asked Manchester Pride to tackle. There is strength in numbers and by uniting with other charity leaders through this campaign we demonstrate that compassion and kindness will overcome hate. Manchester Pride will never stop celebrating trans joy and platforming our further marginalised communities as we see first hand that when people are able to bring their whole selves to work they thrive.

Mark Rowland, CEO, Mental Health Foundation. Eradicate fear and discrimination.

Kit Stoner, CEO, Bat Conservation Trust. Because I believe that our sector (and indeed all sectors) should be inclusive: everyone should feel welcome and be free from discrimination.

Billie Lewis, Centre Manager, The Ledward Centre.

Ged Flynn, CEO, PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide. PAPYRUS is passionately, committed to equality, diversity, and inclusion in its mission to prevent young suicide. Suicide remains the biggest killer of young people in the UK. Many trans, people experience suicide ideation and many engage in suicide behaviours. It doesn’t have to be like this. We can work together to change this landscape.

I fully support and endorse the #standwithtrans campaign. PAPYRUS wants young lives to be long lives. Whatever our identity, we all have a right to life. We all have gifts. If we use these and learn from each other in doing so, we can help to save young lives.

Dr Lucy Martin. Because to be silent is to leave a space filled with anti-trans hate – and much of the women’s sector hasn’t offered the allyship the LGBTQ+ deserves.

John Lepp, Agents of Good. For my son and the world he deserves to live in. One full of love and opportunity. Not hate and oppression.

Emily Casson. Because a campaign like this is more important than ever, everyone deserves to be safe.

Craig Harris, Chair, We are Survivors. Because we stand with out trans, non binary and gender diverse community fighting for what’s right, their rights and equality and equity and to be treated as a human like everyone else.

Jay Breslaw, CEO Survivors’ Network. As charity leaders we need to offer support to everyone, starting with those with the greatest barriers. This is a moment in history and we must not blink nor look away.

Jamie Lee Dennis, Mandem Meetup. Destroying the stigma around men’s mental health by acknowledging the detrimental effect of patriarchy and gender norms is our goal at Mandem Meetup. We want to create a society where people can show up as their true selves without wearing a mask or pretending to be someone they’re not. At Mandem Meetup we believe that anyone who is a man or identifies as a man should feel welcome in our community. Big up all of the Trans Community! You have our support. Come as you are, you’re welcome here.

Andy Bell, CEO, Centre for Mental Health

Aseia Rafique. Everyone has the right to live free from discrimination and oppression.

Sara Winteridge. Centre Manager, Fordingbridge Carer Hub. To support non binary people and reduce barriers to inclusion.

David Weston, Co CEO, Teacher Development Trust. As a proud LGBT+ charity leader, this is an important cause to me.

Karen Watson, Volunteer Centre Newcastle. I am from the LGBTQIA+ community and am shamed when i hear the transphobia from within.

Sarah Brightwell, Director of Impact & Inclusion, Solent Mind. As a mental health organisation, we are all too aware of the huge impact of transphobia and hate on individual’s and the LGBTQ+ community’s health and wellbeing. And as a parent of a non-binary young person, I also have a very personal reason to support this campaign. I believe it is our responsibility to stand by our trans and nonbinary staff, volunteers, service users and wider communities and make clear that we will not tolerate prejudice and discrimination and will challenge it wherever we see it. I am proud to #StandWithTrans and support inclusion in our services and beyond.

Stewart O’Callaghan, Founder & CEO, OUTpatients (formerly Live Through This).

Kate Barker, CEO, Root Media. We are partners who happen to run a small media agency that has spent the past 20 years helping charities to fundraise and to lobby. We also happen to have a daughter who is transgender. There is no question that we unstintingly support your stated aims. There is too much fear on all sides. My daughter must live with daily fear for her safety and progress towards change is hampered by fear and ignorance. There is a need to educate and there is a need for minds to be open to learning.

Rhidian Hughes, CEO, Voluntary Organisations Disability Group (VODG). At the Voluntary Organisations Disability Group (VODG) our vision is for an ambitious, trusted and vibrant voluntary sector that works together to enable all disabled people to live the lives they choose. As an employer and membership body we #StandWithTrans. We stand to actively address the impacts of intersectionality on individuals and communities, especially as they relate to disability.

Louise Parkes, CEO, GOSH Charity. Because I believe in equity for all.

Mike Podmore, Director, STOPAIDS. I am signing as the Director of STOPAIDS because we are advocates for Trans rights and inclusion around the world and strongly believe in ensuring and supporting safe spaces and experiences for Trans people to work and volunteer in the international development NGO sector.

Jen Beardsley, Interim CEO, National Survivor User Network. The charity sector must stand against injustice and oppression. The current climate of widespread and violent transphobia in the UK means that people are unable to live with a sense of emotional and physical safety. Vocal, explicit, and public opposition to transphobia from the charity sector is the bare minimum. In solidarity.

Philippa Mariani, CEO, Think Ahead. Proud trans ally and advocate that everyone should be able to live fulfilling lives, being themselves without fear of discrimination or hate. And the mental health of LGBTQ+ people matters. Standing with trans and non-binary people in support and allyship.

Drew Dalton, CEO, Report OUT. The Third Sector should be a place of inclusion and not division. ReportOUT stand with transgender, non-binary, and gender non-confirming people and communities, in the UK and globally. We support this pledge 100% and stand with our community against the hate.

Clothilde Redfern, CEO, Rory Peck Trust. Only when everyone is free to be themselves, will we reap the benefits of a society where everyone can fully contribute. From a professional perspective, I know diversity in the newsroom can shape media coverage and fight the ignorance that drives prejudice.

Sian Davies-Hamilton, WDC, Whale and Dolphin Conservation.

Lou Englefield, CEO, Pride Sports. Sport is for everyone. Trans and non-binary people belong in sport and this is something Pride Sports will continue to fight for every day.

Paul Roberts OBE, CEO LGBT Consortium. Now more than ever, we need to stand side by side with our trans and non-binary friends, colleagues, family and communities. We are in a dark period where rights are under attack but history shows that by standing strong together we can prevail—but only if we are good and active allies together. I am proud to show my support for this campaign and be the ally I need to be each and every day.

Beki Osborne, CEO, Sexual Assault and Abuse Support Service Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes. We stand alongside our trans and non-binary service users, staff and volunteers.

Tony Ereira, Director, Come Play With Me. Trans rights are human rights.

Kylie Havelock, Director of Product & Platforms, National Citizens Advice. I’m a passionate ally of the trans and nonbinary community and I’m committed to advocating for their rights. As one of the most marginalised groups in society, and especially in the current climate I believe that now more than ever it’s important for leaders to show their commitment to fighting for rights of trans, nonbinary, and gender diverse people.

Vici Richardson, CEO, Disability North. To show support for the Trans, non binary and gender diverse community.

Helen Marshall, CEO, Brook Young People. We all have a responsibility to challenge discrimination, and to create & champion safe trans inclusive workplaces and services for our staff and service users.

Philip Bramson, CEO, The Advonet Group. As part of our commitment to inclusion, we stand with transgender and non-binary people who are facing discrimination when trying to access services and get their voices heard. Our advocacy service is there for anyone in Leeds who needs help to be heard, irrespective of background or identity.

Wen (Women’s Environmental Network)

People’s Powerhouse. As an organisation we seek to be as inclusive of all those citizens who live in the North.

Joanne Lockwood, Director, SEE Change Happen. As an owner of a queer led EDI consultancy, I am proud to be visible and stand up against hate.

Alison Reynolds. Reynolds HR&OD. Because I am concerned that society is becoming less tolerant and that is not the world I want my children to live in.

Florence Schechter, Director, The Vagina Museum.

Cazz Ward, Founder, Aegis Digital Ltd. The anti-gender and anti-trans movement threatens all of our rights and profilerates hate and division between us. We should not be divided. We need to stand together and support each other against those those that are targetting gender non-conforming people, cis or trans. We #StandWithTrans

Jess O’Thomson, Founder, Trans Safety Network. Trans Safety Network is dedicated to countering organised anti-trans harm. We believe it is vital that those in the charity and broader NGO sphere stand together against the continued attacks on the trans community. Trans people need our allies to speak out, to centre the needs of the most marginalised in our community, and to stand with us in the face of growing hatred.

Claudia Baldacchino, People Know How. We believe the third sector should be open to everyone, and we want all our staff, services users, VIPs (volunteers, interns and placement students) and trustees to feel safe, supported and welcome in our organisation.

Leila Zadeh, Exec Director, Rainbow Migration.

Kath Dalmeny, CEO, Sustain: The alliance for better food and farming. Anti-trans rhetoric is horrible and creates pain and division. We raise our hands, voices and hearts in support of people facing discrimination.

Kim Kirby. I believe that all have the right to express themselves in a way that makes them feel comfortable and this should be respected in schools and the workplace.

Ewan Hilton, CEO, Platfform – for mental health and social change. Good mental health requires safety, connection to others, and the freedom to live an authentic life; to be who you are. Any organisation that aspires to mental wellbeing *for all* must stand with any group that is being denied these things on the basis of their identity or beliefs. Wellbeing for all includes everyone.

Rachel Koivunen, CEO, People in Action (Yorkshire). Because we are a community and we stand proud with all members of our community. We #StandWithTrans to signify our allyship and commitment to fair treatment and equality.

Tree Hall, CEO, Charity IT Leaders. Because no-one should have to live their life in fear, hiding their authentic self, and risking physical and emotional harm. Trans lives matter, and until we ensure that all vulnerable and marginalised communities are safe and supported, we cannot say that all lives matter.

Rupert Abbott, Executive Director, GiveOut. Our sector must lead by example and be welcoming and inclusive for everyone, especially the most marginalised. Trans people are facing a barrage of hate and need our support and solidarity. I am very proud to support this campaign and always #StandwithTrans.

Cllr Shirley Proctor. Trans rights are human rights. We are all different, yet all the same, and all must be offered the same rights as each other.

Ashley Stephen, Disabled Survivors Unite. We stand up for ALL survivors. Transphobia is rife within this area of work and it can feel hopeless. Because of this, I want to make sure all fellow trans and non-binary people know that there are still people fighting for our community.

Jody Phelvin, CEO, Andover Mind. This campaign strongly aligns with our values. We are a passionate organisation and are committed to inclusivity and supporting different communities in the best way we can. And likewise, that staff have the confidence to bring their true self to work without fear of judgement.

Fiona Murray, Youel Murray Ltd. All people deserve to be who they are without hate and we are proud to stand with trans.

Kevin Parkinson, CEO, First Steps ED & Talk ED. Because eating disorders and body dysmorphia does not discriminate.

Alan Mercel-Sanca, LGBT+ Network for Change. This matter is of great importance to our organization in not only our vision and values but also in key aspects of our activities that include in Africa.

Gavin Brown, CEO, Trade Sexual Health. Trade is committed to protecting the health and wellbeing of all LGBT people.

Brighton & Hove LGBT Switchboard.

Will Fletcher, The Jo Cox Foundation. Jo Cox MP famously said that “we have more in common than that which divides us”. This is as true for trans and non-binary people as it is for anyone else. We need to use our voice as a sector to say that enough is enough. The harmful othering of trans people needs to stop and we should treat them with the dignity and respect that we all deserve.

Mark Ferry, Group HR Director, Choice Support. Choice Support are proud to support our trans, non-binary and gender-diverse colleagues, volunteers, and people who use our services. We want the people that we support and those who work for us to feel safe and that they belong, regardless of their background or gender identity.

Dr Paul Martin OBE, CEO, LGBT Foundation. Because trans rights are human rights.

Leigh Marrs, Head of Learning and OD, St Oswald’s Hospice. I’m signing because St Oswald’s Hospice is a safe place for everyone. Whether you work for us, volunteer for us are cared for by us or support us, you are welcome and you don’t have to hide who you are.

Theresa Dewa, Edinburgh Horror Festival. As a theatre festival, our goal is to provide a platform for everyone to feel safe and welcome in bringing a show to our festival. Our festival wouldn’t be the same without our LGBT+ theatre makers.

Victoria Clare, CEO, Ovacome. We know from members of our community that trans people face barriers to accessing diagnosis, treatment and support. As a charity we exist to support EVERYONE affected by ovarian cancer. We are proud to #StandWithTrans and support this campaign, we will continue to work to address health inequalities and to promote voices and lived experience of trans people and we believe that our community becomes stronger through greater diversity. We commit to making our workplace and our sector a friendly, inclusive and diverse place to work.

Rachel Grocott, CEO, Bloody Good Period. We want everyone to be able to live a life that is authentic and joyful – there should be no place in our world for hate, fearmongering or persecution. We stand in bloody solidarity with the trans and non-binary community, now and always.

Sarah Maguire, CEO, Choice Support.

Charlotte Davies, CEO, Swansea MAD. Swansea MAD stands in love and solidarity with trans and non-binary people, today and always.

John Frost, Lloyds Bank Foundation. As a cis white gay man I recognise that I enjoy a certain level of privilege that many in the LGBTQ+ community do not, and I feel I have a responsibility to speak out for and stand with trans and non-binary people whose voices are ignored and whose rights are under attack.

Rachael Swann, CEO, Grassroots Suicide Prevention. At Grassroots Suicide Prevention, we are fully committed to upholding trans rights and stand firmly in support of our trans, non-binary, and gender diverse communities. We know that suicidal ideation, suicidal behaviours, and self-injury are all significantly higher among trans individuals. This sobering reality reinforces our dedication to combatting dangerous stigma, empowering gender-diverse communities, and giving life-saving skills to those who support trans people. We fully endorse the #StandWithTrans campaign as we believe in a world where everybody can live without fear of discrimination, and where the mental well-being of trans and non-binary individuals is firmly safeguarded. Love, acceptance, and empathy will triumph over prejudice.

Fran Borg-Wheeler, Founding Director, Heart-Centred Leaders. Because it’s the right thing to do and this of us in positions of privilege need to do what we can to support those who aren’t and who are being systematically victimised.

Robert Shanahan, CEO, Aspen Charities. I want everyone to know that we stand together as one, providing a safe place for everyone to be able to express who they are without the fear of discrimination.

Rosie Strachan

Tania Cohen MBE, CEO, 360Giving. Trans rights are human rights. We all need to stand against hate, oppression and discrimination.

Paul Parker, Quakers in Britain. In 2021, at our Yearly Meeting, Quakers made the following statement of commitment: “With glad hearts we acknowledge and affirm the trans and gender diverse Friends in our Quaker communities, and express appreciation for the contribution and gifts that they bring to our meetings, which are communities made up of people with a diverse range of gender expressions”.

Vicki Beere, CEO, Project6. Project 6 believes in social justice and the right for everyone to be valued and belong. This campaign has never been more needed. Trans rights are human rights.

Steph Edusei, CEO, St Oswald’s Hospice. I am happy to sign this pledge, to show support for those who are marginalised and to ensure they feel safe to be their authentic selves. At St Oswald’s Hospice, we aim to be an organisation of people who are led by our values – values such as being safe and supportive, caring and compassionate, and accountable and authentic. We aim to be a place where everyone feels welcome whoever they are, whether they are cared for by us, employed by us, volunteer for us or support us in any way.

Natalie Haskell, CEO, Coppafeel! We know how important it is to openly stand in solidarity with the trans and non-binary community and show that we will not tolerate hate. It is the right thing to do, and it is important that our work is inclusive and reflective of people of all genders.

Tony Armstrong, CEO, Locality. Everybody should be able to live their lives free from discrimination, prejudice and hate. I fully endorse this pledge and will continue to work to make this a reality.

Dominic Davies, Pink Therapy. Trans people are valid and deserve all the support we can provide.

Adam Crampsie, CEO, Everyturn Mental Health. I’m signing because trans rights are human rights and we must protect those at all costs.

Andrew Evans, CEO, METRO Charity. From our inception in 1984, METRO have always taken a holistic approach to lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans health and wellbeing. Our ability to create supportive environments for LGBTQ+ people depends not only on our strengths as an organisation, but also on our capacity to build alliances and partnerships that empower all people who confront discrimination because of their disability, sexuality, gender, identity or HIV status.

Migrants’ Rights Network. We are very concerned about the demonisation impacting trans+ people. We know from our work that trans+ migrants face unique barriers in the UK immigration system. Solidarity is unconditional and we must stand with all marginalised communities in their fights for rights and justice.

Kris Black, Founder, Radical Dialogues. Because we all need to take a firm position against hate speech and hate, because not signing sends a message that we are complicit with attempts at trans erasure. Hate flourishes when it goes unchallenged, and because standing up and speaking out is the right thing to do. Trans Rights are Human Rights.

Kevin Piper. I welcome this pledge. I stand with my Trans and non-binary friends with my heart full of love.

Sarah Vibert, CEO, NCVO. At NCVO, we believe the voluntary sector should be a safe and welcoming place for everyone – including trans people – whether that’s through working or volunteering for organisations, or through accessing services that provide them with crucial help and support. Celebrating, embracing and advocating for diversity can only help grow and develop our society, and by seeking to learn and better understand each other we can help everyone find the belonging they deserve. Many charities are doing considered and important work in support of trans-inclusion but are also being heavily criticised when they publicly demonstrate trans allyship. NCVO is proud to be a trans inclusive organisation and employer, and we believe we can play an important role in facilitating learning and sharing on trans-inclusion across the voluntary sector, alongside our partners in the LGTBQ+ subsector.

Antonia Belcher OBE. The Antonia & Andrea Belcher Trans Fund at GiveOut. We work to support Trans communities around the world, particularly where it is hardest to be your Trans authentic self.

Emma Eager, Director & Co-Founder, The Autism Wellbeing Project CIC. We aim to be a safe space for everyone!

Kate Ferguson & Andy Fearn, Co-Executive Directors, Protection Approaches. We stand fully and unequivocally with trans, non-binary and gender-diverse communities. We are an organisation committed to preventing identity-based violence and are deeply concerned by the rising levels of discrimination, dehumanisation and violence against trans, non-binary and gender-diverse communities here in the UK and in many parts of the world. We are committed to advancing trans, non-binary and gender-diverse communities’ rights in the UK, internationally and in our own our sector. From our broader work on the prevention of identity-based violence, we also know that the targeting of one group often foreshadows the targeting of others; the targeting of one community does not happen in isolation and is often a warning sign of more widespread xenophobia, discrimination and violence against others. With this in mind, we are committed to tackling the rise of hate and prejudice in an intersectional and inclusive manner that endeavours not to leave anyone behind; we believe that standing firmly with trans, non-binary and gender-diverse communities is a cornerstone of building safer societies for all. We #StandWithTrans because we believe that trans, non-binary, and gender-diverse communities deserve not only to live safely and with unconditional acceptance, but they also deserve to thrive and live full and joyful lives free from hate, prejudice and discrimination.

Peter Beeby, CEO, Prospectus Ltd. At Prospectus we stand as allies to our trans colleagues, clients, and candidates and sign this pledge to ensure the sectors we serve are safe and inclusive spaces for the trans community.

Stephanie Fuller, CEO, Switchboard LGBT+ Helpline. Because it’s very important that the not for profit sector understands how to support, include and create welcoming spaces for trans people. Something I cannot honestly say that I have felt to be the case.

Rich Collins, Creative Director, Sortified CIC. Sortified believe that communities should be safe an inclusive places for everyone and that community sector leaders are vital in making our places welcoming an supportive for everyone. As allies we know this isn’t always the case for trans and non-binary people, and we stand together to make things better.

WheelieQueer. At a time where there is a surge of Anti-Trans views and rhetoric, we are signing this pledge to defend the rights and support trans and non-binary folk.

Binni Brynolf

Jess Eastoe, Pride in Leigh

Gary Waltham, CEO, The Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare. Everyone should have access to high-quality sexual & reproductive healthcare. I am signing this pledge on behalf of our members who provide high quality care for all users of sexual & reproductive healthcare services inclusive of trans and non-binary patients and will continue to do so.

Miriam Turner, Co-Executive Director, Friends of the Earth England, Wales & Northern Ireland. Campaigning for a greener and fairer world means standing in solidarity with trans, non-binary and gender-diverse people — which includes our friends, families, colleagues, supporters, and the community groups we work with. It also means ensuring our workplace and the sector is a safe and inclusive one.

Michael Sanders. Because trans rights are human rights and charities have a responsibility to safeguard those rights.

Choice Support. Choice Support are proud to support our trans, non-binary and gender-diverse colleagues, volunteers, and people who use our services. We want the people that we support and those who work for us to feel safe and that they belong, regardless of their background or gender identity.

Tyneside and Northumberland Mind. We support all people. No matter who you are. We are actively trans and non-binary inclusive.

Rebs Curtis-Moss. Because I stand in solidarity with ALL members of the LGBTQIA+ community. No LGB without the T.

Scott Eastwood, Pride in Luton. Because humans are humans. Trans rights are human rights.

Lauren Tobias, CEO, Volunteer Centre Hackney. It’s unacceptable that there has been a surge in hate crimes against trans, non-binary, and gender diverse communities. The charity sector – like the rest of society – should be a safe space where people of all genders are embraced and celebrated. We #StandWithTrans, today and always.

Jenni Regan, CEO, IMIX. The charity sector should be, and must remain, a safe place for all trans and non-binary people. As civil society leaders we need to show absolute commitment to supporting the rights of these communities. We can’t as a sector stay silent when trans and non-binary people are attacked and marginalised in culture wars.

Nottingham Women’s Centre. We’re proud to be a trans-inclusive women’s organisation. Our Board of Trustees agreed our trans-inclusion policy on 1st June 1998, although trans women were positively accessing the Centre for many years before that date.

Rape Crisis Tyneside and Northumberland

Nicole Winward. I am the specialist LGBTQ+ Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA) for my organisation. I provide support to survivors of sexual abuse throughout the criminal justice system. Whilst I provide support to all survivors, I have specialist skills and knowledge to support survivors from the LGBTQ+ community. As someone who identifies as queer and who doesn’t quite sit within the label of “cis”, this is a cause that is very near to my heart. It is important to me personally and as part of the LGBTQ+ community, but also as a professional working with trans & non-binary people. People are people, and all deserve respect & equality; it really is as simple as that.

Jess Willsher, CEO, Oxfordshire Mind. At Oxfordshire Mind, we’ll never give up until everyone gets great support for their mental health and wellbeing and is treated with respect. We’ll never stop working to be a safe organisation for trans folk who access our services, share their stories and wisdom with us, and work with us as staff and volunteers. The wellbeing of trans folk matters to us today and always. In signing this pledge, we are demonstrating our lasting commitment to trans folk, and promising to continue to learn and grow to become a truly trans-inclusive organisation.

Nic Shoults, GFS. Anti-trans rhetoric is on the rise generally and I want to be a part of the response to make the world safe for all of the trans community.

Kimberley Ward, CEO, Lothian Community Transport Services. We, as an organisation, believe in the right for the workplace to be a safe space for all trans and non-binary people to work.

Charlotte Hunt

Emma Pears, CEO SELFA Children’s Charity. I’m signing the pledge because at SELFA everyone is welcome and free to be who they want to be.

Matthew Reed, CEO, Marie Curie. As an ally, I am expressing my support and commitment that trans and non-binary people should be able to live, work and access services without facing discrimination.

Dr Sarah Hughes, CEO, Mind. Mind exists to provide advice and support to everyone experiencing a mental health problem. We know that people in the LGBTQIA+ community are more likely to experience a mental health problem than the wider population. That’s why I am fully committed to making Mind a safe place for all trans, non-binary and gender diverse people to work, volunteer or seek support. All people deserve to live in a safe world, free from discrimination and with equal access to high quality mental health support.

Jacob Lant, CEO, National Voices. I am signing up to this campaign on behalf of National Voices, a coalition charities working to promote the value of lived experience and coproduction in tackling health inequalities. By signing we are signalling our ongoing support for creating safe spaces to talk about equality for trans and non-binary people in health and social care.

Emma Turner, CEO, Mind in Croydon. Mind in Croydon supports this campaign, and we are reviewing our practices by listening to our staff and volunteer team and working closely with our Lived Experience Panel to ensure that we actively support our trans colleagues, volunteers, supporters, and service users.

Communities 1st. The Trustees and Management Team of Communities 1st acknowledge that the charity sector must be a leader in societal change and commit to creating inclusive environments in our organisation and services. Discrimination, hate, and prejudice have no place in society, and certainly not within the charitable sector where the core ethos is to uplift, empower, and support the most vulnerable among us. We invite fellow charity leaders to join us in this mission to combat discrimination, ensuring the safety and well-being of all trans, non-binary, and gender diverse individuals.

Kate Allen, CEO. The charity/third sector is renowned for being inclusive and accessible for all. It has always been on the forefront of demonstrating this to other sectors and we need to continue to be speaking out, loudly, to ensure that people’s human rights are protected. There is no space for transphobia in our sector. Ategi provides support services to people with additional needs, including mental health, learning disability and to autistic people. We are inclusive to all gender diverse individuals.

Neill Clark, White Ribbon Scotland. As charity sector leaders we need to take action to ensure equity and inclusion in the sector and make it a safe place for all trans and non-binary people.

Dianna Radford, CEO, RSPCA Sheffield. I want us to be a safe, kind and united space and team for all!

Rachael Page, Pause Durham. Because trans people deserve the same rights, respect and acceptance as anyone else and our organisation is committed to promoting this belief.

Jo Hobbs, CEO, British Youth Council. We know from the young people that we serve, that this is an important issue. The british Youth Council has alwaya stood for equity and inclusion and challenged discrimination and bias and we stand with our trans siblings.

Let’s Talk About Loss

Jon Collins, CEO, Prisoners Education Trust. We support this important campaign to ensure that the charity sector is a safe, supportive and welcoming place for all trans people.

Olivia Canham, Director, Community Base. We #StandWithTrans. Nobody should have to feel fear when just trying to live their lives.

Nick Moberly, CEO, MS Society. We sign as a proud ally to our trans and non-binary community. We stand against hate today and every day.

Richard Davidson, CEO, Sarcoma UK. Trans rights are human rights and should be protected.

Professor Sally Hines.

Emma Crawshaw, CEO, Crew 2000 Scotland. Because trans and non-binary people are showing us the way, and we cannot ever give in to hatred.

Jess Sumner, CEO, Community Works. We work closely with the voluntary and community sector and seek to be an inclusive organisation for our communities. We strive to offer safe spaces free from hate.

Helen Bedser, Trustee, The Nightline Association. As a trustee of the Nightline Association, an organisation that supports student mental health, I am committed to ensuring the support and services we provide are ones that actively include and respect the identities of our trans and non-binary volunteers, staff and service users.

Sonja Graham, CEO, Global Action Plan. Because as charities, we should be valuing all people for their contribution to our missions – their passion, their perspectives, their energy and efforts to change to world. Diversity brings strength to the causes we all care about.

Martin Smith, Trustee, The Nightline Association. As an organisation that supports student mental health, we are committed to provide support and services for every member of the student communities we serve, actively including and respecting the identities of our trans and non-binary volunteers, staff and service users.

Graham Howell, Chair, Pardshaw Quaker Centre CIO. We consider that Pardshaw Quaker Centre should be a welcoming and friendly place for all, including those that identify as Trans. We are pleased to follow the lead of Britain yearly Meeting (Quakers) and stand with our Trans friends.

Join our webinar

Join our #StandWithTrans webinar ‘Trans and non-binary voices’ in September to find out more about the campaign and hear from some of our trans and non-binary friends.

How to participate

Download our Participation Pack and social media graphics below to find out how to engage further in the campaign and let your followers on social media know that you support Stand With Trans. We’ve also put together a guide about staying safe online while supporting the campaign.

Follow us on Twitter and tag us in any of your #StandWithTrans posts at @StraightCharity.